تزداد أعداد الأشخاص الذين يصابون بفيروس كورونا أو بأمراض أخرى. لذلك يُعيد مستشفى توبنغن الجامعي فرض إلزامية ارتداء الكمامات. وتبدأ هذه الإلزامية اعتبارًا من يوم الاثنين، 13 نوفمبر، وفقًا لإعلان المستشفى. تشمل إلزامية ارتداء الكمامة جميع المباني. بالنسبة للزوار والمرضى الذين يأتون للعيادات الخارجية، بالإضافة إلى مرضى العيادة النهارية، يكفي ارتداء الكمامة الجراحية العادية. لا يلزم ارتداء قناع إف إف بي 2 كما سيقوم موظفو المستشفى أيضًا بارتداء الكمامة في التواصل المباشر مع المرضى https://www.medizin.uni-tuebingen.de/de/das-klinikum/pressemeldungen/609?press_str= tun23111001 www.tuenews.de OP-Masken: jetzt wieder Pflicht an der Uniklinik Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. 000832
Day: November 14, 2023
Immigration: More opportunities for skilled workers
There is a shortage of well-trained people in many sectors in Germany. That is why there is a new law to allow skilled workers to immigrate. This is new from November 18: foreign skilled workers with vocational training or academic qualifications are entitled to a residence permit. They are no longer restricted to jobs related to their education (see link below). Immigration opportunities with the European Union (EU) Blue Card for non-EU foreigners have also been restructured (see the link below). The following changes will apply from November: The limits for the minimum salary will be lowered: for professions in… Read More
Zaha Hadid: Ingenious architect with oriental roots
By Sameer Ibrahim Zaha Hadid (1950–2016), an Iraqi architect with British revolutionized the world of architecture and has left a visible mark in many cities around the world. She grew up in Baghdad in a wealthy family. Her father, Muhammad Hadid, was a prominent politician and former finance minister of Iraq. Even as a child she redesigned her own children’s room, which was used by a carpenter as a model for many other children’s rooms in Baghdad. At the age of eleven she wanted to become an architect. Zaha Hadid is known for her futuristic and unmistakable style. In an… Read More