International Weeks against Racism 2021

On March 21st, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is taking place. Because of this, in many German cities the “International Weeks against Racism” are taking place every year in March. For this occasion, there will also be different events and campaigns taking place between March 15th and 28th in Tübingen. “We want to support the thought of solidarity in everyday life between the local people and show the involvement in our city with this campaign week,” says Luzia Köberlein, commissioner for integration in Tübingen. Starting Monday, March 15th, the board of integration is putting up a… Read More

10th December: Human Rights Day

Year after year, people around the world celebrate Human Rights Day on 10th December. On 10th December 1948, the United Nations announced the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. For the first time it guaranteed equal rights for all people. The Declaration is still relevant after more than 70 years. Because every day somewhere in the world one of its 30 articles is violated. State arbitrariness and violence exist in many places and in various forms. The right to life and freedom or the prohibition of torture is ignored. Freedom of expression and information or the prohibition of discrimination are violated.… Read More

Customs in the Advent season

The Advent season in Germany has many traditions and customs. Advent means “the coming of God”, referring to the birth of Jesus Christ, which many people in Germany celebrate on December 24th. Advent begins on the first Sunday after November 26th and is then celebrated on all four Sundays until Christmas. The celebrations have many customs. One of them is the Advent wreath, a beautifully decorated wreath made of fir branches with four candles on it. One candle is lit every Sunday, so that all four candles are lit by Christmas. Another custom, especially for children, is the Advent calendar,… Read More

What is the St. Nicholas’ Day?

The St. Nicholas’ Day on December 6th is the death anniversary  of the bishop Saint Nicholas of Myra. Many legends exist about Nicholas. He supposedly shared his entire inheritance with the poor and was a very religious man. St. Nicholas’ Day is a Christian holiday during the advent season and is also celebrated by many non-Christians with their children in Germany. On the eve before St. Nicholas’ Day, children put their boots or shoes in front of the door. They hope that St. Nicholas will come and put sweets, tangerines, nuts or chocolate, in them. A common part of the… Read More

World Children’s Day on November 20th

The World Children’s Day by the United Nations takes place on November 20th. It was established in 1954 and is an important part in the history of children’s rights. On November 20th, 1959, the general assembly of the United Nations accepted the declaration of children’s rights. On the same day, 30 years later, they adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In it, the rights of children are described. Some of these are, for example, the right to live, to education, to leisure time and to be protected from exploitation and violence. The World Children’s Day promotes the… Read More

Refrain from celebrating Halloween during corona

The evening before All Hallows’ Day, Halloween, from October 31st to November 1st, was especially popular in Catholic Ireland in its beginnings. Irish immigrants in the United States of America followed this tradition to remember their origin and extended it. Since the 1990s, the Halloween customs, building on the American traditions, have become popular in Europe. Youngsters and children dress up as zombies or other scary characters on the evening before All Hallows’ day and go around in groups. They knock on each door and ask, “Trick or Treat”, which is a way of asking for candy. They do this… Read More

How Muslims mourn

With the event “Islam and Death & Mourning”, TübIs is continuing the series of Tübingen’s Islam Talks. The lecture with Hala Fouad-Sindlinger from TübIs will take place on Wednesday, October 21st, at 7:30 pm in the Café “Willi Wilhelm” in Wilhelmstraße 3/1. Along with Asli Kücük as the moderator. The lecture will deal with the question of how death and mourning are thematised in Islamic theology. Also included are examples of post-mortem rituals in Muslim everyday life. The lecture will last about 45 minutes, after which there will be sufficient time for exchange and dialogue. Registration until Tuesday, October 20th,… Read More

Workshop on German rule of law for Arab refugees

For refugees and asylum seekers who speak Arabic, a free rule of law lesson will take place on October 22nd in Rottenburg. From 14:00 to 17:15 i at Sülchenstraße 24, Rettungszentrum, Z 2, basic knowledge of the free democratic fundamental order of the Federal Republic of Germany will be discussed. Johannes Ady, judge at the Tübingen Regional Court, will lead this course. A press report on an earlier course is available at: The focus is on state building and the basic values that are binding for all, such as democracy, the rule of law, equality and tolerance. The course… Read More

Women talk about their life in Germany

The Brückenhaus in Tübingen offers a workshop for women. The topic is “New country. Germany and my everyday life”. Women from different nations can talk about their life here. No specific language skills are necessary. The workshop starts on Thursday, October 8th, at 10 a.m. in the Brückenhaus, Werkstraße 8. There will be 13 meetings in total. They last one hour. Interested parties can contact Khalikova Nadira at 07071/204-1363 or send an e-mail to tun092908 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 23.08.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Workshop on German rule of law for Arab refugees

For refugees and asylum seekers who speak Arabic as their mother tongue, a free rule of law lesson will take place on October 22nd in Rottenburg. From 14:00 to 17:15 in Rottenburg at Sülchenstraße 24, Rettungszentrum, Z 2, basic knowledge of the free democratic basic order of the Federal Republic of Germany will be discussed. Johannes Ady, judge at the Tübingen Regional Court, will lead this course. A press report on an earlier course is available at: The focus is on state building and the basic values that are binding for all, such as democracy, the rule of law,… Read More

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