Certified work experience

Many people acquire professional knowledge and skills during their working life. They often cannot prove these acquired competences with a formal document, e.g. a certificate. In order to accelerate the validation (that means: to establish the value of something) of non-formally and informally acquired knowledge in Germany, the German Confederation of Skilled Crafts (ZDH) and the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) have developed the project “Valikom Transfer” (duration until 10/2024) together with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). In this project, non-formally and informally acquired knowledge is identified. Vocational experts then assess whether the skills and knowledge are comparable to the requirements of recognised training qualifications. The following requirements are necessary to participate in a validation procedure: Minimum age 25 years and professional experience. This applies to Germans, migrants, refugees, self-employed, unemployed and employed persons. Another target group are career changers from other professions without a vocational qualification. All participants who successfully complete the procedure receive a validation certificate from the respective chamber. This makes their knowledge and skills convincingly visible to the labour market. Further information: https://www.validierungsverfahren.de/startseite



Die Handwerkskammer in Reutlingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.






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