How Syrians Celebrate Eid al-Fitr

Youssef Kanjou Eid al-Fitr, the Feast at the end of Ramadan, is celebrated as a religious and social ritual that lasts for three days. We prepare everything during Ramadan. This includes baking the various sweets for the celebration, buying clothes, organizing family visits and cleaning as well as decorating the houses. On the day before Eid al-Fitr, mothers work particularly hard when it comes to preparing for the next day and often it includes working through the night and into the morning. The Eid celebration begins with the children and the men going to the mosques shortly after sunrise without… Read More

Naldo charges less for student subscriptions

Families of students, who travel by public transport, can save two monthly installments if they have kept the monthly Naldo student card for May. The May rate will not be debited. The same rule applies to the month of June. Due to the long-standing bonus scheme in the district of Tübingen, schoolchildren who have purchased monthly passes for the whole school year do not have to pay their own share in July, according to the transport association Naldo. For monthly subscriptions 25 (issued by the school) there are no monthly rates for May and June. Schoolchildren with a monthly pass… Read More

Integration Representative promotes women’s project

“Without women, integration cannot be successful”, said Annette Widmann-Mauz in September 2018 at a conference in the Tübingen District Office. The Integration Representative of the Federal Government and Tübingen’s CDU Member of the Parliament already spoke out at that time in favor of supporting refugee women on their way to integration. The Integration Commissioner is supporting a new project by the Tübingen Asylum Centre intended for refugee women. The project “Biography – Identity – Integration” is to receive almost 130,000 euros for this and next year, as Widmann-Mauz announced in April. This project is intended to empower vulnerable women who… Read More

Ticks transmit infectious diseases

Ticks become active in early summer. They are then at a stage in which they suck blood from living things such as animals and humans. They can transmit pathogens during the suction process. The risk of being infected by tick bites is particularly high in Baden-Württemberg. Here up to five percent of all ticks transmit the TBE virus and up to 35 percent the Lyme disease bacterium. That is why the Baden-Württemberg State Health Office is now recommending protective measures to people who are often in their own garden and in nature. Ticks do not fall from trees and cannot… Read More

Careful with gift vouchers

At present, alleged vouchers from retail chains are being circulated on Facebook, Twitter and other social media. It gives the impression that well-known retail companies are giving customers 250 euros for free. Letterhead and company logos give an impression of authenticity. In May 2020 the editorial staff of tünews INTERNATIONAL could not find any confirmation of such tempting promises whatsoever. In earlier years there were similar fake offers whose authors often wanted to acquire Private Data. Who would have so much money to give away? Therefore, the editorial staff of tünews INTERNATIONAL is advising against getting involved in such offers.… Read More

The muezzin calls to prayer through loudspeakers

For the first time, the Rottenburg mosque association will transmit the call to prayer for breaking the fast with a loudspeaker. The call can be heard around the mosque in Bahnhofstrasse. It will be heard at sunset during the fasting month of Ramadan until May 23th (initially around 8:00 p.m., at the end of the fasting period around 9:15 p.m.) and will last around two minutes. The city administration explains the reason for this “special and unique gesture towards the Muslim believers in Rottenburg” to be the exceptional situation caused by the Corona pandemic. Just like all other religious communities… Read More

Children and fasting

“I want to fast like my family until I learn patience,” said Sara, an 11-year-old, in a video from 2017. She also added: “Children can fast gradually, for example, in the first phase from dawn to noon, in the second phase from dawn to afternoon, and in the last phase, from dawn to sunset. This is how children like me can fast successfully.” And on the subject of fasting during school days, Sara said, “When I come back from school, I eat a lot and then I start fasting.” Children do not actually have to fast in Islam. They cannot… Read More

Stepping on agricultural land is forbidden

In Baden-Württemberg, agricultural land may not be stepped on during the period of use. This prohibition applies to fields between the sowing and the harvest. Meadows are protected from the time they grow up until grazing, i.e. between the beginning of March and the end of October. Dogs are not permitted to enter the protected areas during these periods either. This prohibition on entering the meadows is laid down in the Baden-Württemberg Nature Conservation Act of 2015. tun042408 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 25.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Do not leave litter in the open

Anyone who steps into the open countryside in Baden-Württemberg has to pick up and remove their waste and the droppings of their dogs. The regulation is designed, among other things, to protect the crops: Who would want dog excrement in their flour or bread? The ban on leaving waste in the landscape is laid down in the Baden-Württemberg Nature Conservation Act of 2015. tun042409 Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Wolfgang Sannwald. Latest information on Corona: Click here

Online access to books and films in Tübingen

The Tübingen city library is expected to open again on May 6th, according to a press release from the city administration. Until the reopening, books, CDs and films can be ordered online at or from Tuesday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. or over the phone 07071/204 14 03. Readers can pick up their orders from Tuesday to Friday from 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and on Saturdays from 10.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the delivery window. There is a link to a children’s book on the homepage. A different one is read aloud every week.… Read More

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