
موارد مهم بطور خلاصه-اخبار الکترونیکی ستون فقرات بخش خدمات

موارد مهم بطور خلاصه اخبار الکترونیکی ستون فقرات بخش خدمات اخبار بین المللی تونيوز است. تیم تحریریه این موضوع را در یک آزمایشگاه خبری در تاریخ ٩ و ١٠ نوامبر سال ٢٠١٩ در ناگولد یاد گرفتند. برای اخبار الکترونیکی، آنهامستقیماً اطلاعات مربوط به مطبوعات وزارتخانه ها، انجمن ها و مؤسسات فدرال را ارزیابی می کنند. از بین پیامهای بیشمار آنچه را که مورد علاقه پناهندگان است فیلتر می شوند. یا هیأت تحریریه با مباحث شروع میکنند و از کارشناسان در مورد آنها سؤال می کنند. بسیاری از اخبار الکترونیکی در زندگی روزمره مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند. به عنوان مثال… Read More

اخبار الکترونیکی ما به زبان عربی و دری مورد تقاضا است

اخبار الکترونیکی ما به زبان عربی و دری مورد تقاضا است چه کسی به نیش کنه علاقه دارد؟ این موضوع در سال ٢٠١٩ در خبرنامه الکترونیکی اخبار بین المللی تونيوز درصدر جدول قرار گرفت. اما فقط در نسخه های عربی و زبان دری. ما اخبار الکترونیکی را گزارش های کوتاه درمورد یک موضوع مینامیم. نسخه های مختلف زبان به طور جداگانه در بستر آنلاین ما: در دسترس هستند. ما می توانیم ببینیم که توسط چه تعداد از افراد و با چه زبانی مشاهده شده است. نتیجه برای سال ٢٠١٩ مشخص است که: در حدود ٣٠٠٠ نفر از  كسانى كه… Read More

Editorial ideas -ایده های تحریریه ٦٠٠٠بیننده در تونيوز

Wolfgang Sannwald Editorial ideas ولفگانگ سانوالد ایده های تحریریه ٦٠٠٠بیننده در تونيوز اينترنشنال ریم الساغر میگوید, „حالا من انگیزه دارم” زمانی که او ارقام جدید اخبار بین المللی تونيوز را شنید. ٦٠٠٠و بعضی اوقات ١٥٠٠٠ بازدید کننده آنلاین در پست های ارسال شده ما رقم کمی نیست. ریم دانش آموز ٢٠ساله گاهی اوقات در بخش تحریریه پروژه رسانه ای با پناهندگان همکاری می کند. در یک ورکشاپ (کارگاهآموزشی) که از ششم تا هشتم دسامبر ٢٠١٩ در بادلیبن سل برگزار شده بود او یاد گرفت که کارش چقدرمحبوب است. ما از زمانی که صحفه اینترنتی خود را تحت نام: ما… Read More

tünews INTERNATIONAL qualifies

Everyone who participates benefits from tünews INTERNATIONAL. This was the result of a survey from our workshop, which went from December 6 to 8, 2019 in Bad Liebenzell. About 20 editorial members were there. More German language practice: this was our most popular suggestion, with nine votes from refugees. There were also social aspects such as fun (9) and in-depth discussions in the group. Mostafa Elyasian emphasized that the editorial work for him is a task that shapes everyday life: If he only sat at home, he would not be well. He looks forward to the editorial meeting every Tuesday.… Read More

tünews INTERNATIONAL qualifies

tünews INTERNATIONAL qualifies Everyone who participates benefits from tünews INTERNATIONAL. This was the result of a survey from our workshop, which went from December 6 to 8, 2019 in Bad Liebenzell. About 20 editorial members were there. More German language practice: this was our most popular suggestion, with nine votes from refugees. There were also social aspects such as fun (9) and in-depth discussions in the group. Mostafa Elyasian emphasized that the editorial work for him is a task that shapes everyday life: If he only sat at home, he would not be well. He looks forward to the editorial… Read More

Our magazine: a bridge between cultures

Our magazine: a bridge between cultures Cumin and potato salad: both mean home for Hajera Sheikh. Hajera is part of the editorial team at tünews INTERNATIONAL. At a workshop in Bad Liebenzell (December 6 to 8, 2019) the editorial team dealt with the topic of home, among other themes. Throughout the workshop, they called home a space where friends and family members are. The team recalled memories of home and the people there. Hajera was born in Pakistan, went to school in Tübingen for a few years and returned to Tübingen from Pakistan in 2014. Other people who came to… Read More

Journalism, how we want it

Journalism, how we want it In Nagold, the editors of tünews INTERNATIONAL spent a weekend (November 9-10, 2019) working on their writing. We are concerned with trust. Trust is the cement of our society and the basis for integration. We at tünews INTERNATIONAL are working to ensure that the putty of trust also works with our newspaper. We do a lot to make ourselves credible, based on credible information from credible sources. It starts with research: We get the information that is relevant for refugees from experts, ministries, authorities and institutions. And we write journalistic reports out of this information.… Read More

The most important stories, delivered in short

The most important stories, delivered in short E-news is the backbone of the service section of tünews INTERNATIONAL. The editorial team learned this in Nagold at a news laboratory on November 9 and 10, 2019. For the e-news, our writers scan the information from the press offices of federal ministries, associations and institutions. From the numerous articles, they filter what could be of interest to refugees. Or the editorial staff start with topics and ask experts about them. Many e-news articles are practical for everyday life, such as our article on tick bites. We often also report on legal regulations… Read More

Our Arabic and Dari language e-news articles are in demand

Our Arabic and Dari language e-news articles are in demand Who is interested in tick bites? The topic topped the leaderboard for tünews INTERNATIONAL’s e-news in 2019, but only in the Arabic and Dari language versions. E-news is the name we use for our short reports on a topic. The different language versions are available separately on our online platform We can see which article has been viewed by how many people and in which language. The result for 2019 is clear: While around 3000 people who speak English, Arabic or Dari were interested in the blood-sucking parasites, the… Read More

6000 viewers for tünews INTERNATIONAL

Wolfgang Sannwald Editorial ideas 6000 viewers for tünews INTERNATIONAL “Now I’m motivated”, said Reem Al Sagheer as she heard the latest tünews INTERNATIONAL figures. 6000 views on one of our online posts isn’t uncommon, and sometimes we reach 15,000 viewers. The 20-year-old student Reem works with refugees in the editorial office of the media project. At a workshop in Bad Liebenzell from December 6-8, 201, she learned how popular her work is. We can measure or viewership since the launch of our homepage, The site measures all clicks on the website. The approximately 20 assembled editors, volunteers, BufDis, mini… Read More

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