Schools to start distance learning from January 11th

On January 11th, the Christmas break will end. The lockdown also applies to schools; however, children and teenagers will have classes. The Ministry of Cultural Affairs in Baden-Württemberg has announced that there are concepts for every type of school. During the time the school is closed, students in primary schools will learn with the material their school provides. This can either be analog or digital. Students who are at least in grade 5 will receive distance teaching. If there is the necessary need to provide written evidence of their achievements, this can be done at school. Students in the graduating… Read More

Schools remain closed / Private meetings with one person

The corona-lockdown is being extended and tightened until January 31st. This was decided by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the governors of the German states on Tuesday, January 5th, 2021. This means that all day care centers and schools will remain closed after January 11th. Consequently, there will be no in-person learning. However, the goal is to open day care centers and primary schools by January 18th again. This was announced by the governor of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Kretschmann, on Tuesday evening. “The compatibility of family and career” as well as “the children’s well-being” are at the center of this. Starting January… Read More

No fireworks or parties on New Year’s Eve

This year on December 31st (New Year’s Eve) in the district of Tübingen no fireworks will light the sky and no firecrackers will go off. Due to the Corona pandemic, it is largely prohibited in Baden-Württemberg to set off pyrotechnics in public areas. This is prescribed by the state’s new Corona ordinance. Fireworks and firecrackers cannot be purchased this year. Old fireworks and firecrackers from previous years should not be used either. They could be damaged and injure people. Private parties are also banned. In Baden-Württemberg, contact and curfew restrictions apply on New Year’s Eve. People should stay at home… Read More

Corona-vaccination-center Tübingen: homepage about vaccination

On January 4th, 2021, the vaccination-center in Tübingen is supposed to start vaccinating against the corona-virus. As there is a shortage of the vaccine, only certain groups can get vaccinated for now. The vaccination-center is in the Paul-Horn-Arena. For information about it, the administrative district office Tübingen has launched a homepage. On it, there are information and documents to download. It also informs about who can get vaccinated at the moment. A video tour shows, which stations are required for a vaccination. In another video, Prof. Dr. Peter Kremsner, head of the Institute for Tropical Medicine at the teaching hospital… Read More

Reachability of the refugee department

During Christmas time and the turn of the year, many municipal offices are closed. However, the specialized departments “Social Assistance” (“Soziale Hilfen”) and “Help for Refugees” (Hilfen für Geflüchtete”) of the city administration can be reached in emergencies from Monday, 28th December until Wednesday, 30th December, between 8.30 a.m. and 11.30 a.m. Phone number Social Assistance: 07071 204-1805 Help for Refugees: 07071 204-1667 Additional opening times under tun122202 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 23.08.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Corona-vaccinations supposed to start 2021

Vaccinating against the corona-virus will start in the new year in the district of Tübingen. The vaccination in the vaccination centers is free and voluntary. The order, in which the different groups of people will get vaccinated, has been known since Friday. In first place are people over 80 years of age and residents in care homes. The staff in these homes and from mobile nursing services, as well as employees in medical facilities with a great risk to themselves and their patients also have the highest priority. Additionally, a high vaccination priority have those who are over 70 years… Read More

FFP2-masks free of cost for risk groups

Around 27 million people in Germany were supposed to receive three FFP2-masks at the pharmacy for free, starting Tuesday, December 15th. Part of the risk group are people who are older than 60 years, women with a high-risk pregnancy and those with chronic and severe illnesses, such diabetes, cancer, asthma and cardiac insufficiency. This was decided in a decree by the Federal Ministry of Health. However, research conducted in Tübingen by tünews showed that pharmacies have not yet received the masks. They assume that they will probably be able to give out masks by December 18th. People can then pick… Read More

Assistants for vaccination center wanted

In the beginning of 2021, the vaccination center will open in the Paul-Horn-Arena. For this, the district of Tübingen is still looking for staff who will take care of registration and documentation. The assistants should speak German well, enjoy contact with people, have computer knowledge and experience with administrative activities. Two shifts from Monday to Sunday are planned. One is from 6.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m., the other one is from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. The compensation is 18 Euros per hour. A part-time employment, with at least 30%, is also possible. Interested persons can find an application on… Read More

More guests allowed on Christmas

In Germany, Christmas is a celebration of family. To be able to meet family during the holidays, Chancellor Angela Merkel and the state governors have loosened the strict contact restrictions during this time. Between December 24th to 26th, people of a household can meet with four other people who belong to the closest family, plus any children under the age of 15. People belonging to the closest family are the host’s parents, partners, siblings, their children and people from those households. If close friends want to meet during Christmas, there can be a maximum of five people from two households.… Read More

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