Not all schools have “Heat Free”

The sun is blazing in the sky. The temperature is rising. Classrooms are getting hotter, and the air is stuffy. Former generations of schoolchildren in Baden-Württemberg could rely on the fact that there would be “Hitzefrei” which means sending students home to escape the heat, but the situation is different now. As early as 2019, the Ministry of Education declared that it did not prescribe generally the circumstances for “Hitzefrei”. Individual school administrations are responsible for making this decision. Basically, there is no “Heat-free” at vocational schools and in the upper grades of grammar schools. The benchmark at the other… Read More

9-euro ticket instead of free ticket

If Ukrainian refugees want to travel inexpensively on buses and trains, they need a 9-euro ticket to do so. The rule that they can use local trains for free has already been lifted since the beginning of June, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced. The 9-euro ticket is valid for one month on local trains and is still available for the months of July and August. Long-distance trains cannot be used with it. Tickets are available at ticket counters of the railroad or online. tun22071801 Schienennahverkehr rund um Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.

Orientation course for students from Ukraine at the University of Tübingen

For the winter semester 2022/23, the University of Tübingen offers an orientation course for Ukrainian students. During this period, students will have the opportunity to attend courses, take individual exams and familiarize themselves with the university system for further studies. Also, the university offers a “Buddy program for degree”. As part of this program, university students will provide Ukrainians with initial support and help them navigate the educational institution and the city. Ukrainians are exempt from tuition fees. Students will only need to make a semester fee of 158 euros. The main condition for studying is a level of language… Read More

A Car bomb, war, and the museum of Aleppo

By Youssef Kanjou and Wolfgang Sannwald Youssef Kanjou who directed the Archaeological Museum in Aleppo, Syria, from 2009 to 2013 describes his experience working in the museum as “one of the most beautiful professions”. Russia’s war against Ukraine reminds him of how his dream job became “a terrible nightmare”. That was during the Assad regime’s war against its civilian population, which lasted from 2012 to 2016 in Aleppo. The horrible conflict came in the form of a bomb near the museum. He was at home, just about five miles away from the bomb. There, he heard the car bomb explode… Read More

Contact point for refugees with disabilities and people in need of care

People with disabilities and those in need of care who have fled Ukraine and need help can obtain information from a federal contact point. This federal contact point operates a telephone hotline and a website. Its aim is to quickly arrange suitable offers of help, if possible even before arrival. The German Red Cross operates this contact point on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Health. This was announced by the ministries in a press release dated 4 May 2022. The contact point can be reached from Monday to Friday at:… Read More

Psychological support for refugees from Ukraine

Those who have fled Russia’s war against Ukraine may suffer from panic attacks, despair, apathy, fear, powerlessness or restlessness. People who have lost loved ones, for example, or who find it difficult to cope in a new environment can also seek professional psychological support. Since 1 June 2022, refugees from Ukraine in need of assistance have had access to statutory health insurance. Their services also include psychological counselling and therapy. Anyone who wants to make use of these services must present the electronic health card of their health insurance company. If you are looking for contact addresses in your region,… Read More

Tips for saving electricity

Since October 2021, energy prices for electricity, gas, and heating oil have been increasing more and more. Therefore, many consumer organizations and advice centers advise consumers to conserve energy. For example, using modern LED bulbs and buying energy-saving appliances are useful tips for saving electricity. Also, setting the fridge to a temperature between 5 and 7 degrees and the freezer to minus 18 degrees could help to save energy. Turning on the dishwasher to the correct degree of water hardness and running it in the economy program might be a helpful idea. Moreover, you will reduce more energy by washing… Read More

Help against discrimination at school

“You won’t pass in the Secondary School Certificate (Abitur), anyway” this comment was told to a Syrian high school student by a teacher in the district of Tübingen. The student felt that she was subject to discrimination, yet she did not want to be discouraged. In another case, a mother of a fifth-grader in the district of Tübingen was shocked to know that her son was excluded from the class trip. According to the teacher, his lively behavior endangered other children. The mother did not accept this reason and tried to talk to the teacher, but the teacher overreact. Therefore,… Read More

Changing jobs–this is how to do it without hassle

By Brigitte Gisel Workers are in demand in many sectors. So, the chances of finding a new job that pays better and offers new perspectives are quite good. But if you want to change employers, you have to follow a few rules. You can’t quit from one day to the next. How quickly you can leave your old job to start somewhere else is regulated by labour law. The notice periods that apply to employees are usually stated in the employment contract or the applicable collective agreement. The usual notice period is four weeks to the 15th of the month… Read More

Sailing and Dancing in Kirchentellinsfurt

Children and adults in Kirchentellinsfurt can once again participate in the summer holiday programme during the school holidays. Between 28 July and 11 September, 32 activities will be offered by associations, churches, and many artists, including free sailing trials on the quarry pond, painting courses, hip-hop dance classes, and bike tours. However, only children who live in Kirchentellinsfurt can enjoy these activities. The deadline for registration is July 7. Regarding the fees, the cost of participation varies from 2 euros to 80 euros, and some excursions are free. There are no special discounts for holders of the KreisBonusCard. For further… Read More

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