Limited training allowed in the gyms

Fitness or yoga fans can train again in studios starting Tuesday, June 2nd. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Culture has now announced rule relaxation for indoor sports. However, in addition to the minimum distance of 1.5 meters between the exercisers, other rules also apply. The athletes must come to the gym in their training attire because the changing rooms will remain closed. No direct physical contact nor crowding is allowed. Studio staff must note the name, date, length of visit including the address or phone number of visitors. The rooms must be adequately ventilated and the devices carefully cleaned/disinfected after each… Read More

Corona on a global scale

Wolfgang Sannwald The Corona-virus has infected approximately four million people worldwide. Until may 5th, more than 250.000 deaths are accredited to the pandemic. Both numbers continue to rise. In this global crisis, it has become clear once more that people cannot be separated by nationality, language, skin colour or religion. The pathogen impairs people that are from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Germany or anywhere else in the same way. Everywhere on earth, it causes people to die. Yet, a big difference is made by the condition of societies in which the virus spreads. Is there enough prosperity in order to… Read More

Ramadan in times of Corona

Due to the Corona crisis, fasting Muslims experienced significant changes in Ramadan this year. Religious and social rituals constitute central elements of Ramdan. For example, after Ishaa, the evening prayer, follows the Tarawih. Tarawih is a prayer that only takes place during Ramadan and, therefore, has a special significance. Due to the worldwide closing and restrictions on mosques, joint prayers were no longer possible. Even in Mekka, the holy town of Muslims, the ritual was not held this year. “Many people find that sad”, says Salma from Syria. The joint meals Mawaes Al Rahman outdoor were cancelled, which is another… Read More

The Loss of a Friend Due to Coronavirus

Mohammad Nazir Momand from Afghanistan was the first member of the editorial board to be affected by the death of a friend due to Covid-19. He wrote this obituary on his friend: My friend Dr. Eqbal Omari died on April 15th, 2020 in Afghanistan from the Coronavirus. He was 32 years old. We were together from elementary school till high school. He was particularly interested in computer technology and met a lot with friends in his free time. After school he studied medicine in Mazar-e Sharif and I studied agriculture at the same time. We were in the same building… Read More

Accessibility of the immigration authorities in the district of Tübingen

Accessibility of the immigration authorities in the district of Tübingen Due to the corona situation, there are currently no open office hours at the immigration authorities in the district of Tübingen. Appointments can be made in urgent cases. The following accessibility applies to the individual offices and authorities:   Immigration office in the district office An appointment is to be made directly with the responsible clerk. The contact details can be found here: To prolong tolerations and residence permits, it is sufficient to send the residence permits or tolerations to the district office. After the extension, the documents will… Read More

Help for tenants

Regulations for the protection of tenants came into force on April 1st, 2020 and will continue to apply until June 30th. As a result, their rentals cannot be terminated within this period due to a failure to pay rent during the COVID 19 pandemic. The rent will not be given to anyone for this period. Interest on arrears may also arise. Rental debts from April 1st to June 30th, 2020 must be paid by June 30th, 2022, otherwise the tenants can be evicted. In the event of a dispute, tenants must demonstrate that they can no longer pay their rent… Read More

Occupational health and safety against corona infections

The Federal Government published general standards for protection against corona infections at worki on April 20th. The government points out that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters must also be observed in companies – in buildings, outdoors and in vehicles. Operations should be organized in such a way that employees have as little direct contact as possible. Shift work should be adjusted accordingly. Nobody should come to work sick. Anyone who has a fever, runny nose, cough or breathing problems while at work should go home. In the event of unavoidable direct contacts, there must be additional protection, preferably with… Read More

Corona and consequences – information in multiple languages

The Federal Government Commissioner for Migration, Refugees and Integration is providing useful information on the coronavirus in 20 languages. A homepage is offering information on the virus and related protective measures. The latest decisions of the Federal Government including its states, speeches by the Federal Chancellor and many news reports on individual aspects can be accessed. For example, information from other federal ministries and federal institutions on work, travel or protection against violence is also available. tun051503 Impressionen zum Leben in Zeiten der Corona-Pandemie: Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL; Mostafa Elyasian, 19.04.2020 Latest information on Corona: Click here

Few exceptions to compulsory schooling

After the Pentecost vacation on June 15th, more and more students will begin going back to schools. This worries some parents in Corona times. They would prefer not to let their schoolchildren out of the house to protect them. However, that is not possible. School attendance is compulsory in Germany. However, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Culture has provided exceptions to this: children who have a previous illness, such as asthma, do not have to go to class. This also applies to children who live in a household with people from a risk group. Parents can report this to the schools… Read More

Two Countries, Two Responses

Will Thomas lived in Germany as an exchange student from May 2019 to April 2020 and has been helping out at tünews International since October 2019. In his article, he compares the governmental responses to the Corona pandemic of Germany and the USA based on his own personal experiences and shares his perception of the current Corona crisis.   by Will Thomas How does a country react to a crisis? The answer depends on the country. Until the end of March, I was completing an exchange year in Tübingen, consisting of a semester at the university and an internship. Unfortunately,… Read More

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