In Baden-Wuerttemberg, there will be learning and support classes called “Lernbrücken” (learning bridges) during the last two weeks of the summer holidays in September. The courses are designed to help pupils catch up on study material, repeat content and overcome learning difficulties. This should help allow a better start into the new school year.
Due to the school closings during the Corona-crisis, the students depended on learning at home. For many, this led to visible learning gaps. The new offer concerns basic skills such as the subjects German and maths, but also foreign languages. The participants will attend three hours of class per day.
The class teachers will decide in consultation with the subject teachers, which students should take part in the support programme. The eligibility criteria are grades, bad or no availability during the school closings, deficits in online- and classroom training, and the danger of repetition the class. “In case of a recommendation from the school, the participation is pedagogically necessary and planned bindingly. “We are confident that many parents will take the pedagogic recommendation seriously and are highly interested in the participation of their child”, stated the minister of education and cultural affairs, Susanne Eisenmann. Up to 150.000 students are expected to take place in the “Lernbrücken”.
For more information:,Lde/Startseite/Service/2020+07+03+Lernbruecken+in+den+Sommerferien
Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 09.07.2020