Poor despite having a full-time job: racism increases the risk of poverty

People who are more at risk of racism because they are perceived as black, Asian or Muslim are also at a higher risk of poverty. This is according to the new short report of the National Discrimination and Racism Monitor (NaDiRa), in which this connection was analysed for the first time. Data from 21,000 people was collected as part of a representative survey. While the risk of impoverishment is 9% for non-racist men and 10% for women, this applies to 26% of black men and women, 30% and 26% of Asian men and women and 41% and 38% of Muslim… Read More

Tagesschau news in simple language

The Tagesschau has launched the program “Tagesschau in simple language”. The program is the first daily news program of its kind on television in Germany. It presents current news in simple language, i.e. in short sentences without difficult words. The reports are aimed at around 17 million people in Germany who have difficulty understanding complicated texts. The program, which is only a few minutes long, includes news items that are broadcast daily from Monday to Friday at 7 p.m. on tagesschau24 and can also be found in the ARD media library, in the Tagesschau app and on YouTube. https://www.tagesschau.de/multimedia/sendung/tagesschau_in_einfacher_sprache The… Read More

European Court of Justice: No automatic refugee status in Germany for refugees recognized in Greece

Germany does not have to automatically recognize people seeking protection as refugees, even if they have already been granted refugee status in another EU country. This was recently decided by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg, as announced in a press release. The decision concerned the case of a Syrian woman who had been recognized as a refugee in Greece and then also applied for asylum in Germany. A German court ruled that she could not return to Greece because she was threatened with inhuman or degrading treatment there. However, the German authorities did not recognize her as… Read More

European Court of Justice: No automatic refugee status in Germany for refugees recognized in Greece

Germany does not have to automatically recognize people seeking protection as refugees, even if they have already been granted refugee status in another EU country. This was recently decided by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in Luxembourg, as announced in a press release. The decision concerned the case of a Syrian woman who had been recognized as a refugee in Greece and then also applied for asylum in Germany. A German court ruled that she could not return to Greece because she was threatened with inhuman or degrading treatment there. However, the German authorities did not recognize her as… Read More

Health risk from hantaviruses

In spring, many people clean their homes thoroughly and work in the garden. But they should be careful, especially from April to September. This is because the district of Tübingen is also a risk area for hantaviruses. The pathogens can cause serious illnesses. Hantaviruses can be found in enclosed spaces where mice may be present, such as sheds, garages, cellars or attics, but also in the garden. Hantaviruses are excreted by bank voles via urine and faeces. Infections can occur when dust is inhaled or food contaminated with the viruses is eaten. However, the viruses are not transmitted from person… Read More

Works council: support in the workplace

Works councils are there to represent the interests of the workforce in a company. The committee has a say in many decisions in the company—for example, overtime regulations. In companies with more than five employees, employees can elect a works council. This has been regulated in the Works Constitution Act since 1952. Elections are held every four years. However, there is no obligation to set up a works council. Further information is available from the German Trade Union Confederation DGB: https://www.dgb.de/betriebsrat Works councils monitor whether laws and regulations are complied with in a company—for example, accident protection or collectively agreed… Read More

ECJ: Possible new refugee protection for women as a “social group”

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has made a decision that opens up a new possibility for refugee women (including minors) to be recognized internationally as refugees. This applies if the women identify with the “fundamental value of equality between women and men”, but this fundamental value is not recognized in their country of origin as it is in their country of refuge. They may therefore be considered to belong to a “particular social group” in their country of origin, which may be persecuted. This could then lead to refugee status. The ECJ announced this decision in a press release… Read More

Two quick ways to get a passport

The vacation season begins. Anyone applying for a passport now needs to be patient. It is currently taking up to eight weeks instead of around two weeks for the Bundesdruckerei to deliver the documents to the cities and municipalities. This is according to a spokesperson for the German Association of Cities. Anyone who urgently needs a passport for a long-distance trip can apply for it using the express procedure. Production normally takes three working days. The express procedure costs an extra 32 euros plus the cost of a passport. People over the age of 24 pay 70 euros. This passport… Read More

Discrimination endangers democracy

More and more people are turning to the Federal Anti-Discrimination Agency to report discrimination. In 2023, there were 10,772 people affected—22 percent more than in the previous year. Most of the inquiries, around 3,400, concerned racial discrimination. This accounted for 41 percent of all inquiries to the advice team (2022: 43 percent). The experts at the Anti-Discrimination Office can provide information on legal options, among other things. “Foreigners out” sentiment and contempt for humanity have “become normal”: So said Ferda Ataman, at the presentation of the annual report in Berlin. Ataman is the independent federal commissioner for anti-discrimination. She warned… Read More

More foreign qualifications recognized

More and more foreign professional qualifications are being recognized in Germany. This is according to an analysis by Mediendienst Integration. In 2022, a total of 54,300 applications were approved in full or in part—eleven percent more than in the previous year. The majority of recognitions were for documents from EU countries (11,800), followed by other European countries (10,900). The number of recognized qualifications from Syria (3,100) ranks behind Turkey (3,600). According to Mediendienst Integration, the number of applications almost doubled between 2019 and 2022. The data was collected by the Federal Statistical Office. Three out of four applications come from… Read More

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