Corona: More than five people in private rooms

So far, only five people who were not part of a family or household could meet in private rooms. Since May 11, in addition to family members in a straight line, siblings (side lines) and their descendants, i.e. children and grandchildren, can also be together in private rooms. This also applies if there are more than five people. People at risk, such as the elderly, should be protected by hygiene measures such as keeping their distance and washing their hands. This is in the regulation from the state government on infection protection measures against the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2… Read More

Corona: Additional body-related services allowed

Starting May 11th, tanning salons and other body-related services with comparable hygiene standards such as hairdressers may open in Baden-Württemberg. They must comply with special hygiene regulations. Explicitly mentioned are: massage studios, cosmetic studios, nail studios and tattoo studios. Facial services such as beard care, eyelash coloring and eyebrow plucking are again permitted in hairdressing salons. This is from the regulation of the state government on infection protection measures against the spread of the virus SARS-CoV-2 from May 9, 2020. tun051003 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 12.05.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Driving lessons are back

The driving schools had already arranged for a car parade in Stuttgart. But the protest demonstration was no longer necessary. From Monday, May 11th, driving schools can again give driving lessons and theoretical lessons, the state government of Baden-Württemberg announced on Wednesday. Starting May 11th, the following applies: learner drivers and driving instructors must wear a mask during the driving lesson. A minimum distance of 1.5 meters applies to theory lessons. This creates problems for driving schools with small classrooms. That is why it makes sense to ask the driving school how it regulates theoretical lessons. tun050701 Impressionen zum Leben… Read More

One consequence of the corona crisis: unlearning the German language

“It takes much longer to react verbally and I can no longer say a sentence quickly and correctly, I have forgotten almost everything in these two months”, tells a woman from Syria tünews INTERNATIONAL. An important problem for refugees during the Corona crisis is the reduced use of the German language. Learning and maintaining the language must be practiced continuously. During the crisis, however, everyone is forced to stay at home and nobody is able to attend a school, a language course, a university or to communicate with others in German: this led to an unlearning of the German language.… Read More

Corona threatens the world with a hunger pandemic

David Beasley, head of the United Nations World Food Program (WFP), warned in a speech to the UN Security Council of an approaching “global humanitarian disaster”. He expects the number of people threatened by starvation to double in 2020 due to the spread of the Corona virus: “While we are affected by a COVID-19 pandemic, we are also on the brink of a hunger pandemic.” He mentioned countries with conflicts such as Yemen, Syria and South Sudan in particular: “Millions of civilians living in conflict-ridden nations, including many women and children, are being put on the brink of starvation. The… Read More

Tübingen City Library open for short visits

Since Wednesday, May 6th, readers have been able visit the Tübingen public library located in the Nonnengasse. Loan times are currently Wednesdays to Fridays from 10.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturdays from 10.30 a.m. to 2 p.m. The branches in Derendingen, Waldhäuser-Ost and Wanne, on the other hand, still remain closed. Only a limited number of visitors are allowed inside the library together, and only for quick visits. If there is high demand, queues may form outside. Anyone wishing to enter the building must wear mouth-nose protection. The library is also selling recyclable masks. Books and other media can… Read More

Correct use of disposable gloves

The following should be observed when wearing disposable gloves: first wash your hands thoroughly or disinfect them with a sanitizer. Pay attention to the gaps between your fingers and your nails. Then put on the gloves carefully without causing any tears. While taking off the gloves, it is important to only hold them from the inner lower end, not at the fingertips, and then remove them. Disinfect hands again or wash thoroughly. Used gloves belong in the residual waste. When outside, they should be thrown in a public trash bin and not on the street. Remember to still wash your… Read More

Food from Tübinger Tafel and “Grundversorgung”

The Tübinger Tafel-Laden in Eisenbahnstraße 55 will open again on Tuesday, 5th May 2020. People who are in need can receive food from the Derendingen children’s and youth farm, the Wanne district meeting place and the St. Peter’s parish in Lustnau. All four distribution points hand out food on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 3 to 5 pm and on Wednesdays from 5 to 7 pm. Adults are required to pay a contribution fee of two euros, but for children and young people, it is free of cost. The aim of the cooperation between the Tübinger Tafel and the Initiative… Read More

Perspectives 2: More outdoor sports and open beer gardens

Sports fans have something to look forward to. Starting May 11th, more outdoor sports will be allowed again. Baden-Württemberg’s Minister President Winfried Kretschmann mentioned tennis, athletics and golf among others on Wednesday. The clubs in the Bundesliga and second division may also be allowed to play again starting mid-May – but without spectators in the stadium. The heads of the federal states and Chancellor Angela Merkel have all agreed to this. Before Whitsuntide, guests will once again be entertained outdoors – in beer gardens or ice cream parlors. Boats can also be borrowed again. From Whitsun, gyms and amusement parks… Read More

Perspectives 1: More contacts allowed, more children in school and daycare

Keep your distance and wear masks in shops, buses and trains: this is still the rule in Baden-Württemberg and will be for a long time. The intention is to ensure that as few people as possible become newly infected with the Corona virus. Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann announced this on Wednesday in the state parliament after the video conference of the country heads with Chancellor Angela Merkel. Contact restrictions will continue till June 5th. However, rules have been eased somewhat. Now relatives of two families, two couples or the residents of two shared flats are also allowed to meet in… Read More

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