Rottenburger library open for book-borrowing

The Rottenburger Stadtbibliothek has opened again to a limited extent. Books can be borrowed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the city administration announced. A maximum of 30 people may be in the building. You must wear masks and keep a safe distance. tun042305 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 15.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Corona experiences of a food vendor

Mohammad has been training as a salesman in a grocery shop in Tübingen for the last three years. He believes that the coronavirus also poses a threat to him even in the workplace. There is “no guarantee that we are protected from the risk of infection at work”. The staff’s only option, he says, is: “We ourselves observe the contact protocol of staying at a distance.” Some of the customers do not maintain the distance, “for example, they get too close to each other and also to us, the staff, during a conversation—even though we have clearly marked in the… Read More

Risk of forest fires

The risk of forest fires is now increasing significantly in Baden-Württemberg. The German Weather Service (DWD) warned about the said risks because of the extremely dry and the sunny weather lately. Due to this the risk of forest fires will reach up to level four out of five on 22nd April with an upward tendency. The DWD tracks the risk of forest fires on the Internet under: It is generally prohibited to start a fire outside of a marked fireplace in the forest. And in times of the Corona epidemic, the forest authorities have blocked playgrounds and barbecue places… Read More

Only a maximum of four in the studio

  We still broadcast “Newcomer News” every Wednesday in the “Radio Desert Wave” studio, even now during the corona crisis. We are now only hosting a maximum of four people in the studio – instead of up to eight previously. While we broadcast our program live, we keep the necessary distance of two meters from each other out of responsibility and continue our work. The news from tünews INTERNATIONAL are spoken in four languages. In order to comply with this rule, we as speakers are divided into two groups. For example, the news in German and Arabic are announced first,… Read More

Shopping with a mask – an experiment

An increasing number of people are starting to wear a mask over their mouth and nose. How does it feel to wear a mask? How do other people react to me wearing one? I wanted to know the answers to these questions so I decided to do an experiment. Before entering a drugstore, I mount the mask lovingly made by a friend, a refugee. There is not much happening, even though the stock of toilet paper has just been refilled. The first customer I encounter smiles at me very kindly. That bolsters my courage. First obstacle: my glasses are starting… Read More

How do we spend Easter during Corona?

It is a particularly difficult time for all of us. We must spend the Easter holidays without friends, visiting acquaintances or Easter celebrations! But it is particularly difficult for the children. I will go to the forest with my daughter to look for Easter eggs and better discover the forest. Maybe we’ll meet some friends on the way by chance and greet them at a safe distance. My daughter is looking forward to playing in the forest, enjoying nature and the weather. It’s an unusual Easter time. We must protect each other. And at the same time, we can try… Read More

Easter in the shared apartment

I usually spend the Easter weekend with friends at a music festival. On Easter Monday, I take the first train to my family. My mother dyes hard-boiled eggs and puts them in a nice basket. We give ourselves little Easter nests with sweets. In the evening we eat eggs, raw ham, strong rye bread and chives from the garden. But this year everything is different: I stay in my flat share in Tübingen, and concerts and family visits are canceled. I only see my family on my cell phone screen today. We sent our Easter gifts by post. I baked… Read More

Iranian authorities interrogate journalists

Journalists in Iran who oppose the Government’s official statements on Corona live dangerously. The organization “Reporter ohne Grenzen” (Reporters Without Borders) has reported on some media workers who have been summoned for interrogation by the secret service and revolutionary guards for their information about the epidemic. One example: a person was arrested and accused of secretly making a video in a morgue. The video showed far more corpses than the number reported by the authorities. The virus cannot be fought by suppressing information and harassing independent journalists, said Christian Mihr, the managing director of Reporter ohne Grenzen (Reporters Without Borders).… Read More

Easter eggs from Easter bunnies?

How is an Easter bunny supposed to lay eggs? Why isn’t there an Easter chicken instead? In any case, Easter eggs are very important to the Germans, as observed by Mohamad Nazir Momand. Mohamad has been working as a trainee in the food trade for three years. Recently, he experienced a shortage of white eggs in the organic shop: “For a week now, customers have been coming and asking if we have white eggs.” His answer is often, “Unfortunately, we’re out of white eggs.” In the shop there are enough brown and painted eggs but that’s not what people want… Read More

Creative Times

The city museum has invited all children if Tübingen to be creative. They can paint, do handicrafts, take photographs or write a short text with the theme “Tübingen in extraordinary times”. All ideas are welcome. The children can share how they will be spending these unique Easter holidays. What will they do when playing with friends, visiting relatives or travel plans are cancelled? The children can show with their artwork what they are currently missing and what they have discovered anew. The works can be sent via e-mail to the Stadtmuseum until Sunday, April 19th. Please include your name, age… Read More

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