Visit visas are often refused: “Like a punch in the stomach”

By Oula Mahfouz and Ute Kaiser The Syrian grandparents in Turkey had one fervent wish: to see their children and grandchildren living in Germany and finally take them into their arms. The 71-year-old grandfather and the 63-year-old grandmother have only known their school-age grandchildren from photos and video calls. The family has been separated since they fled Syria – for six years now. All family members suffer from separation pain, says Hanin (name changed), the daughter who lives in Tübingen. Suddenly, “a light at the end of the tunnel” appeared for them. The family hoped for a reunion in Germany.… Read More

In 2022, the minimum wage will be increased in several steps

In 2022, the minimum wage will be increased twice. As from January 1, the minimum wage will be increased from 9.60 to 9.82 euros per hour. In July 2022, the minimum wage will rise again from 9.82 to 10.45 euros. In addition, the new federal government plans to raise the minimum wage to 12 euros per hour. As the responsible Federal Minister of Labor, Hubertus Heil, told the media a few days ago, a draft law is to be presented as early as the beginning of 2022. tun21121405 Geldscheine. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Latest information on Corona: Click… Read More

What the new government plans for refugees and migrants

By Michael Seifert The new federal government, formed by the so-called “traffic light coalition” of the parties SPD, “Bündnis 90/Die Grünen” and FDP, has described its plans for the next four years in a coalition agreement. This also contains the political intentions for migration, integration and refugee policy. The realisation of these plans is to take place in laws and amendments to laws. At the moment, no one knows what will actually be implemented and when. So these are declarations of intent. tünews INTERNATIONAL took a closer look at the coalition agreement. The new government formulates as its goal: “We… Read More

Social benefits will be increased in 2022

From January 2022, job center benefits such as social assistance or unemployment benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II) will increase. This is what the federal government writes on its website. Single adults in Germany will then receive 449 instead of 446 euros. Couples will receive 404 instead of 401 euros per person. For children up to 5 years of age, legal guardians will receive 285 euros (previously 283), for children between 6 and 13 years 311 instead of 309 euros, for young people between 14 and 17 years they will receive 376 euros (previously 373). Young adults between the ages of 18… Read More

New Year in different cultures

People celebrate the first of January in most countries around the world these days. Possibly the only Islamic country that bans New Year’s Eve celebrations on religious grounds is Afghanistan. There, the sale of goods in connection with the celebrations is also illegal. In many other Islamic states, the New Year celebration is a social occasion, not a religious one. In Syria, for example, some families celebrate New Year’s Eve with a dinner of family and friends, often in restaurants and clubs. In Syria, there are also game shows where people go to win money. Official television stations broadcast the… Read More

Booster vaccination after three months

The Standing Commission on Vaccination (Stiko) has changed its recommendation on booster vaccination. The booster vaccination for people aged 18 and over can be given from the completed third month after the complete basic immunisation. Older people or those with pre-existing conditions should be given priority for booster vaccinations. They have a greater risk of becoming severely ill with Corona. Those who have been proven to have been infected with Corona should wait at least three months after infection to receive a single vaccination dose. This was announced by the Stiko. The reason for this recommendation is, among other things,… Read More

Political blackmail with refugees in Belarus has many predecessors in history

For many weeks, the media have been reporting that thousands of refugees from Arab countries and Afghanistan are trying to reach the EU at the borders of Belarus with Poland and Lithuania. There they want to apply for political asylum after being flown to the capital Minsk and brought from there to the border. Poland has erected a high barbed wire fence at the border and border guards keep pushing the refugees back into Belarusian territory, where they have to camp out in the open in the winter cold. There have already been several fatalities. The EU accuses the Belarusian… Read More

tünews INTERNATIONAL gained reach in 2021

By Wolfgang Sannwald More and more people are taking notice of tünews INTERNATIONAL. This has been confirmed by the doubled number of clicks on our articles. We have been collecting click figures since March 15th, 2020, when we switched from printed wall newspapers and magazines to digital e-news in the middle of the first Corona lockdown. In 2020, we published 609 news stories online; in 2021, we published 391 by the end of November. We consistently research and write our own news. We do not publish opinion pieces, but factual and fact-based reports. Our news is published in four languages:… Read More

Celebrating privately at Christmas: it is best to be vaccinated

Anyone who wants to celebrate privately with others at Christmas should ideally be vaccinated. Without vaccination, only one additional person may be added to one’s own household during alert levels I or II, according to the Corona Ordinance of the State of Baden-Württemberg of 3 December 2021. Visitors with full vaccination protection or those who recovered are not included. Their visits are therefore allowed. Persons under the age of 18 are also excluded, as are those who cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons. tun21120502 Ein festlich geschmückter Weihnachtsbaum. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. Latest information on Corona: Click here

Fake debt collection: Don’t pay the scammers under any circumstances

Scammers are always coming up with new tricks. Currently, they are sending fake debt collection letters. In this case, debt collection means that companies commission other companies to collect money for unpaid bills. In the letters, the scammers demand several hundred euros for alleged gambling subscriptions, for example. The debt collection companies ask to sign a direct debit authorization. They threaten, among other things, legal proceedings, foreclosures or seizures. But these companies do not exist. They are fake debt collectors. The consumer centre therefore advises: “Anyone who receives a fake debt collection letter should not react to it under any… Read More

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