Registrations for the Mössingen summer vacation program now open

This year’s summer vacation program offers a remarkable and diverse range of activities for children and young people between the ages of six and 18. For example, there is a soap workshop, a course on learning to play the guitar, a photography workshop, trips with the tractor friends, a night hike, a writing workshop and a visit to the bird conservation center. Not to be left out are the sports activities: Baseball, inline beginner:inside courses, judo and ju jutsu, climbing and mountain biking. The city of Mössingen also offers a special feature. Under the motto “Outdoor pool meets summer vacation… Read More

Tübingen events at a glance

Tübingen offers many city events throughout the year—from special markets to the punting race, music festivals, the summer theater and the city run to the chocolate fair in December. If you’re looking for tips on what to do, you can check out a city page online. There is an overview of the events—sorted by the date of the event and provided with brief explanations of what they are about. Links also lead to markets and fairs, to external event calendars and advance booking offices. The overview can be found at tun23042606 Neckarbrücke mit Bepflanzung. tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa… Read More

Rottenburg vacation program during the Whitsun vacations

In a brochure, the city of Rottenburg offers an overview of the various events for the vacations for the entire year 2023. Especially during the Whitsun vacations, there are creative days for elementary school children, with the Spielmobil children experiment self-determined and creative in a “hands-on laboratory” and the association TVR RoKiS presents a varied sports program, including climbing and bungee jumping. The program is for children and young people from 5 to 15 years. In some cases, there are additional vacation programs in the districts of Rottenburg. Children who have a district bonus card receive discounts. Registration for the… Read More

Tübingen vacation program during the Whitsun vacations

Photography, graffiti spraying, carpentry, theater and extensive opportunities to try out various sports at the sports holiday camp—the Tübingen Whitsun vacation program, organized by the city of Tübingen and various external providers, offers all of this. The varied and diverse offer (from May 29 to June 10) is for children and young people. There are both day courses and workshops lasting several days. Places are limited, so register as soon as possible. Many courses are either free or discounted for children and teens with Kreisbonuscard. Detailed information at: tun23050203 Neckarfront Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. 001096… Read More

Kids in the lecture hall

The University of Tübingen is offering the Children’s University again this year, a series of lectures for children between the ages of 7 and 12. The events will take place on May 9, 16 and 23, as well as June 13 and 20, always at 5 p.m. in Lecture Hall 25 (Kupferbau, Hölderlinstraße 5). On May 9, for example, the topic will be “Why are journalists not allowed to lie?”; on May 16, “Why do some children get good grades and others don’t?”; and on June 20, “Why does the moon always look different?” Registration is not necessary. Parents may… Read More

Tübingen Trainee Speed Dating

Under the motto “Show us who you are”, students looking for an apprenticeship can get in touch with 40 companies from the region in an uncomplicated way. In ten-minute conversations, they get to know the training opportunities on offer. The focus is on getting to know each other personally. Application folders and certificates are not required on this day. Having the application documents with you is useful for further contacts. On Wednesday, April 26, starting at 8:30 a.m., apprenticeships, internships and dual study programs will be presented at Sparkassen Carreé, Mühlbachäckerstraße 2. The offer reaches from handicraft and industry over… Read More

Last minute learning at the Tübingen public library

For all students who still need a quiet place to study, the Tübingen Public Library is opening its rooms. From Tuesday, April 11, to Friday, April 14, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. each day, in addition to the rooms with WLAN, nerve food (fruit, nuts, muesli bars) and workshops on relaxation techniques and mindfulness will be offered. These will take place at 6:30, 7:30 and 8:30 pm. Admission is free and no pre-registration is required. For questions: More information: tun23032905 Stadtbücherei in der Altstadt. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. 001063      

Stores closed over Easter

Easter is just around the corner and with it a long weekend. Good Friday, April 7, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday, April 9 and 10, are public holidays in this country. On these holidays, all businesses are closed and government offices are closed. So anyone who still needs to shop for eggs or Easter dinner should hurry. However, there is still the possibility to do your shopping on Saturday. From Tuesday, all stores and authorities are then open again regularly. tun23040504 Ostern. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL. 001231

Free seminar on setting up in business on March 18 and 19

Anyone who is interested in setting up a business and wants to become self-employed can register for a seminar that will take place on Saturday and Sunday, March 18 and 19, in each case all day from 9 a.m., at the Open Innovation Campus Westspitze, Eisenbahnstraße 1. The seminar deals with the three topic blocks business idea and business plan, administration and organization as well as financing of the Selbstständigkeit. In addition, interested parties will learn where they can get support. Participants will receive seminar documentation and a certificate of attendance. The seminar is free of charge. Registration is required… Read More

Women in many countries demand equal rights

March 8 is International Women’s Day. It is a special day in many countries. In Europe, it was celebrated for the first time in 1911. Women initially demanded above all that they should also be allowed to vote. Since then, on March 8, women around the world have been demonstrating for equal rights—for example, equal pay at work—and against discrimination. In some countries, women are given flowers as a sign of appreciation on this day—in Germany, mostly red roses or carnations. Women’s Day is a public holiday in 26 countries around the world, but in Germany only in the states… Read More

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