Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: corona vaccination unproblematic when wishing for children

Women who wish to have children can get vaccinated against the coronavirus. This was explained by pediatrician Ezdehar Zen Aldeen during a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and got vaccinated herself three months ago. During her medical consultations, she hears the worry of the vaccination making people infertile every day. Especially young women from all social groups are anxious about this. Zen Aldeen says that the vaccine has been tested on… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: vaccinating people who live in close proximity early

People who live in close proximity to many others are being vaccinated against the coronavirus especially early, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. When people live in close proximity, they can rapidly infect each other with the virus. The risk of infection is especially high in collective accommodation, all the more if people there share communal kitchens or bathrooms.… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Corona vaccination is effective

The vaccines against the coronavirus are tested and effective. This is also shown by successful vaccinations of millions of people, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen came to Germany four years ago from Syria. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. She especially refers to the fact that the vaccine was tested as thoroughly as any other medication before its admission. Meanwhile millions of people have received the vaccination. For them, the vaccines worked well. Click… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Corona vaccines are important

The vaccines against the coronavirus are a „major bright spot” in the fight against the pandemic, explains paediatrician Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. People who get vaccinated lower their risk of an infection or a severe course of the infection considerably. But the vaccinations are also important for society as a whole, she said. If enough people are… Read More

Doctor prescription: colors and validity

A lot of medication is available in pharmacies, drug stores, or online stores without a prescription. However, some are by prescription-only and are only sold or handed out when showing a prescription. But why do these prescriptions have different colors? And for how long are they valid? tünews INTERATIONAL followed up on these questions. Pink prescription: This means that the health insurance pays for the medication. Normally, the patient pays between 5 to 10 Euros per product. The pink prescription is valid for one month. After that, the patient has to fully pay for the prescribed medication themselves. This prescription… Read More

Ventilate, ventilate, ventilate…

Correct ventilation reduces the risk of being infected by the coronavirus. This is clear through the recommendations of the Federal Environmental Agency for schools and all inside spaces. Aerosols are tiny solid and liquid particles suspended in the air. They are a common path of transmission for the coronavirus. Aerosols spread faster in closed off interiors. Consequently, the Federal Environmental Agency recommends to get as much fresh air into inside spaces as possible – additionally to keeping the minimum required distance and wearing a protection over mouth and nose. For fresh air, a cross ventilation is ideal. A draft through… Read More

Corona is still here

By Birgit Walter-Frank In the last few weeks, we were able to take a deep breath in the health department of the Tübingen administrative district office. However, the number of infections is increasing again. Travelers in particular can bring the virus back with them. It is and will remain important that we all adhere to distance and hygiene rules. Regardless of whether one wants to speak of a beginning “second wave” or not: the virus is here. In the health department, the focus of our work is “contact person management”, which means that we determine the contacts of people who… Read More

Donate life after death

In Germany, around 9.400 patients are waiting for an organ or tissue. A donated organ can make the difference between life and death for them. Anyone who would like to donate their organs (for example heart, lungs, kidneys) or tissue (skin, heart valves, cartilage) after their death should obtain an organ donor ID. The ID should always be carried with you. It contains personal data and the consent to organ donation after death. People aged 16 and over can donate their organs. If you change your mind and no longer wish to donate, simply throw away the donor card. They… Read More

Covid-19 test station reopened

Many travelers bring back unwanted souvenirs from their vacation: The Corona Virus. Consequently, the test station at the Tübinger Festplatz has been opened again, as the administrative district office of Tübingen informs. There, travelers who return from their stay abroad, can get tested for free. Before going to the test station, regardless if one is showing symptoms or not, one should call their general practitioner. If they send the returners to the test station, it is important to bring one’s health insurance card. The test station is open Monday through Saturday, between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. In the morning,… Read More

Mandatory Covid-19 test for people returning from risk areas

There is a high risk of infection with the coronavirus in many countries. To stop the spreading of the virus, the German Federal Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, has ordered a mandatory test for all people returning from high risk areas. Everyone returning from their vacation who does not have a negative test result from shortly before departure, can get tested free of charge for three days after their return. In Baden-Württemberg, it is possible to get tested in the test centre located at the three airports Stuttgart, Friedrichshafen and Baden-Airpark, or at Stuttgart Central Station. If one prefers to… Read More

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