Shopping with day ticket in Tübingen continues

In Tübingen, the project “Open with Safety” resumes on Monday, April 19th. This was announced by the Ministry of Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg. Residents of the District of Tübingen can shop with a day ticket in downtown Tübingen’s shops, at least for the time being. As before, they must take a corona rapid test first. This regulation applies for as long as no more than 100 people in the city get newly infected with the coronavirus on three consecutive day within a week. Cinemas and theaters also open – however, with changed hours. Because of the curfew, visitors have to be… Read More

New regulations for schools and day care centers starting April 19th

Starting Monday, April 19th, schools in Baden-Württemberg have rotating classes with compulsory tests for all grades. During class, distance has to be kept and the different learn-groups can’t meet each other. This is written in the state’s new corona-decree. It is in effect until May 16th. Rotating classes can only take place in districts in which less than 200 people got newly infected with the coronavirus on three consecutive days within a week. If there are more than 200 new infections in this time, students go back to remote learning on the day after tomorrow. They then have to study… Read More

Fewer contacts and curfew starting April 19th

Baden-Württemberg tightens its corona-regulations, as more and more people are getting infected with the new virus. The regulations go into effect on Monday, April 19th. This is dictated in the state’s new corona-decree. In private, people from one household can now meet with only one other person and their children, if they are younger than 15, from another household.  There is a curfew between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m. Everyone has to be at home during this time – except if they’re on their way to work, to the doctor’s or a meeting from a religious group. Sports outdoors or… Read More

Wage has to be paid during quarantine

If an employee has to go into quarantine, they can no longer go to work. Still, employers can’t dismiss their workers. Additionally, the employer has to pay their employees a compensation for the loss of earnings for a maximum of six weeks. This is regulated in the Infection Protection Act. This regulation applies to all employees. “The citizenship or the residence status don’t matter,” says the media spokesperson from the Ministry for Social Affairs Baden-Württemberg upon enquiry by tünews. The employer receives the paid money back, if they apply for it at the responsible agency. In the District of Tübingen,… Read More

Technical assistance to parents in homeschooling

There is a project called “Homeschooling: aber sicher!” Mentors of the Volkshochschule in Rottenburg offers free technical supports every Wednesday from 5 to 7 p.m. Homeschooling-mentors help parents with a migration history. Whoever needs tips and help with dealing with technical issues can simply come to the consultation session without registration. Furthermore, there is the possibility to make a personal appointment and an interpreter can be made available if necessary. The contact person is Yannick Ceutche. Days and times: Monday to Friday (5 pm to 8 pm), Saturdays (9am to 5pm). Cell phone: 0176 38442242, Email: All offers are… Read More

Help when stressed by corona

Everyday life is restricted, contacts are limited. Constant new reports about the coronavirus are distressing. Many are worried about their future. Some are quarantined. There are helpful tips and phone numbers from aid organizations available for all of these cases on the state’s website:, search for “Hilfe für die Seele in der Coronazeit” (“Help for the soul during corona times”, only available in German). An assortment: The telephone counselling (Telefonseelsorge) for worries of all kinds is for free and anonymous and can be reached 24 hours a day under the numbers 0800 1110111 and 0800 1110222. The information telephone… Read More

Working while quarantined

Employees who are quarantined don’t necessarily have free time. This is regulated in the Infection Protection Act and often additionally in the employer’s regulations. Only those who actually get sick and have a doctor’s certificate don’t have to work while in quarantine or seclusion – as it’s called in bureaucratese. Depending on their work and the technical equipment provided by the employer, all others have to work while in quarantine. Employees who usually work with machinery or in a laboratory can get assigned other tasks by their employer, which they can then do from home. tun21033101 Wer in Corona-Quarantäne muss,… Read More

Technische Hilfe für Eltern beim Homeschooling

Im Projekt „Homeschooling: aber sicher!“ bieten ehrenamtliche Homeschooling-MentorInnen der Volkshochschule Rottenburg jeden Mittwoch von 17 bis 19 Uhr Beratungen zum Thema Homeschooling für Eltern mit Migrationsgeschichte an. Wer Tipps und Hilfe beim Umgang mit technischen Endgeräten braucht, kann einfach ohne Anmeldung zur Beratungsstunde kommen. Weiterhin gibt es die Möglichkeit, einen persönlichen Termin zu vereinbaren, zu dem bei Bedarf auch eine DolmetscherIn kommen kann. Der Ansprechpartner Yannik Ceutche ist montags bis freitags zwischen 17 und 20 Uhr und samstags von 9 bis 17 Uhr erreichbar: via Telefon 0176 38442242 oder E-Mail: Alle Angebote sind kostenlos und die Corona-Hygienemaßnahmen müssen vor… Read More

Day ticket only for people from the District of Tübingen, compulsory tests also for businesses

More tests and more monitoring: That is the strategy of the university town Tübingen. The pilot project for openings is being restricted, starting Wednesday, April 7th. Only people who live in the District of Tübingen or work in Tübingen can receive a day ticket for shopping in retail stores in the entire city, after they got a negative result in a corona rapid test. Restaurants and coffee shops can no longer serve outdoors. Drinking alcohol after 8 p.m. in downtown Tübingen, the Platanenallee or the Österberg is forbidden. Among others, private security and police patrol in the city. They monitor… Read More

Schools after the holidays: first distance teaching, then test requirement

In Baden-Württemberg, there will only be distance teaching after the easter holidays for now. This applies from Mondays, April 12th, until Friday, April 16th. The only exceptions are for graduating classes and special education and counselling centers. Graduating classes continue the rotation of in-person and remote teaching. There will be an emergency care for pupils between grades 1 to 7. However, it is only for children whose parents “are in urgent need of a caretaker,” as the Ministry of Culture writes. Rotating lessons for all grades are supposed to return on April 19th. However, this only applies if the number… Read More

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