Naldo charges less for student subscriptions

Families of students, who travel by public transport, can save two monthly installments if they have kept the monthly Naldo student card for May. The May rate will not be debited. The same rule applies to the month of June. Due to the long-standing bonus scheme in the district of Tübingen, schoolchildren who have purchased monthly passes for the whole school year do not have to pay their own share in July, according to the transport association Naldo. For monthly subscriptions 25 (issued by the school) there are no monthly rates for May and June. Schoolchildren with a monthly pass… Read More

The Loss of a Friend Due to Coronavirus

Mohammad Nazir Momand from Afghanistan was the first member of the editorial board to be affected by the death of a friend due to Covid-19. He wrote this obituary on his friend: My friend Dr. Eqbal Omari died on April 15th, 2020 in Afghanistan from the Coronavirus. He was 32 years old. We were together from elementary school till high school. He was particularly interested in computer technology and met a lot with friends in his free time. After school he studied medicine in Mazar-e Sharif and I studied agriculture at the same time. We were in the same building… Read More

السباحة ممنوعة في الأنهار

 درجات الحرارة المرتفعة تولد لدينا الرغبة للذهاب للسباحة، إلّا أنّ قانون كورونا الحالي حظر افتتاح المسابح والبحيرات العامة للسباحة. وقد أشار مكتب الصحة في مقاطعة بادن فوتمبيرغ أنه لا يسمح بالسباحة بأي نهر أو بحيرة داخل المنطقة. حيث لم يتم فحص جودة هذه المياه فيما إذا كانت متوافقة مع معايير قانون مياه السباحة والاستحمام في مقاطعة بادن فوتمبيرغ. ومن خلال عينة عشوائية مأخوذة من المياه تبين وجود نسبة أعلى من النسبة المفترضة من البكتيريا البرازية في المياه. وهذا ينطبق أيضاً على كل من نهر نيكار ونهر وشتاينلاخ. لذلك يوصى بعدم السباحة او الاستحمام بهذه الأنهار  :للمزيد من المعلومات، يمكنكم زيارة… Read More

Ramadan is not just the month of fasting!

by Youssef Kanjou Many non-Muslims and those who have never visited Muslim countries consider Ramadan only as a month of worship. However, reality shows that it is more. It also determines other aspects of life, such as everyday routines, social as well as economic life; especially before the war in Syria. It is well known that during Ramadan people do not eat during the day, but the food is still very varied this month. This is because popular markets offer specialties that are only available in Ramadan. This is because the dishes are prepared for the end of the day,… Read More

Kein wildes Baden in Flüssen

Steigende Temperaturen locken zum Baden in kühle Gewässer. Derzeit untersagt die Corona-Verordnung noch die allgemeine Öffnung von Schwimmbädern oder Badeseen. Das Gesundheitsamt im Landratsamt Tübingen weist zusätzlich darauf hin, dass kein Fluss oder Bach im Kreisgebiet als Badegewässer eingestuft ist. Diese werden nicht auf die Kriterien der Badegewässerverordnung Baden-Württemberg untersucht. Vor allem Fäkalkeime waren beifrüheren stichprobenhaften Messungen deutlich über den Grenz- und Richtwerten. Das gilt auch für Neckar und Steinlach. Es wird daher empfohlen, in diesen Fließgewässern nicht zu baden. Ein Überblick über die Badegewässer in Baden-Württemberg, die regelmäßig auf ihre Qualität hin mikrobiologisch überwacht werden, gibt die Homepage der… Read More

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