Integreat: Information about the Corona warning app in nine languages

The Integreat app provides information about the federal government’s Corona Warning app in German, English, French, Arabic, Romanian, Turkish, Farsi, Polish, and Russian. The information is written in simple language and can be pulled up in the nationwide app: tun062310 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Corona as of July 1st: Events with more than 20 people

Starting July 1st, 2020, new regulations to combat the corona pandemic will apply in Baden-Württemberg. From then on, events with up to 250 people are possible. The prerequisite is that the participants are assigned fixed seats for the entire duration of the event and that the event follows a pre-determined program. This regulation includes, for example, cultural events, club meetings or employee meetings. Dance events, with the exception of dance performances, dance classes and rehearsals, are also prohibited. Starting August 1st, events with less than 500 people are allowed again. Events with over 500 participants are still prohibited until October… Read More

Corona from July 1st: Clubs and discotheques still prohibited

Starting July 1st, 2020, new regulations to combat the corona pandemic will apply in Baden-Württemberg. Clubs and discos are still not allowed to open. Prostitutes, brothels and similar establishments as well as any other form of prostitution are also prohibited. This is stated in paragraph 13 of the ordinance of the state government on infection protection measures against the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus of June 23rd, 2020. tun062504 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 27.06.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Masks make sense in the age of Corona

Many people are reluctant to wear masks against the Coronavirus, but the obligation to cover the mouth and nose in public transport and in shops is evident. A study by four universities backs this claim. The scientists examined developments in Jena and similar cities. Jena had already introduced the mask requirement on April 6th, other cities did not follow until two or three weeks later. The study found that the mask requirement has contributed to slow the spread of Covid-19, according to the summary by Klaus Wäldle (University of Mainz). The World Health Organization (WHO) has also changed its stance… Read More

Curevac receives 300 million Euro for vaccination research

The German national bank KfW has invested 300 million Euro in the Tübingen enterprise Curevac, as told by the federal economics minister Peter Altmaier on Monday. The biotech-company is conducting research for a vaccination against the Corona virus in the Technologiepark Tübingen. Curevac wants to teach the human body how to produce its own vaccine. The enterprise wants to imitate a natural virus infection and, thus, activate the body’s own defence mechanisms. Press spokesman Thorsten Schüller explained the method to tünews INTERNATIONAL at the beginning of April. Meanwhile, Curevac has been allowed to test its vaccine in a clinical study… Read More

Prime Minister on Corona myths: no villain who wants to fool everyone

People are now also protesting in Tübingen against the corona policy of the federal and state governments. Baden-Württemberg’s Prime  Minister  Winfried Kretschmann addressed these demonstrations, among other things, in his new video podcast on Tuesday. “The right of assembly is a fundamental right,” said Kretschmann. However, he also sees that “extremists and populists” are using demonstrations for their purposes. For example, they claim that Microsoft founder Bill Gates is behind Corona in order to secretly establish world domination. This “conspiracy theory”, according to the Prime Minister, is absurd: “There is no villain here who wants to fool us all.” But… Read More

Education or work allowance: Urgent

A new residence law has been enforced in Germany since January 2020. It affects allowance to engage in education or work. Anyone wishing to apply must provide proof of who he or she is and where he or she came from by Tuesday, June 30th. This is urgent. Afterward the due date the allowance can no longer be applied for. A birth certificate (with name, nationality, date of birth) and a passport or other official document of the country of origin must be provided by June 30th. If this does not work, the applicants must prove that they have taken… Read More

Corona: Situation in Nigeria

By Bright Edosa Igbinovia Nigeria is the most populated country in Africa. The Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC) in Abuja is leading the struggle against the Corona virus. The government of Nigeria has drawn consequences from the crisis of Ebola from 2014 and has improved their health care. The first confirmed case of the pandemic of “Coronavirus disease 2019” (Covid-19) in Nigeria was announced on the 27th February 2020. The total confirmed cases: 6175 infected, 1644 survivors and 191 deaths (18.05.2020, source: Nigeria Center for Disease Control (NCDC)). The Nigerian government announced a ban on international flights on the… Read More

Private parties with a maximum of 99 guests

Starting Tuesday, 9th June 2020, weddings and birthday parties will be permitted to be celebrated with more guests. In one’s home, up to 20 people from different households are allowed. No restrictions apply among family members anymore. This was announced by the federal state government of Baden-Württemberg. They made two examples: If four people live together in one household, up to a maximum of 16 people that are not related may be invited to a party. If three relatives join the four hosts, only 13 not related persons are allowed to enter. In rented rooms such as a restaurant, private… Read More

Relaxed rules for festivals, culture and football

Birthday children and wedding couples will now benefit from the new relaxations of the Corona rules. Starting Monday, June 1st, up to ten people from several households can meet and celebrate in closed private rooms. This restriction does not apply to relatives. A maximum of 20 people can get together at a private party outdoors. Baden-Württemberg’s Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann announced this easing on Tuesday. Those interested in cultural events can visit cinemas, theaters, concerts or operas again, starting June 1st. However, less than 100 people are allowed in the hall together with permanent seating. Would you rather go to… Read More

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