Mask requirements in schools to be relaxed

Students can now take off their masks during breaks in schoolyards and during intermediate and final exams. However, this only applies if they are able to maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from each other. This was decided by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education. This is the ministry’s response to criticism from schools and parents over the strict obligation to wear masks. However, students and teachers must continue to wear masks in the school building and in class. tun102201 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 20.07.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Who must be quarantined?

People who have had close contact with a coronavirus infected person within the last 14 days must be quarantined. Close contact means that they must have spoken to a person tested positive for the virus for at least 15 minutes. Or the infected person has coughed or sneezed in their direction from a distance of less than 1.5 meters. In both cases, according to information from the Federal Centre for Health Education, there is “a high risk” of being infected. The responsible health authority has ordered quarantine in such cases. For 10 to 14 days, close contact persons of infected… Read More

How to act during quarantine?

Anyone who has been infected with the Corona virus or has had close contact with patients must be quarantined. This was decided by the health board. How should family members behave, so that they do not become infected? The Federal Centre for Health Education says: The person in quarantine should, if possible, stay in a single room that is well ventilated. The Federal Centre recommends that patients or potentially infected persons should wear a mask and wash hands thoroughly with soap for at least 20 seconds before contact with others — other family members should also regularly wash hands. The… Read More

Starting Saturday no alcohol after 11 p.m.

In the district of Tübingen, a cut-off hour all apply starting Saturday, 24th October. This means that restaurants, petrol stations, supermarkets and kiosks will no longer be allowed to serve or sell alcohol from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following morning. “This applies on all days of the week,” the Tübingen District Office stated in a press release. In a directive, the Ministry of Social Affairs of Baden-Württemberg imposed the curfew in all districts in which more than 50 people per 100,000 residents have become newly infected with the coronavirus in the past seven days. In the district of… Read More

Across Baden-Württemberg effective immediately: No more than 10 people may gather privately

In Baden-Württemberg, so many people have now become infected with the coronavirus that the state government has taken measures to protect against further spread. These will apply starting Monday, October 19th. Private meetings are therefore generally limited to a maximum of ten participants throughout Baden-Württemberg. More people may only come together privately if they belong to only two households or are members of one family. This was decided by the state government on October 18th. It is written in the Fifth Regulation amending the Corona Regulation. According to the state’s ordinance, the district of Tübingen overruled its general decree of… Read More

Across Baden-Württemberg effective immediately: Mouth nose protection required

In Baden-Württemberg, so many people are now infected with the coronavirus that the state government has taken measures to protect against further spread. These will apply starting Monday, October 19th. In pedestrian zones, on market squares and wherever the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained, people throughout Baden-Württemberg must now wear a face mask over their mouth and nose. In public institutions, too, masks are now mandatory in places to which the public has access. This was decided by the state government on October 18th. It is written in the Fifth Regulation amending the Corona Regulation. In accordance… Read More

Across Baden-Württemberg effective immediately: Events with more than 100 persons prohibited

In Baden-Württemberg, so many people have now become infected with the corona virus that the state government has taken measures to protect against further spread. These will apply starting Monday, October 19th. According to these measures, a maximum of 100 people will be allowed to participate in events. Private gatherings are not considered to be events, and significantly fewer people can take part in them. This was decided by the state government on October 18th. It is stated in the Fifth Regulation amending the Corona Regulation. According to the state’s ordinance, the district of Tübingen overruled its general decree of… Read More

At all universities in Baden-Württemberg: Masks still required

In Baden-Württemberg, so many people are now infected with the coronavirus that the state government has taken measures to protect against further spread. These will apply starting Monday, October 19th. According to these measures, students and lecturers at universities must now wear a mask over their mouth and nose during lectures and seminars. This also applies when they are sitting at their seats. This was decided by the state government on October 18th. It is written in the Fifth Ordinance on Changes to the Corona Ordinance. This is written in a special Corona Ordinance for study and art. The district… Read More

Learn about coronavirus through short videos

In Germany, more people are now infected with the coronavirus every day, compared to spring. Scientists and politicians assess the situation as very serious. Stricter rules and information should prevent more and more people from becoming infected – especially risk groups such as the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions. Anyone looking for answers to many questions about the coronavirus will find them on the homepage of the Federal Center for Health Education, There, you will find tips for safe behavior in all kinds of situations. The BzgA also has a video series on YouTube: “Corona Wissen kompakt”. The… Read More

New corona-rules: Answers online and on the phone

There are new, stricter rules in place to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Many people are unsure and wonder what they are and are not allowed to do. Answers can be obtained from the hotline of the district administration office on Saturday, October 17th and Sunday, October 18th. The hotline can be reached on both days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. by calling 07071 / 207-3600. Detailed explanations can also be found on the homepage of the district of Tübingen: At the end of the first paragraph of the general disposition is a pdf “Antworten auf viele… Read More

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