Language problems when visiting the doctor

Doctors need to understand their patients in order to make the right diagnosis. During the conversation, they can find out where something hurts or what other complaints the patient has. If patients do not speak enough German, they may not understand how to take their medication. Interpreters from the patient‘s own family, volunteers, but also translation programs on cell phones could ensure better communication. This is what Ute Leidig, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs, Health and Integration, said during a visit to the tuenews editorial team. Leidig also addressed another problem. Many refugees from other cultural… Read More

Promoting early integration through work

By Ute Kaiser Language is a key to integration – and so is work. One district in Thuringia requires adult asylum seekers to work for 80 cents an hour: cleaning their accommodation, at the building authority or at an association such as the Tafel. Anyone who refuses to do this work without good reason can have up to half of their asylum seeker benefits cut. This would also be possible in Baden-Württemberg. But the district of Tübingen is taking a different approach. tuenews INTERNATIONAL spoke to District Administrator Joachim Walter about this. Since August, there has been a new “Refugees… Read More

Job fair at the Reutlingen job center

Providers will be providing information about retraining and qualifications on Wednesday, 11 September, from 2 to 4.30 p.m. at the education fair at the Reutlingen Jobcenter, Albstraße 83. This will also include short adaptation qualifications with job-related German lessons. For example, there are educational institutions that offer courses in a commercial training company or others with vocational preparation courses in the field of wood processing. Information is also available on retraining courses leading to a vocational qualification. Advisors are available for personal discussions. You do not have to register. tun24082701 Die Agentur für Arbeit in Reutlingen. Foto: tuenews INTERNATIONAL… Read More

Travel documents for Afghan refugees

It is difficult for refugees from Afghanistan who do not have a valid passport to travel abroad. This is because their home country does not currently issue new passports. They therefore need replacement documents. Since the beginning of the year, twelve Afghans in the district of Tübingen have received a travel document for foreigners from the district office. Seven refugees from Afghanistan received a travel document for refugees. This was announced by the district administration office at the request of tuenews INTERNATIONAL. Refusals are not systematically recorded; the district office has only registered one for this year. A travel document… Read More

Truancy after the vacations has consequences

Coming back later from vacation because travel is cheaper then: This can be expensive for parents of schoolchildren. School attendance is compulsory in Baden-Württemberg. The legal basis for this is the state‘s school attendance ordinance. It states, among other things: “Every pupil is obliged to attend classes (…) regularly and properly.“ In the case of minors, parents must ensure that this is complied with. A leave of absence from school is only possible “in particularly justified exceptional cases“, writes Florian Mader from the Ministry of Education at the request of tuenews INTERNATIONAL. Vacation trips that begin before or end after… Read More

The Ammertalbahn does not run

Due to construction work, the Ammertalbahn line will be closed from Saturday, August 31, to Sunday, September 8. During this time, only buses will run between Tübingen and Herrenberg. There is a Regiobus. It stops at all stops along the route. There is also an express bus. It only stops in Entringen (Obere Straße and Hauffstraße), in Pfäffingen at the train station and in Unterjesingen at the Kreissparkasse. The buses of the rail replacement service (SEV) start at the Tübingen bus station on platform R. After the closure from Monday, September 9, the trains will run longer in the evening… Read More

State Secretary criticizes cut in funding for language courses

“These cuts are a crucial mistake, we will fight for these funds!” said Ute Leidig, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration, during her visit to the editorial office of tünews INTERNATIONAL on August 28, 2024 (we reported: ”Punishing attacks with all severity” | tuenews ( She had been asked by members of the editorial team who had fled about the fact that the German government wanted to reduce funding for language and integration courses from 1.2 billion to 500 million euros. According to the State Secretary, 13 percent of these cuts, i.e. just under 80… Read More

“Punish attacks with all severity”

Can the current social climate in Germany following the attack in Solingen jeopardize the integration of refugees? There, an asylum seeker killed three people with a knife at a town festival and injured several others. “Such situations are very difficult,” said Ute Leidig, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs and Integration, during a visit to the tuenews editorial team. Attacks like the one in Solingen cause great fear. People wanted to feel safe at home and at festivals. But they felt this safety was threatened by those like the perpetrator who come to Germany and “demand protection… Read More

Fire engine and solar panels

By Yana Rudenko Town twinning in practice: the mayor of the Ukrainian town of Kremenchuk is grateful for the help from Tübingen. For Vitalii Maletskyi, the twinning of his city with Tübingen is a great relief. In an interview with tuenews INTERNATIONAL, the mayor of the Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk expressed his gratitude for the help from the city on the Neckar. Maletskyi visited Tübingen on May 10 this year and signed a partnership agreement together with Tübingen’s mayor Boris Palmer. Since then, Kremenchuk and Tübingen have officially been twin cities (see tun24051406). tuenews contacted the Executive Committee of the… Read More

Unskilled labor despite a university degree

More and more refugees from Ukraine are working. However, women in particular often work in unskilled jobs and part-time, even though they have good qualifications. This is the result of the report „Dimensions of the employment of Ukrainian refugees in companies in Baden Württemberg“. The Institute for Applied Economic Research (IAW) in Tübingen carried out the study on behalf of the Federal Employment Agency. Around 125,000 people seeking protection from Ukraine were living in Baden-Württemberg at the end of 2023, two thirds of whom were women. In May 2024, just under 29% of Ukrainian refugees were employed in the state… Read More

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