Due to the corona-pandemic, entry into Germany is limited. However, there are exceptions to the entry restrictions: Citizens of a country belonging to the European Union, as well as people from other states that have a long-term resident permit, are allowed to enter.
There are also exceptions to the entry restrictions for those seeking protection: People who come to Germany for the purpose of joining their families are allowed entry, as long as they have the necessary documents. Additionally, people who want to apply for asylum can enter. This means that refugees will not be turned away at the border as they are excepted from the entry restrictions. However, people arriving have to follow the quarantine rules and are tested for signs with a corona-infection upon arrival. This is done to prevent infected people from entering reception centres and endangering the other people there. Treatment and quarantine measures for infected people will be decided individually. The BAMF (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) is accepting written asylum applications.
More information about the entry requirements can be found in the categories “Travel restriction/border control” and “Migration” under https://www.bmi.bund.de/SharedDocs/faqs/EN/topics/civil-protection/coronavirus/coronavirus-faqs.html#doc13797140bodyText3
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