Rottenburger Sprachcafé has reopened

In the language café in Rottenburg, refugees and migrants can improve their German skills with volunteers. The Sprach-Café opens every Wednesday from 5.30 p.m. It is in the Atrium building next to the high building on the former DHL site. The visitors determine what and how is learned. There is coffee, cake, pastries and fruit as well as child care. The entire offer can be used free of charge. If you want to come, you have to be vaccinated, recovered or tested on a daily basis. The current corona rules must be adhered to. This is what the refugee commissioner… Read More

Technical assistance to parents in homeschooling

There is a project called “Homeschooling: aber sicher!” Mentors of the Volkshochschule in Rottenburg offers free technical supports every Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. Homeschooling-mentors help parents with a migration history. Whoever needs tips and help with dealing with technical issues can simply come to the consultation session without registration. Furthermore, there is the possibility to make a personal appointment and an interpreter can be made available if necessary. The contact person is Yannick Ceutche. Days and times: Monday to Friday (5 pm to 8 pm), Saturdays (9am to 5pm). Cell phone: 0176 38442242, Email: All offers are… Read More

New program for refugees with an academic background in computer sciences

Often, refugees with an academic background from a different country have trouble getting their degree or their academic achievements recognized in Germany. The new qualification program at the Hochschule Reutlingen in the field of computer sciences now helps with this issue. The goal of the program is to give refugees the chance to educate themselves further, in order for their degrees to be recognized in Germany. The participants will be coached and will receive an individualized study program. The program is supposed to help academics get into the working force faster. This coming winter semester 2020/21, the Hochschule Reutlingen will… Read More

Funded tutoring available during the holidays

Children, teenagers and young adults who come from low-income families, for example those who receive social benefits from the Jobcenter, are eligible for funding for private tutoring sessions during the summer holidays. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, many students have had limited access to classes since March. Private tutoring during the summer holidays offers students a good opportunity to catch up on missed school work. The administrative district office (Landratsamt) will pay for the tutoring costs. A statement from the school is not necessary during the summer holidays. Application forms and information about the benefits of the “Bildungs- und Teilhabepaket”,… Read More

Classes during summer holidays for students with deficits

In Baden-Wuerttemberg, there will be learning and support classes called “Lernbrücken” (learning bridges) during the last two weeks of the summer holidays in September. The courses are designed to help pupils catch up on study material, repeat content and overcome learning difficulties. This should help allow a better start into the new school year. Due to the school closings during the Corona-crisis, the students depended on learning at home. For many, this led to visible learning gaps. The new offer concerns basic skills such as the subjects German and maths, but also foreign languages. The participants will attend three hours… Read More

University events continue digitally

The course of study at universities will resume in Baden-Württemberg in digital formats on April 20, 2020. Direct attendance of courses will be suspended until May 3, 2020. Practical events that require special laboratory or work rooms at universities can take place if they are absolutely necessary and special protective measures are taken. This was ordered by the state government of Baden-Württemberg in the Fifth Ordinance to amend the Corona Ordinance of April 17. tun041805 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Wolfgang Sannwald, 22.03.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

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