All the pupils will move up to the next grade

Due to the corona pandemic, pupils have had no regular classes for quite some time. The Ministry of Education in Baden-Württemberg has now reacted to this. This school year, no pupil will be made to repeat the class. This means all children and youngsters will move up to the next school year. This was announced by the Minister of Education, Susanne Eisenmann, at a press conference on Tuesday.  “No pupil should suffer from any disadvantage caused by the current situation”, said the minister. tun042103 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Oula Mahfouz, 22.03.2020 Latest information on… Read More

Only a maximum of four in the studio

We still broadcast “Newcomer News” every Wednesday in the “Radio Desert Wave” studio, even now during the corona crisis. We are now only hosting a maximum of four people in the studio – instead of up to eight previously. While we broadcast our program live, we keep the necessary distance of two meters from each other out of responsibility and continue our work. The news from tünews INTERNATIONAL are spoken in four languages. In order to comply with this rule, we as speakers are divided into two groups. For example, the news in German and Arabic are announced first, followed… Read More

Starting on April 20, shops up to 800 square meters can open

Starting on April 20, car dealers, bicycle dealers, bookstores and all other shops with a sales area of no more than 800 square meters will be allowed to reopen in Baden-Württemberg. However, they must ensure that all hygiene requirements and distance regulations are observed in their shops. This was ordered by the state government of Baden-Württemberg in the Fifth Ordinance to amend the Corona Ordinance of April 17. tun04180 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 06.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Libraries can reopen

Libraries and archives in Baden-Württemberg will be allowed to reopen starting on April 20. This also applies to university libraries. They must ensure that all hygiene requirements and distance regulations are observed. This was ordered by the state government of Baden-Württemberg in the Fifth Ordinance to amend the Corona Ordinance on April 17. However, this is only a permit to reopen. Whether and how cities and municipalities, for example, make their municipal libraries accessible again is up to them. Inquiries from tünews INTERNATIONAL have shown that both the Tübingen city library and the one in Reutlingen are not yet open.… Read More

Still no events

In Baden-Württemberg, events are still fundamentally prohibited, even after the Fifth Ordinance amending the Corona Ordinance of April 17. The restrictions apply until May 3. According to a decision by the federal and state governments, major events should not be possible until at least August 31, 2020. tun 041803 Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Wolfgang Sannwald. Latest information on Corona: Click here

Restaurants and leisure facilities remain closed

Baden-Württemberg will remain closed until further notice due to the Corona Regulation: restaurants, bars, clubs, discotheques, pubs and similar facilities. Theaters, operas, concert halls, zoological and botanical gardens as well as similar facilities must also remain closed . Fairs, cinemas, amusement parks and providers of leisure activities (indoors and outdoors), casinos, casinos, betting shops and similar facilities, prostitution centers, brothels and similar facilities are also not permitted. Sports on and in all public and private sports facilities, swimming pools and fun pools are still prohibited. Gyms and similar facilities remain closed. Playgrounds remain closed. Service companies in the field of… Read More

Distance requirements and contact restrictions continue to apply

In Baden-Württemberg, the basic provisions of the Corona Ordinance will continue to apply after April 19: people must continue to be at least 1.5 meters apart. In public space, a maximum of two people who do not live in a household together or who do not belong to a family may have contact with each other. Otherwise they will continue to face significant fines. The state government urges that private trips and visits to relatives be avoided. In addition, she “urgently” recommends that people in Baden-Württemberg wear so-called non-medical everyday masks over their mouths and noses if the distance requirement… Read More

Still no group sport and no educational courses

Clubs are still not allowed to hold meetings in Baden-Württemberg. Sports and leisure facilities remain closed, as do adult education centers, music schools and other public and private educational institutions outside of primary schools. This was confirmed by the state government of Baden-Württemberg in the explanations to the Fifth Ordinance amending the Corona Ordinance of April 17. The restrictions apply until May 3. tun041808 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 22.03.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Still no visits allowed to hospitals and nursing homes

Visits to hospitals and inpatient care facilities are still prohibited in Baden-Württemberg. This was confirmed by the state government of Baden-Württemberg in the Fifth Ordinance amending the Corona Ordinance of April 17. The restrictions apply until May 3. tun 041809 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 22.03.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Protective measures in open stores

In more and more retail stores, checkout personnel are separated from customers by plexiglass shields. This is one of the technical protective measures that the state government of Baden-Württemberg prescribes for businesses that can continue to be open or who are newly opened since April 18. If necessary, a frame covered with transparent film is enough. Markings on the floor in front of the cash registers provide information about the minimum distances to be observed. Customers should pay cashless if possible. Cash must not be given directly into the hand, so that direct contact between the customer and the cashier… Read More

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