Ukrainian refugees: the path to a job is a long one

Of the approximately 2,800 refugees from Ukraine in the districts of Tübingen and Reutlingen, about 50 have found a job. The majority of the remaining women and men are still attending language courses or doing internships. This is according to a statement by the Reutlingen employment agency. According to the report, about 1,500 refugees from Ukraine live in the Reutlingen district and 1,300 in the Tübingen district. “The refugees are well educated and almost all have a school-leaving certificate. About 25 percent are university graduates,” says Oliver Kerl, chairman of the management board of the Reutlingen Employment Agency. Nevertheless, integration… Read More

Construction work on railway lines and the B 27

Travelling from Tübingen by public transport will not be easy for a few weeks. The reason is construction work on the routes. If you want to travel to Stuttgart, for example, you should check the connections at or at the counter in the station and plan more time. This affects the rail connection between Tübingen and Nürtingen until Wednesday, 23 August. The trains will be replaced by buses. From Thursday, 24 August, until Tuesday, 5 September, only buses will run between Tübingen and Reutlingen. The IRE 6(a) from Stuttgart to Tübingen is completely cancelled until Friday, 8 September. There… Read More

Holiday time is travel time: Useful tips from the Federal Foreign Office for all travel countries.

The time of the school holidays is travel time for many people. For all foreign destinations, the website of the Federal Foreign Office, the German Ministry for Foreign Affairs, provides important tips on what you should bear in mind when planning a trip abroad. Information is available, for example, on the regulations for entering the country, which travel documents are required, whether a visa must be applied for and where it can be obtained. Customs regulations for goods and objects taken along are also explained, as are regulations for entering the country by car.  An important chapter covers health and… Read More

Tafel takes summer break

The Tübinger Tafel will take a summer break from Saturday, 5 August, until Friday, 1 September. During this time, there will be no food available in the shop at Eisenbahnstraße 55/57. This is reported by the Tafel on their homepage: However, the distribution stations – the so-called Fairteiler – which deliver food free of charge in Tübingen and the surrounding area, will continue to be filled. Further information is available at: You can bring food to the distribution stations if it is still food that is still good but can no longer be consumed in your own household.… Read More

Work and integration: ZDF filmed at tünews

Refugees should be obliged to work, if necessary on a voluntary basis. This is what the district councils in Baden-Württemberg are demanding. There is criticism of this: among other things, legal regulations and bureaucracy prevent refugees from getting a job. A ZDF television crew interviewed Tübingen’s district administrator Joachim Walter, who is also president of the Landkreistag. “Work is still a factor for successful integration,” Walter said. That is why the ban on working that applies to many refugees must be abolished. The ZDF team also filmed in the editorial office of tünews INTERNATIONAL for its report. Eva Schiller, head… Read More

Money for old age: pension insurance is mandatory

In Germany, all employees except civil servants pay a contribution to the statutory pension insurance fund out of their wages. From this—if they have paid in long enough—they receive a pension every month in old age. The statutory pension insurance is an important part of the German social system. Who gets how much can only be clarified in individual cases. From the age of 27, the German pension insurance sends out a letter every year stating, among other things, how much the pension will be. What does the pension insurance pay? The pension insurance pays a pension in old age… Read More

Problems of refugees in the health care system

A scientific study shows: Refugees often cannot cope with the German healthcare system. This is the result of an analysis by the medical faculty of the Charité in Berlin. The reasons are primarily language barriers and a lack of information about health care structures. “Many affected people do not know, for example, that the family doctor’s office is the central point of contact.” Furthermore, in addition to language barriers, a lack of time and a lack of medical professionals also caused problems. The Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Social Affairs and Health wrote in a press release. The ministry commissioned the study… Read More

Green, gray, yellow, blue: Where to put the trash?

In Germany, trash doesn’t just end up in a big garbage can. In order to be able to recycle as many materials as possible, the individual types of waste must be collected separately. That’s why every household has different trash containers. There are separate collections for paper, cardboard, glass and hazardous waste. Twice a year, shredded material from private gardens is also collected free of charge. Each household must register for garbage collection, then receives appropriate garbage cans and must pay fees. The costs depend on the size of the bin and, in the case of residual waste, also on… Read More

Free swimming lessons for children

More than half of fourth graders cannot swim safely. The Tübingen-based association “Schwimmen für alle Kinder” (SfaK) wants to change that. That is why it is offering special courses during the summer vacations. They cost nothing for children from families with a KreisBonusCard. An overview of the courses in Tübingen and the free places for beginners and advanced swimmers with Seepferdchen badge can be found under the link: Parents can also register their children there. Information about the association and its goals can be found at: Information gives Sarah Mueller under telephone 0152 27560822 and answers questions in… Read More

Finances: What Schufa collects data for

By Sylvia Haden and Yana Rudenko Anyone who has completed private insolvency proceedings can now get a fresh start more quickly: Schufa has shortened the storage period for a discharge of residual debt from three years to six months. This was announced by the credit agency on its website. This means that six months after the end of the procedure, no one will know that someone was once overindebted and still had outstanding debts. Schufa is thus reacting to ongoing court cases, including those before the European Court of Justice. More about the update: Although almost everyone has… Read More

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