Dr Saif Afat: Vaccinating for quick immunity

“In order to quickly reach immunity, we have to vaccinate a lot,” explains Dr. Saif Afat in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Saif Afat came to Germany from Iraq in 2004. He is a vaccinator at the Covid vaccination centre in Tübingen and received his own vaccination in January. Afat states that people need to build a protection against the virus. They get it by surviving the infection. But the disease is often severe. However, sometimes people do not notice it, so they infect others without knowing it. All this could be prevented by vaccination. The doctor is convinced:… Read More

Relaxations for vaccinated and recovered people

People who have been fully vaccinated against corona and those who have recovered from an infection are getting more freedom. They can meet, go shopping by appointment or go the hairdresser again without taking a test. The nightly curfews don’t apply to them anymore. They don’t have to go into quarantine anymore when returning from travel – except if they enter from an area with a virus mutation. This regulation applies starting Sunday, 9th April. This was announced by Federal Minister of Justice Christine Lambrecht. After this day, recovered or fully vaccinated people can meet again in private without limit.… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: No considerably big differences between corona vaccines

The currently admitted Covid-vaccines all are a big gain, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen came to Germany four years ago from Syria. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. She differentiates between the vaccines mainly on the basis of their method of production. On the one hand there are mRNA vaccines like BioNTech, Pfizer or Moderna. On the other hand there are vector vaccines like AstraZeneca or Johnson and Johnson. They differ slightly in effectiveness,… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Medical educational talk against false rumors

People who are concerned by rumors about Covid-19-vaccines should absolutely make use of the medical educational talk before the vaccination against the coronavirus, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She currently works as a vaccinator in the Covid vaccination center of the Landkreis Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. Zen Aldeen herself wasn’t unsettled before her own vaccination. From her everyday life in the vaccination center, she knows rumors that circulate especially on Social Media. She hears of fears… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: corona vaccination unproblematic when wishing for children

Women who wish to have children can get vaccinated against the coronavirus. This was explained by pediatrician Ezdehar Zen Aldeen during a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and got vaccinated herself three months ago. During her medical consultations, she hears the worry of the vaccination making people infertile every day. Especially young women from all social groups are anxious about this. Zen Aldeen says that the vaccine has been tested on… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: vaccinating people who live in close proximity early

People who live in close proximity to many others are being vaccinated against the coronavirus especially early, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. When people live in close proximity, they can rapidly infect each other with the virus. The risk of infection is especially high in collective accommodation, all the more if people there share communal kitchens or bathrooms.… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Corona vaccination is effective

The vaccines against the coronavirus are tested and effective. This is also shown by successful vaccinations of millions of people, explains Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen came to Germany four years ago from Syria. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. She especially refers to the fact that the vaccine was tested as thoroughly as any other medication before its admission. Meanwhile millions of people have received the vaccination. For them, the vaccines worked well. Click… Read More

Paediatrician Zen Aldeen: Corona vaccines are important

The vaccines against the coronavirus are a „major bright spot” in the fight against the pandemic, explains paediatrician Ezdehar Zen Aldeen in a video interview with tünews INTERNATIONAL. Zen Aldeen, who is originally from Syria, arrived in Germany four years ago. She currently works as a vaccinator in the corona vaccination center in the District of Tübingen and received her own vaccination three months ago. People who get vaccinated lower their risk of an infection or a severe course of the infection considerably. But the vaccinations are also important for society as a whole, she said. If enough people are… Read More

Risk of infection especially indoors

Where do people get infected with the corona virus? Researchers from Berlin wanted to find out. Their result: people become infected above all in their own households, through visiting, at work as well as in daycare centres and schools – i.e. whenever they are indoors with others for a long time without a mask. This is also the conclusion reached by experts in aerosols. These are tiny droplets. People emit aerosols, for example, when breathing, speaking or sneezing. Indoors, the corona virus can float in droplets through the air for minutes. The aerosol researchers also say: There is a risk… Read More

The country’s „Corona Emergency Brake“ applies as of 24.04. in Baden-Württemberg

Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.

Starting Saturday, April 24th, 2021, the latest changes to the state’s corona regulations apply in Baden-Württemberg. The state government has adjusted its current regulations to suit the changed Infection Protection Act of the country (the so-called “Emergency Brake”, which now applies to all of Germany). The “Emergency Brake” regulations apply when a district passes the incidence of 100. This means that within seven days, more than 100 new infections with the coronavirus are registered on three consecutive days. This is the case for the districts of Tübingen and Reutlingen. Contact restriction: Meetings are possible with members of the own household… Read More

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