Changing jobs–this is how to do it without hassle

By Brigitte Gisel Workers are in demand in many sectors. So, the chances of finding a new job that pays better and offers new perspectives are quite good. But if you want to change employers, you have to follow a few rules. You can’t quit from one day to the next. How quickly you can leave your old job to start somewhere else is regulated by labour law. The notice periods that apply to employees are usually stated in the employment contract or the applicable collective agreement. The usual notice period is four weeks to the 15th of the month… Read More

Driving without a licence is a criminal offence

Anyone who has not obtained a driving licence or does not have a valid driving licence is not allowed to drive a car. This is a criminal offence. You can get a fine or up to a year in prison for this. In some cases, you may also have to hand in your vehicle. On the other hand, if you have a driving licence and forget it while driving, you will have to pay a warning fine of 10 euros. tun22020102 Im Auto unterwegs. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.

Nigeria gets looted Benin-art back

German museums will return art treasures looted from the former Kingdom of Benin. This was recently agreed upon by representatives of the German and Nigerian governments in Berlin. The former Kingdom of Benin is now part of the West African country of Nigeria. British colonial troops had looted the capital’s palace 125 years ago and taken bronze sculptures and reliefs, among other things. The art treasures were subsequently auctioned off in London to finance the military action. There are about 1100 art objects from Benin in German museums. Stuttgart’s Linden Museum owns about 78 objects from the former kingdom. This… Read More

Health insurance for refugees from Ukraine

Since June of this year, refugees from Ukraine have had full access to statutory health insurance in Germany. The prerequisite is that they are registered with the job center, are entitled to social benefits and, as war refugees, have a residence permit in accordance with §24 of the Residence Act. The Federal Ministry of Health provides information about this. As long as refugees do not have a job and no income and therefore cannot pay health insurance contributions, the job center will pay for them. At the job center, refugees are presented with a list of health insurance companies from… Read More

Help for refugees with tumor diseases

Refugees from Ukraine who are suffering from cancer can find offers of help for medical treatment throughout Germany. The German Cancer Society has launched a support project for this purpose together with the Comprehensive Cancer Center network of German Cancer Aid. They have compiled addresses that patients with tumor diseases can turn to. The nearest point of contact in Tübingen is the Comprehensive Cancer Center (Tumor Center) at Tübingen University Hospital ( Information is available in Ukrainian, Russian, English and German. In addition, German Cancer Aid has set up an aid fund with 2.5 million euros so that relatives can… Read More

Safety advice for Ukrainian women who have fled

A flyer by the women’s rights organisation TERRE DES FEMMES e.V. and the aid organisation Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland (Workers’ Samaritan Federation of Germany) is addressed in Ukrainian, Russian and German to women, children and young people who have fled Russia’s war against Ukraine. It contains safety advice on arriving in Germany, carpooling and accommodation. Among other things, the organisations recommend that you should never hand over your passport, mobile phone or cash and hide your valuables in different places. Never go with a person who does not seem trustworthy. Important phone numbers and information should not only be kept in your… Read More

New hope for those who have been tolerated for a residence permit

The federal government has set out a law that makes it easier for those with leniency to remain permanently in Germany. The decision “Chancen-Aufenthaltsrecht” affects people living in Germany for at least five years who have a “Duldung”, a temporary suspension of deportation. The prerequisite is that they did not commit a crime or have not given false information about themselves. In addition, they have to prove during a one-year “trial period” that they can live independently with the money they have earned and speak good German. It is estimated that approximately 130,000 people are subject to this regulation. Recently,… Read More

9-euro ticket instead of free ticket

If Ukrainian refugees want to travel inexpensively on buses and trains, they need a 9-euro ticket to do so. The rule that they can use local trains for free has already been lifted since the beginning of June, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has announced. The 9-euro ticket is valid for one month on local trains and is still available for the months of July and August. Long-distance trains cannot be used with it. Tickets are available at ticket counters of the railroad or online. tun22071801 Schienennahverkehr rund um Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus.

A Car bomb, war, and the museum of Aleppo

By Youssef Kanjou and Wolfgang Sannwald Youssef Kanjou who directed the Archaeological Museum in Aleppo, Syria, from 2009 to 2013 describes his experience working in the museum as “one of the most beautiful professions”. Russia’s war against Ukraine reminds him of how his dream job became “a terrible nightmare”. That was during the Assad regime’s war against its civilian population, which lasted from 2012 to 2016 in Aleppo. The horrible conflict came in the form of a bomb near the museum. He was at home, just about five miles away from the bomb. There, he heard the car bomb explode… Read More

Contact point for refugees with disabilities and people in need of care

People with disabilities and those in need of care who have fled Ukraine and need help can obtain information from a federal contact point. This federal contact point operates a telephone hotline and a website. Its aim is to quickly arrange suitable offers of help, if possible even before arrival. The German Red Cross operates this contact point on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Health. This was announced by the ministries in a press release dated 4 May 2022. The contact point can be reached from Monday to Friday at:… Read More

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