New program for refugees with an academic background in computer sciences

Often, refugees with an academic background from a different country have trouble getting their degree or their academic achievements recognized in Germany. The new qualification program at the Hochschule Reutlingen in the field of computer sciences now helps with this issue. The goal of the program is to give refugees the chance to educate themselves further, in order for their degrees to be recognized in Germany. The participants will be coached and will receive an individualized study program. The program is supposed to help academics get into the working force faster. This coming winter semester 2020/21, the Hochschule Reutlingen will start the program with its first participants. The German Academic Exchange Service or as it is called in German the DAAD (Deutsche Akademische Austauschdienst) is financing the program. For more information, the person to contact is Melanie Bitzer:


Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 13.08.2020

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