Ticks are already lurking for victims

Ticks benefit from mild temperatures in winter. This is why the bloodsuckers are already active early this year. “There are already the first infections,” parasitologist Ute Mackenstedt from the University of Hohenheim told Südwestrundfunk (SWR).
Baden-Württemberg is a tick risk area. Many people here become infected through tick bites. The parasites like to sit in tall grass, bushes, gardens or in the forest and lie in wait for their victims. Experts advise people to protect themselves from tick bites by wearing long, closed clothing and sturdy shoes. Anti-tick sprays are also available.
Anyone who has been out and about in meadows or woods should check their body at home for the parasites—especially warm, damp areas such as the back of the knees or armpits. The reason: ticks can transmit viruses that cause the disease TBE. This can cause inflammation of the meninges, among other things. The safest protection against TBE is a vaccination. Tick bites can also trigger the bacterial disease Lyme borreliosis.
The parasites should be grabbed as quickly as possible with tweezers or tick forceps directly on the skin and slowly pulled out straight upwards. The wound should then be disinfected.
Answers to frequently asked questions about ticks and infections as well as further links can be found at the Robert Koch Institute at https://www.rki.de/SharedDocs/FAQ/FSME/Zecken/Zecken.html
And from the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health



Mit Hilfe einer Zange kann man Zecken entfernen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Kerstin Markl.







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