State election in Baden-Württemberg: The Green Party can choose coalition partner

The Green Party has won the state election in Baden-Württemberg. They improved to 32.7 percent statewide. So far, this is their best result: 2.4 percent more than during the state election five years ago. The CDU, the current coalition partner of the Green Party, got their worst result yet with only 23.8 percent. As a consequence to this defeat, Susanne Eisenmann, the leading CDU candidate and culture minister, wants to withdraw from politics. The SPD continued to also loose approval. They got 11.5 percent. This puts the, just ahead of the FDP, which improved to 10.4 percent. The Green Party… Read More

About bulbs and grapes

There are customers who approach Mohammad at the vegetable stall and want to buy 500 grams of celery. He asks: Would you like a bulb? A big or a small one? He has been selling vegetables and fruits for four years now and still wonders: People don’t know the “package size”. It is important to understand one another. Because of this, it is also important how one says something. At his home in Afghanistan, one has to say exactly what they want at the vegetable seller: A bulb of garlic, not a piece; you ask for a stick or a… Read More

Museums and other places open again in the District of Tübingen

Because of the relaxation of the shutdown, museum and other cultural places are open again in the District of Tübingen. tünews INTERNATIONAL is giving an overview: Tübingen University Museum in the Schloss Hohentübingen (Castle of Hohentübingen): Museum Old Cultures and special exhibition, Wednesdays through Sundays, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.; City Museum, Kornhausgasse: permanent exhibition and special exhibition, starting March 17th, Wednesdays through Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Kunsthalle (Art Gallery): reopening with new exhibition on March 26th; Hölderlinturm: Mondays, Wednesdays through Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Botanical Garden of the University,… Read More

Hand gestures for domestic violence

As part of the corona pandemic, domestic violence has risen worldwide. Women and children are affected most often. Consequently, the “Canadian Women’s Foundation” has developed hand gestures, which can save human lives. Without having to speak, victims of domestic violence can show that they need help, for example during a video chat. If one sees a hand gesture such as the one shown here, they can help. Information and support: The violence against women support hotline 08000 116016 The violence against men support hotline 0800 1239900 Child and youth telephone 0800 1110333 tun21011902 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Syrian sentenced because of state torture

At the end of February 2021, the Koblenz Higher Regional Court has sentenced the 44-year-old Syrian Eyad A. to four and a half years imprisonment because of his involvement in torture in Syria. The court found the convict guilty of being complicit in a crime against humanity. Eyad A. fled to Germany, before that he worked for the Syrian secret service. The court saw it as proven that Eyad A. was involved in torture and false imprisonment. The detention period that the court decided on is slightly less than what the Federal Prosecution requested. The defense argued that Eyad A.… Read More

UN report about war crimes in Syria

It started with protests ten years ago: Syrians demonstrate against the regime of leader Baschar al-Assad in March 2011. The power of the state immediately reacted with brutal violence against the demonstrators. Since 2011, tens of thousands of people have been put into prison, many of them have been tortured. The 30 pages long report by an international investigation team of the United Nations documents the “hideous” (as it’s called in the report) crimes against the human rights – committed by both the government and the rebel groups. The authors have conducted around 2500 interviews in ten years. Among other… Read More

Changed phone hours for the Foreigners’ Office Tübingen

The local Foreigners’ Office Tübingen has changed its phone hours and is now available for half an hour longer in the morning. However, the afternoon phone hours from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. are cancelled. The Office is now reachable Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. There are different numbers one can call, depending on the first letter of the family name. Letter A to Ha: phone 07071 204-2553. Letter Hb to Om: phone 07071 204-2383. Letter On to Z: phone 07071 204-2549. On-site appointments are only possible upon agreement. tun21022601 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der… Read More

Families receive child bonus

The Bundestag has decided on a new corona-aid package. This also includes families. As they did in 2020, they are supposed to receive a child bonus this year as well. Parents will receive 150 euros once for each child for which they already receive a child benefit this year. The bonus will be paid in May. The responsible family benefits department (Familienkasse) does this automatically. One does not have to apply for the bonus. More than 10 million families will receive the child bonus in Germany, as the Federal Family Minister Franziska Giffey has announced. The cost for this aid… Read More

Apply for a spot in the day care center

Everyone who wishes to enroll their children in a day care center or nursery school in Tübingen must do so until the end of February 2021. The day care center years starts in September. The date until which parents have to accept the spot is provided in the acceptance letter. Detailed information about child day care in Tübingen : ( ; and the application procedures (www.tü are available on the internet. There, it is also possible to apply for a public or private childcare spot online or to download the application forms as paper. The Zentrale Anmeldestelle Kinderbetreuung (Central Application… Read More

Gradual increase in the minimum wage 

In 2021 and 2022, the legal minimum wage in Germany will be increased in four stages. In doing so, the German government is following the recommendation made by the Minimum Wage Commission in June 2020.  For 2021, the following applies: the minimum wage will be raised from 9.35 to 9.50 euros gross per hour on January 1, 2021, and then to 9.60 euros on July 1, 2021. For 2022, the following applies: From January 1 to June 30, 2022, the minimum wage will be further increased to 9.82 euros. From July 1 to December 31, 2022, it is expected to… Read More

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