Yellow ribbon: Harvest fruit free of charge

Even fruit trees standing in the open countryside in a meadow have owners. You are therefore not allowed to simply pick apples, pears, plums, mirabelle plums or nuts or pick them from the ground. That would be theft and can be punished. However, there is one exception: if the tree has a yellow ribbon, the owner has released the tree for harvesting. Anyone may then pick fruit for a cake or eat it directly from the tree. But: Harvesting is only permitted without a ladder and only for personal consumption. And no matter how tempting the apples on the next… Read More

Celts in the southwest

By Bernhard Kirschner 2600 years ago, the Celts ruled the southwest of Germany. One of their centers was the Heuneburg above the Danube near Sigmaringen. The Celts had trade links as far afield as the Mediterranean. Finds of gold jewelry and fine tableware in so-called burial mounds attest to their wealth and power. Their warriors even came as far as Syria. Celts without written evidence However, the early Celts themselves left no written evidence. They only appear occasionally in the writings of the Greeks and Romans. Scientists are therefore dependent on archaeological finds. They come across traces of the Celts… Read More

‎46 refugees have a new home‎

The vacant building of the Internationaler Bund in Tübingen’s Eugenstraße is coming alive again. 46 refugees, including many families and single parents with their children, have moved into the converted former language school opposite the Edeka supermarket. There are twelve flats for them. This was announced by the city. The new residents come from Afghanistan, Albania, Cameroon, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine. In another part of the building, flats are to be built for people with professions in which labour is urgently needed. At the new location for the so-called follow-up accommodation, there are fixed contact persons for the residents.… Read More

Important information for couples without a marriage licence

Nowadays, couples who live together without a marriage licence are treated as strangers in many areas of the law. In this text, we will look at important points that unmarried couples should be aware of. Illness As doctors are subject to a duty of confidentiality, they are not allowed to give any information about their partner’s state of health. For this reason, unmarried couples should grant each other power of attorney for health care. Renting a flat Both partners should enter their names in the tenancy agreement and sign it. This will prevent one partner from being evicted in the… Read More

Exhibition on flight and migration in Tübingen

From September 16 to October 4, the Free Radio Wüste Welle is showing an exhibition on flight and migration at the Epplehaus in Tübingen. The multilingual exhibition “Nothing About Us Without Us” was designed by the transcultural network medien.vielfalt! In it, young media professionals with experience of flight and migration provide insights into their media work and take a critical look at the German media public. In addition to graphics, illustrations, photos and texts, there are several video and audio stations. The exhibition is open daily from 5 to 7 pm. Additional appointments can be arranged for school classes. The… Read More

Buses and Naldo honeycombs become more expensive

Passengers will have to pay more for single journeys from October 1, 2024. This was announced by Stadtwerke Tübingen and the Naldo transport association. Anyone with a Deutschlandticket will not be affected by the price increase. From October 1, a one-way ticket for adults on the TüBus operated by Stadtwerke Tübingen will cost 3.40 euros (previously: 3.10 euros). Children under the age of 15 will have to pay 1.80 euros instead of 1.70 euros. “Four-trip tickets are ten percent cheaper than the same number of one-way tickets,“ says Stadtwerke. In future, a TüBus day ticket will cost adults 5.90 euros… Read More

Sirens only wail as a rehearsal

When the sirens sound next Thursday at 11 a.m., there is no need to worry. It is a test alarm. This is according to the Tübingen District Office. On the nationwide warning day on Thursday, September 12, all instruments that can be used to alert the population to danger in an emergency will be tested. In some towns and municipalities, this also includes sirens. The all-clear is then given at 11.45 am. The test warnings are also issued via radio and television as well as smartphone apps such as NINA. Cell broadcasting is being used for the first time this… Read More

Language problems when visiting the doctor

Doctors need to understand their patients in order to make the right diagnosis. During the conversation, they can find out where something hurts or what other complaints the patient has. If patients do not speak enough German, they may not understand how to take their medication. Interpreters from the patient‘s own family, volunteers, but also translation programs on cell phones could ensure better communication. This is what Ute Leidig, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration, said during a visit to the tuenews editorial team. Leidig also addressed another problem. Many refugees from other cultural… Read More

Promoting early integration through work

By Ute Kaiser Language is a key to integration – and so is work. One district in Thuringia requires adult asylum seekers to work for 80 cents an hour: cleaning their accommodation, at the building authority or at an association such as the Tafel. Anyone who refuses to do this work without good reason can have up to half of their asylum seeker benefits cut. This would also be possible in Baden-Württemberg. But the district of Tübingen is taking a different approach. tuenews INTERNATIONAL spoke to District Administrator Joachim Walter about this. Since August, there has been a new “Refugees… Read More

Job fair at the Reutlingen job center

Providers will be providing information about retraining and qualifications on Wednesday, 11 September, from 2 to 4.30 p.m. at the education fair at the Reutlingen Jobcenter, Albstraße 83. This will also include short adaptation qualifications with job-related German lessons. For example, there are educational institutions that offer courses in a commercial training company or others with vocational preparation courses in the field of wood processing. Information is also available on retraining courses leading to a vocational qualification. Advisors are available for personal discussions. You do not have to register. tun24082701 Die Agentur für Arbeit in Reutlingen. Foto: tuenews INTERNATIONAL… Read More

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