No bus service: warning strike on 25 and 26 May

In Reutlingen on Thursday, May 25, and in Tübingen on May 25 and 26, there will be no buses in the city traffic all day. This is announced by the Tübingen public utility and the Reutlingen public transport RSV. The reason is a warning strike called by the trade union Verdi. Most lines in Tübingen are affected, but there is an emergency timetable. In Reutlingen, all lines in the city transport, in Pfullingen, Eningen, Pliezhausen and Walddorfhäslach are on strike. The eXpresso express bus to Stuttgart Airport is also not running. According to RSV and Stadtwerke, the strike will last from the beginning to the end of operations in both cities. The background is the collective bargaining between Verdi and the employers’ association WBO, in which no result was achieved in the third round. Information on the strike is available from the RSV at and via the ÖPNV live app and at the stops. In Tübingen, detailed information is available at:
There is also information about the timetable. On line 5, there are three buses in each direction between the main station and BG Unfallfallklinik. Line 18 will run according to the normal timetable, but there may be cancellations. On line 19, two-thirds of the buses are running. The regional buses run according to schedule, information is available from the respective transport companies.


Gewerkschaften und Arbeitnehmer streiken für bessere Löhne. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian.


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