Starting November 2nd in Baden-Württemberg: University classes online

Stricter corona rules will apply in Baden-Württemberg starting Monday, November 2nd. According to these rules, there will be no in-person attendance at the universities. Digital lessons will still be held.  In-person events are possible if they are absolutely necessary and cannot be carried out online or with other distant learning formats. This is stated in the Sixth Ordinance of the State Government amending the Corona Ordinance of November 1st, 2020, which is initially valid until November 30th. tun110110 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 09.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Starting November 2nd in Baden-Württemberg: No tourists in hotels

Stricter corona rules will apply in Baden-Württemberg starting Monday, November 2nd. Accordingly, hotels may no longer accommodate tourists. Stays for business and official purposes or in cases of hardship are still permitted. In contrast, long-stay camping is permitted. This is stated in the Sixth Ordinance of the State Government amending the Corona Ordinance of November 1st, 2020, which is initially valid until November 30th. tun110109 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 01.11.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Starting November 2nd in Baden-Württemberg: Some services prohibited

Stricter corona rules will apply in Baden-Württemberg starting Monday, November 2nd. The state government wants to restrict social contacts so that the coronavirus will spread as little as possible from person to person. Therefore, services that are not necessary for everyday needs will not be available. These are cosmetic studios, nail studios, cosmetic foot care, massage studios (with the exception of medically prescribed treatments), tattoo and piercing studios. Medically necessary treatments remain allowed. Prostitution and any kind of sexual services, sauna, nudist or swinger clubs must close or are prohibited. However, tanning salons, hairdressers and barber shops are allowed to… Read More

Starting November 2nd in the district of Baden-Württemberg: restaurants closed

Starting on Monday, November 2nd, stricter corona-rules apply for the district of Baden-Württemberg. Consequently, restaurants, bars, pubs, diners, cafes or hookah lounges and other catering places have to close. However, they can still sell things over the counter for consumption outside and take-away as well as delivery services are still available. Outside tables at the restaurant for eating on-site are also prohibited. Butchers, bakeries, ice cream parlors, delicatessen stores and similar venues can sell things over the counter for outside consumption as well, or offer a take-away or delivery service. Cafeterias can stay open for employees and members of a… Read More

Starting November 2nd in the district of Baden-Württemberg: playgrounds and sports grounds restricted

Starting on Monday, November 2nd, stricter corona-rules apply for the district of Baden-Württemberg. Playgrounds are generally allowed to stay open. However, visitors have to observe the minimum distance regulations towards people from other households. The regulation that there can’t be gatherings of more than ten people and no more than two households also applies here. Sports grounds for recreational and amateur sport can only be used by oneself, with one other person or by members of the same household. This was decided by the sixth general decree, written by the administrative district office on November 1st, 2020. For now, regulations… Read More

Starting November 2nd in the district of Baden-Württemberg: only small private celebrations

Starting on Monday, November 2nd, stricter corona-rules apply for the district of Baden-Württemberg. For private celebrations and events only ten people are allowed together. This means for example birthdays, weddings, private playgroups, a party or a private sales event. This regulation applies regardless of whether the people are meeting in private or public places. These ten people can be from no more than two households. The only exception to this rule is, when the people are grandparents, parents and children or life partners. Then, they can be from more than two households. Dance events, such as shows, lessons and rehearsals,… Read More

Starting November 2nd in the district of Baden-Württemberg: only 10 people in public spaces

Starting on Monday, November 2nd, stricter corona-rules apply for the district of Baden-Württemberg. From then on, only 10 people are allowed to come together in public spaces. These people can’t be from more than two households, if they are not related to one another. Household means a closed living unit, for example a flat, a shared apartment, a residential group or a single-family home. Public spaces are all publicly accessible roads, squares, pathways, parks, forests, rentable venues, event venues and other places that everyone can access. This regulation applies, no matter if you’re using your bike, your car, your horse… Read More

Starting November 2nd in the district of Baden-Württemberg: many cultural events prohibited

Starting on Monday, November 2nd, stricter corona-rules apply for the district of Baden-Württemberg. Amongst other things, cultural events are prohibited. This means the theater, opera houses, concert halls, musical theater, movie theaters and museums. Drive-in theaters, archives, as well as public and academic libraries are allowed to stay open under strict hygiene regulations. Music schools, art schools and youth art school are allowed to stay open under the previous regulations. Offers, such as live-streams, recordings or rehearsals in theaters, opera houses and concert halls, can still be conducted, as long as they are closed to the public. In this case,… Read More

Tübingen fever walk-in clinic opens again

The corona testing station on the Tübingen fairground has been operating for some time. Now, the fever walk-in clinic is also reopening there. Starting Monday, November 2nd, it will be open every day, including weekends, from 2 pm to 6 pm. Patients with corona symptoms can come to the outpatient fever clinic. They do not need to register by telephone and do not need a referral. However, they should inform their family doctor of their visit to the fever outpatient clinic. There is a doctor at the entrance to the fairground. He will send people with corona symptoms directly to… Read More

No sports, no culture: significantly restricted contacts

Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Prime Ministers of the Federal States tightened the corona rules again on Wednesday, 28th October. During the emergency shutdown, starting from Monday, 2nd November until the end of November, their aim is to prevent further spread of the infection. For this reason, personal contacts are to be restricted in particular. That means: Only a maximum of ten people from two households may meet in public. Neither private nor public places may be used for celebrations. Everyone should refrain from private trips and visits to relatives or friends. Gyms, swimming pools, cinemas, theatres and amusement parks… Read More

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