Sick leave by phone extended

Patients with colds can continue to take sick leave by phone. This possibility is valid until 31 March 2023 because of Corona and the flu season. This was decided by the joint committee of doctors, health insurance companies and clinics. However, doctors must personally convince themselves of the patient’s illness in a thorough interview. Sick leave on the phone for minor upper respiratory illnesses is possible for up to seven days. It can be extended once by seven days. This regulation is intended to reduce full waiting rooms and thus the risk of infection in doctors’ surgeries. See tun22111801… Read More

No more compulsory corona isolation in Baden-Württemberg

If you are sick, you should stay at home and take a sick note. This rule now also applies to Corona. Baden-Württemberg is abolishing the isolation obligation for people tested positive for Corona as of Wednesday, 16 November. They can, for example, go shopping or for a walk. This was announced by the Ministry of Health. However, people infected with Corona must wear a medical or FFP2 mask outside their own home for five days. They can only take off the mask outdoors if they keep at least 1.5 metres away from other people. Infected children who do not yet… Read More

Mushrooms: Only pick what you know

Picking mushrooms in the forest is fun and easy on the household budget. What’s more, mushroom dishes are delicious. But deadly dangers also lurk in forests and meadows: Poisonous mushrooms. In the case of the Deathcap mushroom, one mushroom is enough to kill an adult. The mean thing: The Deathcap mushroom, as well as other poisonous mushrooms, can be confused with edible mushrooms if you are not really familiar with them. In addition, there are tasty mushrooms in Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean that look very similar to the tuberous-leaf mushroom. That leads again and again to mushroom poisonings with… Read More

Only with measles vaccination in school or kindergarten

Children attending kindergarten or school in Germany must be vaccinated against measles. This results from the Measles Protection Act, which came into force in 2020. The vaccination requirement also applies to teachers, educators, medical personnel or daycare workers born after 1970. Refugees living in collective accommodation must also provide proof of measles vaccination after four weeks, the Federal Ministry of Health reports. Measles is one of the most contagious infectious diseases. They can result in severe consequences, in the worst cases leading to potentially fatal encephalitis. Vaccination offers the best protection against the disease and confers lifelong immunity. Parents must… Read More

Abortion in Germany

In Germany, abortion is punishable for all parties involved under Section 218 of the Criminal Code (StGB). However, there are the following exemptions from punishment: The women concerned attend counselling at a recognised counselling centre. Another exception applies if there is medical evidence (indication) of a strong danger to physical or mental health. Another important reason is if the pregnancy occurred due to rape (criminological indication). The costs in the case of a medical or criminological indication are covered by the health insurance. This also applies to women who are socially needy. Important: In the case of an abortion after… Read More

Obligation to wear masks in public transport and medical practices extended

In Baden-Württemberg, masks must continue to be worn in doctors’ offices and on public transport (ÖPNV) until September 19. This was announced by the state government. Children under the age of seven do not have to wear a mask. The mask requirement also does not apply to people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons. They must prove this with a doctor’s certificate. In addition, the state government advises people to keep at least 1.5 meters away from other people and to wear a medical mask or an FFP2 mask in public indoor areas – for example, stores. See… Read More

Stiko recommends fourth vaccination from age 60

The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) has updated its vaccination recommendation against corona. It now advises people aged 60 and older to receive a fourth vaccination – after two basic vaccinations and a booster or after two basic vaccinations and an illness from Corona. However, it should have been at least six months since the last vaccination or a Corona infection. The recommendation for a fourth vaccination also applies to children five years and older with certain diseases and an increased risk of a severe course. In addition, children and adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age should now… Read More

Sick leave by phone again

Patients with a mild cold can once again take sick leave by phone. Due to the large number of people infected with Corona, this possibility is valid from now until the end of November. This was decided by the joint committee of doctors, health insurance companies and clinics. Doctors must, however, personally convince themselves of the patient’s illness in a thorough interview. Sick leave on the phone for minor upper respiratory illnesses is possible for up to seven days. It can be extended once by seven days. This regulation is intended to reduce full waiting rooms and thus the risk… Read More


In the coming week, temperatures in Baden-Württemberg are expected to rise well above 30 degrees again. For this reason, in a press release dated July 13, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health warns of possible health risks. Symptoms of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, headaches, exhaustion, nausea, and vomiting should be taken seriously by people. Children or people with disabilities should never be left in any parked vehicle, even for a short time. Tips from the Ministry of Health are more general in nature: you should provide your body with sufficient suitable fluids, and avoid alcohol and coffee. It is best… Read More

Masks are still mandatory in public transport and at the doctor’s

According to the state government, masks must continue to be worn in local public transport (ÖPNV) and in any medical practices in Baden-Württemberg until Monday, August 22, 2022. It should be notice that the mask requirement does not apply either to children or to people who cannot wear a mask for medical reasons. They must prove this with a medical certificate. Also, the state government recommends keeping a distance of at least 1.5 meters from other people and wearing a medical mask or FFP2 mask in public interiors. Moreover, the rooms must be ventilated regularly. For further information please visit… Read More

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