Ticks transmit infectious diseases

Ticks become active in early summer. They are then at a stage in which they suck blood from living things such as animals and humans. They can transmit pathogens during the suction process. The risk of being infected by tick bites is particularly high in Baden-Württemberg. Here up to five percent of all ticks transmit the TBE virus and up to 35 percent the Lyme disease bacterium. That is why the Baden-Württemberg State Health Office is now recommending protective measures to people who are often in their own garden and in nature. Ticks do not fall from trees and cannot… Read More

Dr Saif Afat: Vaccines against the coronavirus are more effective than those against the flu

Covid vaccines are significantly more effective than flu vaccines, explains Dr. Saif Afat in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Saif Afat came to Germany from Iraq in 2004. He is a vaccinator at the covid vaccination centre in Tübingen and received his own vaccination in January. People at the vaccination centre are frequently asking him about the effectiveness. He says that all vaccines against the coronavirus admitted in Germany have an effectiveness of more than 75 percent. This is a “very good result”. Flu vaccines have an efficacy of 50 to 60 percent because of the different virus strains,… Read More

Dr. Saif Afat: The vaccination does not sterilize

Dr. Saif Afat personally knows women who are vaccinated against the coronavirus and became pregnant. The radiologist came to Germany from Iraq in 2004 and currently works, among other things, at the covid vaccination centre in the District of Tübingen. In a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL he explains that the alleged infertility is clearly a misinformation. He believes this is based on a putative similarity between the vaccine’s spike protein and a protein in the placenta. But that is no cause for concern, he said. The rumour makes no sense at all in his eyes, because women would also… Read More

Dr Saif Afat: None of the vaccines alters the genetic material

The rumour that vaccines against the coronavirus alter genetic makeup is one Dr. Saif Afat has heard often, including at the covid vaccination centre. What people fear most is that the vaccine could cause cancer. The radiologist came to Germany from Iraq in 2004 and currently works, among other things, at the covid vaccination centre in the District of Tübingen. In a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL he points out that no study has proven such changes. When he received his own vaccination in January, he said, he wasn’t worried about that at all: “I trust in science.” He had… Read More

Dr. Saif Afat: Covid vaccines are proven to be effective

That the vaccines against the coronavirus are effective is obvious regarding the elderly who have already been vaccinated. Their proportion among covid patients has decreased significantly, explains Dr. Saif Afat in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Saif Afat came to Germany from Iraq in 2004. He is a vaccinator at the covid vaccination centre in Tübingen and received his own vaccination in January. He hears doubts about the vaccine’s effectiveness from time to time during his educational talks at the vaccination centre. But this is a rumour, he says. Vaccines are developed in a strictly controlled process. They only… Read More

Dr. Saif Afat: People who cannot follow social distancing rules are at risk

People who live in community shelters often cannot follow the social distancing rules of the covid regulation. Therefore, those people are particularly at risk from the epidemic and are being vaccinated earlier than others, explains Dr. Saif Afat in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Saif Afat came to Germany from Iraq in 2004. He is a vaccinator at the covid vaccination centre in Tübingen and received his own vaccination in January. In community shelters, for example, several refugees often share one room, he says. They also share communal kitchens and bathrooms. There, encounters cannot be avoided and the virus… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Corona vaccines undergo thorough testing

Corona vaccines are very safe, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. All contemporary vaccines pass the same process of admission as other medication. The corona vaccines contain no toxic substances and barely any animal material that could trigger allergic reactions. Therefore, the vaccination is very safe, states Zen Aldeen. Click here for the videos of tünews INTERNATIONAL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC75yk8pmk_r3dSxYh6R6krg… Read More

Dr Saif Afat: Vaccinating for quick immunity

“In order to quickly reach immunity, we have to vaccinate a lot,” explains Dr. Saif Afat in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Saif Afat came to Germany from Iraq in 2004. He is a vaccinator at the Covid vaccination centre in Tübingen and received his own vaccination in January. Afat states that people need to build a protection against the virus. They get it by surviving the infection. But the disease is often severe. However, sometimes people do not notice it, so they infect others without knowing it. All this could be prevented by vaccination. The doctor is convinced:… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: No considerably big differences between corona vaccines

The currently admitted Covid-vaccines all are a big gain, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen came to Germany four years ago from Syria. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. She differentiates between the vaccines mainly on the basis of their method of production. On the one hand there are mRNA vaccines like BioNTech, Pfizer or Moderna. On the other hand there are vector vaccines like AstraZeneca or Johnson and Johnson. They differ slightly in effectiveness,… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Medical educational talk against false rumors

People who are concerned by rumors about Covid-19-vaccines should absolutely make use of the medical educational talk before the vaccination against the coronavirus, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She currently works as a vaccinator in the Covid vaccination center of the Landkreis Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. Zen Aldeen herself wasn’t unsettled before her own vaccination. From her everyday life in the vaccination center, she knows rumors that circulate especially on Social Media. She hears of fears… Read More

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