KreisBonusCard Junior: ideas for children’s birthday parties

If you are planning a birthday party for your children but don’t have enough space at home, you can rent a room in Tübingen at a reasonable price with the KreisBonusCard Junior. The rental costs are only 25 euros – in some places even 10 euros. For a special birthday party, the Tübingen City Museum offers creative workshops. These last three hours and cost 75 euros, including material costs. You can choose from exciting topics such as making robots, creating animated films or pottery. One exception is the graffiti workshop, which costs 95 euros due to the additional material costs.… Read More

Footpaths must be passable in winter

In Germany, private individuals generally have to clear snow in winter and grit in icy conditions – most towns and municipalities regulate where and to what extent in their own bylaws. If you live in Tübingen, you are responsible for all public traffic areas that run alongside your house. Shoveling snow applies to everyone Snow clearing and gritting on icy roads is the responsibility of everyone who lives in the building – regardless of whether they are tenants or homeowners. The snow clearing and gritting obligation applies primarily to sidewalks, footpaths and stretches of road. However, it also applies to… Read More

Ammertalbahn ends in Tübingen

From mid-December, trains on the Ammertalbahn will only run between Tübingen and Herrenberg. Anyone wishing to travel to Bad Urach via Reutlingen will therefore have to change trains in Tübingen from December 15. Previously, most trains ran between Herrenberg and Bad Urach. The “Zweckverband ÖPNV im Ammertal” (Ammertal public transport association) explains this with the problems that previously existed on the route: Because the trains were often late, on average one in four passengers who wanted to change to the S-Bahn in Herrenberg missed the train. The new timetable – known as the island solution – should improve this situation.… Read More

How to become an election official?

The “traffic light coalition“ of SPD, Alliance 90/The Greens and FDP in Berlin has broken up. Currently, SPD and Greens are forming a minority government. The date for new elections to the Bundestag has already been set: Sunday, 23 February 2025. Some cities and communities in the district of Tübingen still need people to volunteer as election workers. They hand out ballots, ensure that the secrecy of the ballot is maintained, or count the votes after the polling station has closed. If you would like to be an election worker, you can contact the town hall in your place of… Read More

Prize for project with people’s stories

  The Telar association has been awarded second place in the Tübingen Integration Prize. It can now use 1500 euros in prize money for its “Wir erzählen” (translation: “We tell”) project. People with a history of migration meet in workshops, among other things. They produce podcasts and radio reports. These productions can be heard on the regional radio station Wüste Welle. In the contributions, the Telar activists talk about their migration experiences and want to share their ways of thinking and living with the listeners. In the third episode, Oula Mahfouz from the tuenews-INTERNATIONAL team spoke about her experiences with… Read More

Event series “Brennpunkt Ukraine” starts with the film “Pulse”

On Wednesday, November 13, the Ukrainian film “Pulse” will be shown in Tübingen at 7 pm at Neckawa (formerly Freistil) in Wöhrdstraße 25. The feature film by director Serhiy Chebotarenko, which was released in cinemas in 2021, will be shown in the original language with English subtitles. Admission is free. The film is the prelude to a Ukrainian film series as part of the “Focus on Ukraine” event series, which is organized by the volunteer organization SonnenBlau together with the Institute for Eastern European History and Regional Studies and the Slavic Seminar at the University of Tübingen. The film focuses… Read More

“The Dmitriev Case”: film and discussion in Tübingen

On Tuesday, November 12, at 7 pm, the documentary “The Dmitriev Case” will be shown at the Tübingen Kino Museum (Am Stadtgraben 2). The film will be shown in Russian with English subtitles. It will be followed by a panel discussion. Admission is free. In the film, a historian from Petrozavodsk sheds light on Stalin’s victims and pays for the truth with his freedom. In the forests of Karelia, against the will of the Russian authorities, Yuri Dmitriev finds mass graves containing thousands of victims of Stalin’s terror, including many Ukrainians and Poles. One day he is arrested and sentenced… Read More

Learning German for entry into the world of work

Professional language courses in German are offered to people with a migration background who can improve their chances on the labour market by taking them. The courses teach German language skills that are needed in the professional world. You learn the vocabulary, idioms and grammar needed to communicate in the workplace. You also practise writing professional e-mails and letters or understanding texts such as operating instructions. The courses also cover knowledge about job interviews, employment contracts and the specifics of the German labour market. The courses are aimed at people who need a certain language level for professional recognition or… Read More

Admission to grammar school only after ‘Kompass 4’ test

Before switching to grammar school in Baden-Württemberg, there is a test to pass. In the 2024/2025 school year, fourth-graders will have to prove their knowledge in the ‘Kompass 4’ test. The test is designed to assess the level of achievement in German and mathematics in grade 4, as well as ‘interdisciplinary skills’. As the Institute for Educational Analysis (IBBW) further reports, the exam is intended, among other things, to ‘support teachers in their recommendations and parents/guardians in their decisions regarding the type of secondary school’. The class conference’s overall pedagogical assessment and the results of the ‘Kompass 4’ skills assessment… Read More

Containers for 90 refugees in Tübingen

The city of Tübingen is setting up containers to house refugees for the first time. This was decided unanimously by the Tübingen municipal council at the end of October. Next spring, 90 refugees are to move into individual containers in Sidlerstrasse. There are plans for 72 units of 18 square meters each, which will be grouped together in a three-storey complex. Individuals, couples or families can live there. Each container has its own bathroom and kitchenette. There are also parking spaces for baby carriages, a washing machine room and a room for the janitor. The containers should be ready for… Read More

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