A Mahnung (Eng. Demand note) is the creditor’s request to comply with the contract. A creditor is the one with whom a contract has been made. The demand note reminds you to pay an open invoice. A demand note can also be delivered verbally. Usually one receives it as a letter. The letter could say: “Ich bitte Sie, die ausstehende Rechnungssumme bis spätestens 21.9.2019 zu überweisen.“ (I ask you to transfer the outstanding invoice sum by 21.9.2019 at the latest.) A demand note is also valid when you receive it by e-mail. If you received several demand notes and did not react in any way, you will get a court order. This can get quite expensive. In addition to the costs for the demand note and the interest, there is a court order fee of at least 32 euros.
What is a „Mahnung“