Shops closed over Easter

The supermarkets and discounters in Baden-Württemberg are closed on Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Easter Monday. The state government had planned otherwise, but received criticism from the churches. Unions also asked workers to relax on the holidays. In some cases, shops have extended their opening hours to avoid crowds. Therefore, they also ask customers to plan their purchases and, if possible, not to go to the shops on Thursday or Saturday. In this way, crowds should be avoided, and it should also be possible to keep your distance. tun040601 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Kerstin Markl,… Read More

E-Learning in times of Corona

What is E-Learning? Basically, the term E-learning (electronic learning) covers all forms of electronically supported learning. During the Corona crisis pupils in Germany and other countries are being taught online and have to do their homework on a PC or laptop. What are the advantages and disadvantages of E-learning? Here are a few examples. The first advantage is the greatest possible flexibility in terms of time and space. This means that E-learning is not dependent on timetables or a specific location like school building. Another advantage is that students can concentrate more on the tasks at home – when they… Read More

Tips against stress in Corona times

Our lives are being altered by Corona. Many people have varying levels of fear of the virus. The situation with few physical contacts or even quarantine has an affect on the psyche and can cause stress and many other negative feelings. To cope with all this, the psychologist Raimund Alber of Ärzte ohne Grenzen offers the following tips: 1) Allow emotions like anger, frustration or hopelessness. 2) Sleep well and switch off at least one hour before going to bed and do something relaxing. 3) Just a little exercise, e.g. sports at home or a walk in nature, can help… Read More

Scholarships for students

Are you exceptionally good in your studies and get good grades? There are 13 organisations in Germany that support high-performing students financially. In addition to very good grades, you also have to show social and voluntary engagement. The application process is online and is independent of social background. For more information about student scholarships: tun032412 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 06.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here  

Easter in Germany

Easter is the most sacred festival in Christianity. It is closely connected with Christmas, which however has more significance for most Germans and on which there are more presents. On Christmas Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. On Easter they celebrate his sacrificial death and resurrection. Easter Sunday is preceded by a 40-day fasting period in which believers reflect on God. The holiday is on a different date every year: always on the Sunday after the first full moon of spring, in March or April. In the week before Easter, called the Holy Week, many events take place: On… Read More

Lively city

The newly created online portal “” offers a joint online shop in which you can buy products from various Tübingen shops. “We are pleased that we can serve Tübingen even in this difficult time,” says Selçuk Öner from tuemarkt GmbH, the man behind the portal, which he set up together with committed retailers. The portal also provides information about existing online shops from Tübingen shops and service providers. “” also shows the delivery offers from retailers and restaurateurs who do not have an online shop, but who accept orders by phone or email. tun033103 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der… Read More

Tübingen – I miss you, but I’m staying home

Today, after a long time and with a lot of longing, I visited Tübingen because of an important appointment. My feelings fluctuated between sadness and joy. I felt sad when I saw places that were full of pedestrians and visitors three weeks ago. Now they are frighteningly silent and empty, defying the bright sun that usually lured people out of their houses. At the same time, I’m happy that people are staying at home. They are following the rules for protecting public health. We are all responsible for those in need of protection who the virus may endanger much more… Read More

International Children’s Book Day

2nd of April is the annual International Children’s Book Day. The aim is to awaken a desire to read and to draw attention to children’s books. Because of the Corona virus, schools all over the world have been closed and pupils been told to stay at home. This could be a chance for them to read more. A publisher organisation, the World Health Organisation WHO and UNICEF have therefore launched the “Read the World” campaign. Many authors of children’s books have joined this initiative. They read extracts from their books to children and young people who have to live in… Read More

Bookseller carrying out deliveries himself

Hermann Arndt-Riethmüller, a bookstore owner from Tübingen, delivered books to his customers personally on Saturday, 28 March. Many bookstores are relying on online business in times of corona shutdown. Once orders are received, the books have to reach the people who want them and Hermann makes that possible for his customers. While standing in the bright sunshine Hermann explains: “Whether I cycle through Schönbuch, or around here …”, it makes little difference to him. tun032801 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Wolfgang Sannwald, 28.03.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Start of Daylight saving time

Coming Sunday, 29.03.2020, the time will be changed in Germany. At 2 a.m. at night the time will be moved forward to 3 a.m. This will make the night an hour shorter.  The initial idea of changing time dates back to 1784, when the then American politician Benjamin Franklin allegedly considered this because he wanted to save up on candles. In Germany the time change was introduced in 1916.  2021 will, however, most likely be the end of time changes in the EU countries. tun037203 Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Oula Mahfouz, 27.03.2020

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