Large events remain forbidden

Large events are prohibited in Baden-Württemberg until at least August 31st, 2020. The state government listed popular festivals, large sporting events with spectators, large concerts, festivals, wine festivals (in villages, cities, streets), shooting clubs (Schützenfeste) and funfair events as examples of prohibited events. For smaller public or private events/celebrations as well as events without a celebratory character, a relaxation is not yet in sight. This is stated in the seventh ordinance of the state government amending the Corona Ordinance of 2nd May 2020. tun050304 Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Wolfgang Sannwald. Latest information on Corona: Click here

Playgrounds open again, starting May 6th

The state government of Baden-Württemberg lifted the temporary block on the usage of children’s playgrounds, beginning on May 6th. The places had been closed due to the Corona epidemic. “Bolzplätze” remain closed, which are small spaces for playing football or other ball games. This is in the seventh ordinance of the state government amending the Corona Ordinance of May 2, 2020. tun050303 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 04.05.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Use disposable gloves correctly

The following should be observed when wearing disposable gloves: first wash your hands thoroughly, paying attention to the gaps between your fingers and your nails. Then put on the gloves carefully so that there are no cracks or holes. When taking off the gloves, it is important to only touch them at the bottom, not at the fingertips, and then remove them. Disinfect hands again or wash thoroughly. Used gloves belong in the residual waste. When out and about, they should be thrown in a public trash bin. They do not belong on the street. As before, regular and thorough… Read More

Corona: Good for the climate?

Due to the corona crisis, emissions of carbon dioxide will decrease this year. Petteri Taalas, Secretary General of the United Nations’ World Meteorological Organization (WMO), gave the following description in Geneva: “What is happening is good for the environment in the short term, but it will not be enough.” The crisis had an impact on greenhouse gas emissions. “Our estimates assume that CO2 emissions will decrease by six percent this year due to reduced activity in transport, business and energy generation.” He pointed out that while the Corona virus caused a major health and economic crisis, failure to respect climate… Read More

Religious services allowed

In principle, services and other religious gatherings in churches, synagogues, mosques and similar purpose rooms are allowed, starting May 4th. However, people who do not live in a domestic community must maintain a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from each other. The organizers must create a written infection protection plan for each event location. Among other things, they must show how they plan to reduce the risk of infection. For example, that they have all objects and surfaces that are touched disinfected before and after each event. Participants must have the opportunity to disinfect their hands. Body contact and the… Read More

Funerals allowed

Funerals, urn burials and open-air funeral prayers are permitted, starting May 4th, with a maximum of 50 participants. Undertakers and other employees should not be counted here, provided they do not come into direct contact with the mourning community. Wearing a mouth and nose cover is recommended. Wherever possible, a minimum distance of 1.5 meters from person to person must be observed; this does not apply to people who live together in a home. Ritual washing of the dead is also permitted again, provided that it is carried out in the specialized facilities provided for this purpose while observing the… Read More

Relaxation of restrictions for believers and children

“We must not become careless now,” said Winfried Kretschmann, the Minister-President of Baden-Württemberg. The number of people infected with the corona virus cannot be allowed to increase. Therefore, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the heads of the federal states agreed on “a few small steps” (Kretschmann) on Thursday. Services and prayer events are allowed to take place again from the first week of May. Museums, exhibitions, memorials, zoos and botanical gardens might open during the coming week. Children’s playgrounds have been reopened. However, there are requirements to insure nobody gets infected. Dentists are allowed to treat patients as usual. Distance and… Read More

Corona hotline: new timings

From Monday, May 4th, the timings will change for the Corona hotline of the Tübingen district office: The hotline, with the number 07071 207 3600, will from then on be accessible Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Currently, the hotline can still be contacted from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. On Friday, May 1st, the phoneline will not be available, due to the public holiday. This will also be the case on the coming weekend, the 2nd and 3rd of May, and for all subsequent weekends. For further information: tun042701 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der… Read More

Timetable change: More buses again

From Monday, May 4th, regional bus traffic will be switched back to the timetable used on school days. In the wake of the Corona crisis, a reduced bus schedule was introduced in mid-March. All buses on school days are now run to on schedule, although they will only be used to a limited extent. Timetable information is available at in the electronic timetable information. However, different regulations apply for the city traffic in Tübingen. 042901 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 01.05.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Customers can come back to the Tübinger Tafel

Starting from Tuesday, May 5th, the Tübinger Tafel will once again start distributing food from their location at Eisenbahnstraße 57. As always customers with TüTaCards will be served on the day and time window specified by their number – however, unlike before, this will be done through plexiglass panels on the outer doors. The minimum distance must be observed and masks must be worn. New customers can register on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. with their KreisBonusCard and an ID at the Tübinger Tafel. In addition to the Tafel shop, groceries are available in three branches… Read More

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