Recognize fake shops on the internet

Customers are increasingly ordering and paying for goods online, but they are not delivered. Consumer Advice Center warns of more and more online fake shops. Therefore, it has developed a search engine. This service allows customers to identify fraudulent providers where the Internet address of an online shop can be entered at the address In the sign light, red means the provider is on a fake shop list. Yellow means there are no clear characteristics, while green means the shop is trustworthy. In addition, the Federal Office for Information Security provides seven tips with detailed information on its website… Read More

Many refugees from Ukraine in regular jobs

More and more refugees from Ukraine have found jobs in Germany that are subject to social insurance contributions. This is reported by Mediendienst Integration, referring to the Federal Employment Agency. According to the report, the number of employees subject to social insurance contributions rose by 47 percent to 84,000 from February to May.So far, many well-qualified refugees have moved to Germany from Ukraine, according to labour market researchers. Approximately half a million migrants from this country have a university degree, 14 percent have vocational training, and 26 percent have higher education. The refugees have a high educational level compared to… Read More

EU Court of Justice strengthens the right to family reunification

Two new rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) have corrected the previous practice of the German authorities concerning family reunification in the case of underage recognized refugees. Until now, Germany has prevented minors from joining their family members of refugees if the children have come of age during the application process. The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has now ruled that this violates EU law. The decisive factor is that the child was a minor when the asylum application was filed. The European Commission announced this statement on its integration website. This applies when a child wants to… Read More

Turkish lawyers criticise deportation to Afghanistan

By Ute Kaiser Elias (name changed) is not an isolated case. Time and again, Turkey deports refugees from Afghanistan to the country in the Hindu Kush. The 20-year-old experienced this a few weeks ago. A plane transported Elias and others from Istanbul to Kabul. There, the father picked up his son and took him on a journey of several hours to the hometown of the dissident family in northern Afghanistan. Elias felt bad at first afterwards. “He got depressed,” reports a cousin of the 20-year-old who lives in Tübingen. One reason: Elias considered Turkey only as a transit country during… Read More

Wrongly not receiving child benefit

A number of refugees were wrongly denied child benefit between 2006 and 2020. This was decided by the Federal Constitutional Court on 3 August. The highest German court declared unconstitutional a regulation according to which families from non-EU countries only received child benefits if they worked, received unemployment benefit I or were on parental leave. However, the judges left in place the rule that people who lived in Germany for international, humanitarian or political reasons could only apply for benefits after three years. However, the ruling will hardly have any financial impact: At present, only parents who had filed a… Read More

Stiko recommends fourth vaccination from age 60

The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) has updated its vaccination recommendation against corona. It now advises people aged 60 and older to receive a fourth vaccination – after two basic vaccinations and a booster or after two basic vaccinations and an illness from Corona. However, it should have been at least six months since the last vaccination or a Corona infection. The recommendation for a fourth vaccination also applies to children five years and older with certain diseases and an increased risk of a severe course. In addition, children and adolescents between 12 and 17 years of age should now… Read More

New project aims to prepare LGBT*IQ refugees for the world of work

A network of 250 large companies has launched a new mentoring programme to prepare LGBT*IQ refugees for entering the world of work. The programme aims to give them access to new employment opportunities. The term LGBT*IQ covers people with same-sex or bisexual orientation as well as transgender, intersex and queer identities. The special support of these refugees seems to be of particular importance to the members of the initiative “Tent Partnership for Refugees (Tent)“, as people with same-sex orientation are criminalised in almost 70 countries, and in nine countries they even face the death penalty. There are no official figures,… Read More

Cheat packs: less content, same price

Customers in the supermarket have noticed it for a long time: the prices of goods are rising. Everything is getting more and more expensive—whether meat or yoghurt, crisps or sweets, washing-up liquid or hand cream. What many people don’t notice about the products they are used to: there are cheat packs that contain less at the same price. The manufacturers simply reduce the filling quantity, a trick that has been practised for years. These are hidden price increases, often in the double-digit percentage range. Customers can report cheating packages to the consumer centres. The consumer advice centre in Hamburg also… Read More

“Iraq has three suns”—50 degree heat

By Sameer Ibrahim and Michael Seifert Hot days in Germany? Not for Sameer Ibrahim, who came to Germany from Iraq seven years ago: “When I went to work this morning, I had to put on a jacket, it was so cold. And in the afternoon 35 degrees in the shade, that’s perfect weather for me. It only gets bad above 40 degrees.” Southern Iraq and the capital Baghdad, his old home, are currently experiencing highs of 45 to 48 degrees, with maximum temperatures of 51 degrees expected again, as in recent years. Sameer’s sister said on the phone: “We are… Read More

War Crimes: Call for victims and witnesses

The Federal Criminal Police Office is calling on refugees from Ukraine to report to the police if they have been victims of war crimes in their home country or have witnessed any. “War crimes can be prosecuted in Germany, even if they were committed by foreigners outside of Germany,” the agency’s website states. Under German law, war crimes include rape, executions, attacks on civilians, hostage-taking and looting. The use of cluster or vacuum bombs is also considered such a crime. Victims or witnesses can contact any police station. “The latter will take initial information on the basis of a questionnaire,… Read More

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