Face masks in comparison

It is unclear, when the corona situation will go back to normal again. Consequently, face masks should continue to be worn for the safety of everyone. tünews informs here about the different types and the performance characteristics of face masks. FFP-masks (Filtering Face Pieces) These masks fit tightly and reliably protect the wearer from viruses. These protective masks filter even the smallest particles and aerosols out of the air. It is available in different versions. Masks with an exhalation valve offer a higher wearing-comfort. However, they only filter the inhaled air and don’t protect other people. Protective masks without the… Read More

Rottenburger Tafel is closed until February

The Rottenburger Tafel is closied until January 31, according to its homepage. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it cannot expose its employees to “such a high risk of infection”. Many people from the team belong to at-risk groups. The Leins bakery previously donated unsold baked goods to the Tafel. Now it offers Tafel customers the chance to pick up goods from the previous day. To do so, Tafel customers must register between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. by calling 07472/1671690 and tell how many people are in their household. The baked goods can then be picked up after 11 a.m.… Read More

Caution in the forest: branches break, trees can fall

Currently, walkers should not go into the forest or should at least stay on the path and avoid closed areas. This was asked by the forestry office of the district of Tübingen. The reason is the very wet and heavy snow that has fallen so far. Due to the low temperatures, it is frozen to the branches of the trees. If too much heavy snow is lying on the branches or treetops, they break. Because of the heavy weight, even trees can fall over and strike walking people or bury them under it. This has already happened in the south… Read More

Lockdown extended until February 14th

The corona restrictions have been extended. The lockdown is supposed to be in effect for an additional two weeks nationwide, until and including February 14th. This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Governors of the States on Tuesday. For Baden-Württemberg this means: The shops, the restaurants and the leisure time centers, which have been closed so far, will remain closed. The curfew between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m. continues to apply. Contacts are supposed to remain limited. During a private get-together, one household can meet with only one other person from a different household, children who are 14… Read More

Test required for entry

Travel to a high-risk corona area is still only permitted for compelling reasons. Anyone entering Germany from a risk area must first be quarantined for ten days as a matter of principle. As of January 11th, anyone entering the country must also be tested for the novel coronavirus. The test must be taken either 48 hours before entry or immediately after entry. There are exceptions, which can be found the country’s website. These include the so-called 24-hour rule: anyone who has been abroad for less than 24 hours and was not there for tourist purposes or shopping does not have… Read More

Day care centers and primary schools to stay closed until February

In Baden-Württemberg, day care centers and primary schools will remain closed until at least the end of January. Class will be continued to be taught as it is currently. An emergency care will also continue to exist. This was declared by governor Winfried Kretschmann and the minister of culture Susanne Eisenmann during a joined press conference. Kretschmann justified this decision with the still high number of people infected with corona, the death toll and the new mutation of the virus. According to Kretschmann, day care centers and schools will open again in the beginning of February, if the development allows… Read More

Corona test site switches to registration and allows free access for fever outpatient clinic

The Corona test site on the Tübingen fairground wants to shorten its waiting times. That’s why it is converting its operations – from “drive in” to a registration system. Appointments can be booked on the portal at www.terminland.de/abstrichstelle-fieberambulanz.tuebingen. Patients who have symptoms of a possible disease or have had contact with a person who has tested positive, for example, can contact the test site. The test site is open Monday through Saturday between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. The fever outpatient clinic, on the other hand, handles patients who come in with a positive test result or have other symptoms… Read More

Civilian deployment of the Bundeswehr

Soldiers are usually not very visible to the public in Germany. However, they are currently taking on various civilian tasks in Germany during the pandemic. What is the legal basis for this? When is the Bundeswehr allowed to take on tasks inside the country at all? In Germany, the tasks of the military and the police are strictly separated and laid down in the Basic Law. However, according to the Defense Ministry, Bundeswehr support for civilian authorities in the fight against COVID counts as administrative assistance. “All federal and state authorities shall render legal and administrative assistance to each other”… Read More

Corona: Stricter regulations starting January 11th

Stricter lockdown regulations apply in Baden-Württemberg, starting January 11th. Then, only people who live in a closed living unit together can meet in public and private places. Only one other person, who lives in a different living unit, can join them. Children from both living units continue to not be counted in this number, if they are 14 years old or younger. If two households care for children together, they can continue to do so, however, they have to be “fixed”. When someone leaves their apartment, they have to have a good reason to do so. This is especially strict… Read More

Contact regulations for children to be loosened

Baden-Württemberg deviates from the strict corona rules decided between the Federal Government and the states. Starting Monday, January 11th, there will be exceptions in the contact regulations for children under the age of 14. Originally, only one household could meet with only one other person from a different household from this day on. However, this is now being loosened to accommodate single parents or families with small children. Winfried Kretschmann, the governor of Baden-Württemberg, announced this on Friday in the state parliament. This means: One parent can accompany one or multiple children under the age of 14 to, for example,… Read More

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