Train drivers’ strike continues

Rail passengers must be prepared for a new strike. It is set to begin at 2 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12, and will last for 24 hours. This was announced by Claus Weselsky, head of the train drivers’ union GDL. After that, there could be further unannounced strikes. Deutsche Bahn and the union have been arguing for months about a new collective agreement. A key issue is the GDL’s demand to reduce the working week for shift workers from 38 to 35 hours without reducing pay. tun24031102 Verwaiste Gleisanlagen während eines Bahnstreiks. Foto: tuenews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. 002330

Women’s action day at the employment agency

Information on ways into training and work specifically for women will be available on Monday, March 11 at the joint Women’s Action Day of the Reutlingen Employment Agency and the Jobcenter in the district of Reutlingen. Presentations will be offered, but individual consultations are also possible. Participation is free of charge and possible without registration. The event will take place in rooms 3.25 and 3.40 at the Employment Agency and Jobcenter at Albstraße 83 in Reutlingen. The event starts at 10 a.m. with the topic “Part-time training for mothers and German learners”, followed by the topic “Am I good enough?… Read More

Women’s Day on March 8 against inequality

International Women’s Day on March 8 is a day of action that draws attention to women’s rights and gender equality worldwide. On the one hand, the day celebrates the achievements of the women’s rights movement and, on the other, draws attention to continuing discrimination and inequalities. On Friday, March 8, 2024, there will be an event at Tübingen Town Hall from 7 pm to 10 pm. Its motto: “Mind the Gap—Closing the Gaps in Gender Equality”. Admission is free. Slam poet Marina Sigl will be performing. There will also be short speeches from two representatives of the Integration Council as… Read More

Payment card for refugees? Current status of the plans

No more cash for refugees, but a “credit balance” on a payment card: from the beginning of 2025, refugees throughout Germany are to receive their social benefits via a payment card—and no longer as cash or by bank transfer as before. The federal and state governments agreed on this in November 2023. Each federal state can decide for itself which functions the new card will and will not have. The CDU/CSU and FDP parliamentary groups were particularly in favour of excluding so-called “remittances” to family and friends in the countries of origin. So far, there are only concrete plans for… Read More

Train drivers and Verdi strike again

Rail passengers must be prepared for new strikes. They are to begin at 2 a.m. on Thursday, March 7 and last for 35 hours. This was announced by Claus Weselsky, head of the train drivers’ union GDL. There could be further unannounced strikes after that. Deutsche Bahn and the union have been arguing for months about a new collective agreement. A key issue is the GDL’s demand to reduce the working week for shift workers from 38 to 35 hours without reducing pay. The trade union Verdi has also called for warning strikes at airports on Thursday and Friday. Lufthansa… Read More

Free seminar on business start-ups on March 16 and 17

Anyone who is interested in setting up a business and would like to become self-employed can take part in a free seminar organized by Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Tübingen mbH (WIT). It will take place on Saturday, March 16 and Sunday, March 17 from 9 a.m. at the Open Innovation Campus Westspitze, Eisenbahnstraße 1. The seminar will cover three topics: business idea and business plan, administration and organization, and financing self-employment. Interested parties will also find out where they can get support. Participants will receive documents to accompany the seminar as well as a certificate of attendance. Registration is required and can be… Read More

Education and participation team less available

The Education and Participation department at the Tübingen District Office is only available to a limited extent. This is expected to be the case until the beginning of May. The team can only be contacted in person or by telephone on Tuesdays from 8 am to 12 noon and Thursdays from 8 am to 12 noon and 2 pm to 4 pm. However, questions can be asked or supporting documents sent at any time via the email address Paper applications are accepted from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 12 noon and on Thursdays between 2 p.m. and… Read More

Demonstrating is a human right

By Ute Kaiser In Germany, hundreds of thousands are demonstrating for democracy and against right-wing extremism. They are also protesting against the “remigration” ideas of the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. This fighting term stands for “the deportation of all people with supposedly the wrong skin color or origin, even if they are German citizens”. This was said by a member of the jury that declared the term “remigration” to be the bad word of the year 2023 (see the news item tun24011603). What is the right to demonstrate in Germany? Article 8, paragraph 1 of the Basic Law stipulates… Read More

Ticks are already lurking for victims

Ticks benefit from mild temperatures in winter. This is why the bloodsuckers are already active early this year. “There are already the first infections,” parasitologist Ute Mackenstedt from the University of Hohenheim told Südwestrundfunk (SWR). Baden-Württemberg is a tick risk area. Many people here become infected through tick bites. The parasites like to sit in tall grass, bushes, gardens or in the forest and lie in wait for their victims. Experts advise people to protect themselves from tick bites by wearing long, closed clothing and sturdy shoes. Anti-tick sprays are also available. Anyone who has been out and about in… Read More

Solidarity action with Ukraine on the anniversary of the war

A solidarity event dedicated to the second anniversary of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine will be held in Tübingen. The event will start on Saturday, February 24 at 16:30 at the Holzmarkt. Among the organizers are such Tübingen associations and unions as Grüne Jugend, Junge Europäische Föderalisten (JEF), Junge Liberale, Junge Union, Jusos, Sonnenblau, Tübingen hilft Ukraine and the Ukrainian community in Tübingen. “It’s the second anniversary of the beginning of the war in Ukraine, and there seems to be no end in sight. For almost two years, Ukrainians have been living with the daily routine of war,… Read More

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