Free seminar on setting up in business on November 11 and 12

Anyone who is interested in setting up a business and wants to become self-employed can register for a seminar that will take place on Saturday and Sunday, November 11 and 12, in each case all day from 9 a.m., at the Open Innovation Campus Westspitze, Eisenbahnstraße 1. The seminar deals with the three topic blocks business idea and business plan, administration and organization as well as financing of the Selbstständigkeit. In addition, interested parties will learn where they can get support. Participants will receive seminar documentation and a certificate of attendance. The seminar is free of charge. Registration is required… Read More

With KBC: D-Ticket for 15 euros is coming

A Germany ticket at a price of 15 euros for KreisBonusCard holders in Tübingen will in all likelihood be introduced on 1 March next year. This was decided by the supervisory board of TüBus. The prerequisite, however, is that the city of Tübingen compensates the Stadtwerke for the lost revenue. The chances of this happening are good: money has already been earmarked for this in the budget for this year. It is “very certain” that this will also happen in 2024, the city’s press office informed Tünews INTERNATIONAL. According to the Stadtwerke, this involves 400,000 euros for one year. There… Read More

Citizen’s income to rise from January 1, 2024

It’s been decided: The citizen’s income and social assistance will be increased from January 1, 2024. Single adults will then receive 563 euros a month. That is 61 euros more, or twelve percent. There will also be around twelve percent more for personal school supplies. Payments under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act will also increase. This was announced by the federal government. Background are enormously risen costs of living and higher prices for energy. The new rates for social assistance and citizen’s allowance per month: single / single parents 563 euros (plus 61 euros); couples per partner 506 euros (plus… Read More

When the child is sick, the health insurance pays

When a child is sick, mothers or fathers often cannot go to work because they cannot find care. For children younger than 12, they are entitled to children’s sick days and children’s sick pay if there is no one else in the household to look after the sick child. This means that the mother or father does not have to go to work and their health insurance fund transfers 90 percent of their net salary. This is what it says on the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Health. Parents who are insured with a statutory health insurance fund are… Read More

French Film Days in Tübingen

This year’s French Film Days start on 1 November. Until 8 November, cinemas in Tübingen, Rottenburg, Reutlingen and Stuttgart will show around 100 films from French-speaking countries. This year everything is under the sign of the 40th anniversary of the Film Days. Therefore, the country focus in 2023 is on France itself. As every year, however, there are also numerous films from Canada, Morocco and other French-speaking countries. In addition to comedies, dramas and documentaries, the focus is on the annual short and feature film competition, in which the best film is awarded by an international jury. After the films,… Read More

Tübingen supports Kremenchuk

There is a lack of many things: The mayors of Tübingen and the Ukrainian city of Kremenchuk spoke to each other online for the first time about the current situation. In the conversation, however, Boris Palmer and Vitaly Maletsky also discussed the long-term perspective of a relationship between the two cities. Kremenchuk is an industrial, commercial and university city with more than 200,000 inhabitants in central Ukraine. After the Russian missile attacks, the main concern now is “to survive the winter,” Maletsky said. That means reliably supplying the city with energy, water and electricity during the cold season. Tübingen wants… Read More

Jugendticket becomes Deutschland-Ticket

The JugendticketBW will become a Deutschland-Ticket on 1 December. This is the information provided by Tübingen’s public utility company. Then young adults, schoolchildren, trainees and people doing voluntary service will be able to use buses and trains on local transport throughout Germany for 30.42 euros a month. Until now, this was limited to the state. The Jugendticket BW was previously discounted to 22 euros for anyone living in Tübingen. The municipal council must now decide in the next few weeks whether this will also apply to the new ticket. The JugendticketBW is valid for everyone under the age of 21.… Read More

Event will be made up for

The event “Mit Recht in Arbeit” (“With Law into Work”) at the Tübingen Job Centre, which was cancelled at short notice, will be held again soon. This was announced by the Job Centre. The event, which was planned together with the organisation Mira (Mit Recht in Arbeit), had to be cancelled one day before the date on 27 October because the speaker fell ill. A new date will be announced in time. tun23102701 Das Jobcenter in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. 002145

Set the clock back on Sunday

Next Sunday, 29 October 2023, Central European Summer Time (CEST), which officially applies throughout Europe, will be changed to “standard time”. Those who are still awake in the early morning will set their clocks back from 3 am to 2 am. This means sleeping one hour longer. This time change is based on Directive 2000/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 January 2001. tun23102504 Blick zum Stiftskirchenturm mit der Uhr. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Oula Mahfouz. 001724      

Model experiment on the four-day week

In Germany, the introduction of a four-day week in companies is being discussed. However, no decision has been made yet. Trade unions like IG Metall are in favour, employers warn that it is not financially feasible. In order to get more facts, 50 companies can now participate in a model project. This will test what happens if employees work only four days a week instead of five, but receive the same money. Proponents argue that employees are more motivated and concentrated and suffer less from stress. Opponents fear rising labour costs. The project is organised by the consulting agency Intraprenör… Read More

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