Pushback “glosses over inhumane processes”

Linguists have named the word “pushback” the “Unwort of the Year 2021”. “Unwort” is a German word that means inappropriate word. The expression, which originated in English, is used for pushing back or pushing back refugees. The idea is to prevent them from crossing borders. The honorary jury at the University of Marburg criticised the word for “glossing over” the process of pushing people back. The foreign word, they say, helps to disguise the violation of human rights and the fundamental right to asylum. Every year since 1991, the jury of the “Sprachkritische Aktion” (Language Critical Initiative) has nominated a… Read More

The pandemic sets refugees back in integration

By Lobna Alhindi and Michael Seifert You can hear it everywhere: Refugees complain that their German language skills are not developing or even regressing due to a year and a half of pandemic. Lobna herself states: “I have the feeling that I have lost contact with the German language. Before the Corona pandemic, I had many contacts with German friends. We met and talked more often. Then, because of the lockdown, we could no longer meet. Even when the situation got better again, we didn’t meet again. On the one hand, people want to protect themselves and their relatives from… Read More

Let the pig out!

“Let the pig out” is a German expression and means to act out, for example to celebrate at a party. Under this motto, the city museum invites visitors to a family exhibition to guess German proverbs and sayings with all their senses. The proverbs are presented in a room installation: In a darkened room for example there is the opportunity to feel proverbs. At other media stations you can see cartoons and pantomime films. Here, too, there is a playful way to get to know the idioms. Thanks to a floor guidance system and audio guides blind and deaf people… Read More

What the heart symbol means

By Oula Mahfouz “The heart breaks”. This metaphor expresses sorrow, but doctors also acknowledge a “broken heart syndrome”. A “strong heart” may refer to a healthy heart or strong character. One with a weak heart may be sick or not resilient. Why does the word hold so many meanings? Many consider the heart a symbol of love, but the heart may also hold love’s opposites, envy, hate, and others. In fact, science shows all emotions originate from the brain. The current symbolic depiction of the heart originates from depictions of fig leaves and ivy leaves, explaining why the symbol bears… Read More

Learn German online in the VHS learning portal

Those who want to pass the time until they can visit an integration or German course can use the free online courses offered by the German Association of Adult Education (DVV). They offer a variety of courses, including the regular ABC-courses for adults, but also courses with the topics writing and reading in the job, basic education, preparation for graduation or literacy training. The project is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and is free. Learners have to register on the platform to participate in courses. The offers are for independent learning and some are mentored by… Read More

Sprach-Café in Rottenburg opened again

Refugees can improve their German skills together with volunteers in the Sprach-Café (Language Café) in Rottenburg. There is room to chat, practice and laugh with tea and coffee. It will once again be possible to study there from Wednesday, October 7th, 2020. Every Wednesday from 17.30 to 19.00. However, there are some changes under Corona conditions. The language café moved during the summer. It will now take place in the Atrium building next to the high-rise building on the DHL premises. The new entrance has a sign posted on it. It is compulsory to wear a mask when walking around… Read More

What makes learning German difficult

Level of education, family constellation, health risks and the living situation can negatively influence refugees’ individual language learning capability. This was the result of a recently published analysis by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) within a large research project to evaluate the integration courses. Refugees with a higher level of education find it much easier to acquire the German language than refugees with a lower level of education. Anyone who has had little or no experience in a school system has not “learned to learn” and thus acquired new fundamental knowledge in a structured manner. For refugees… Read More

Special secretary for German and integration courses

Combining advice and registration in a better way is the aim of the new registration office of the Adult Education Center (VHS) Tübingen. It is specially designed for those interested in German courses, German exams and integration courses. This office is open from June 22nd till July 31st on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. The office can be found on the ground floor of the VHS, Katharinenstraße 18, room 003. The VHS does not yet know when the… Read More

One consequence of the corona crisis: unlearning the German language

“It takes much longer to react verbally and I can no longer say a sentence quickly and correctly, I have forgotten almost everything in these two months”, tells a woman from Syria tünews INTERNATIONAL. An important problem for refugees during the Corona crisis is the reduced use of the German language. Learning and maintaining the language must be practiced continuously. During the crisis, however, everyone is forced to stay at home and nobody is able to attend a school, a language course, a university or to communicate with others in German: this led to an unlearning of the German language.… Read More

The thousand names of the camel – Arabic is more than a language

world language The thousand names of the camel – Arabic is more than a language by Oula Mahfouz When the great German poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe described the Arabic language, he expresses, that in this language spirit, word and writing belong together and form a unity. Where is Arabic spoken? Arabic is one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide. It is the official language in 22 countries and is spoken by a part of the population as a mother tongue in eleven other countries. Arabic belongs to the family of the Semitic language. The name “Semitic” was invented… Read More

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