The clock goes forward at Easter

Next Sunday, 31 March 2024, Central European Time (CET), which is officially valid throughout Europe, will be changed to “summer time”. Anyone who is still awake in the early morning will set their clock forward from 2 am to 3 am. This means sleeping one hour shorter. This time change is based on Directive 2000/84/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 January 2001. tun24032007 Blick zum Stiftskirchenturm mit der Uhr. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Oula Mahfouz. 001724      

Ukrainian film “20 Days in Mariupol” wins Oscar

The documentary “20 Days in Mariupol” by director and videographer Mstislav Chernov has won an Oscar in the “Best Documentary” category. This was announced during the live broadcast of the 2024 Academy Awards ceremony on the evening of March 11. This is the first Oscar for Ukraine. The film depicts the events at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, when Russia began destroying peaceful towns in Ukraine. In particular, the film shows the first days of the siege of Mariupol, which was surrounded and shelled by the Russians. The only team of journalists stuck in the besieged city of Mariupol—reporters… Read More

Low turnout in Iranian elections

“This time there really was a boycott”: this is how exiled Iranian and women’s rights activist Mina Ahmadi commented on the elections in Iran at the Women’s Film Days in Tübingen at the beginning of March. The figures also show this: At around 41 per cent, the turnout in the first elections after the mass protests in autumn 2022 was lower than ever before—even though religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had declared voting a religious duty. Workers, students and women are “very sceptical of the regime”, said Ahmadi in Tübingen. Around 25 million of the approximately 61 million eligible voters… Read More

Train drivers’ strike continues

Rail passengers must be prepared for a new strike. It is set to begin at 2 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12, and will last for 24 hours. This was announced by Claus Weselsky, head of the train drivers’ union GDL. After that, there could be further unannounced strikes. Deutsche Bahn and the union have been arguing for months about a new collective agreement. A key issue is the GDL’s demand to reduce the working week for shift workers from 38 to 35 hours without reducing pay. tun24031102 Verwaiste Gleisanlagen während eines Bahnstreiks. Foto: tuenews INTERNATIONAL / Martin Klaus. 002330

Time travel through the oldest music: from the world’s first instruments in southern Germany to the oldest song in Syria

By Michael Seifert and Youssef Kanjou We know nothing about the beginning of music. In the traditional myths of the peoples, music is given to humans by the gods and used in cult rituals and incantations. The famous founder of the biological theory of evolution, Charles Darwin, put forward the theory that music originated as an imitation of animal sounds, especially bird calls. The ethnological study of the music of primitive peoples suggests that, before the use of instruments, music initially consisted of singing and drumming on objects and was associated with rhythmic dance. The oldest preserved musical instruments created… Read More

Payment card for refugees? Current status of the plans

No more cash for refugees, but a “credit balance” on a payment card: from the beginning of 2025, refugees throughout Germany are to receive their social benefits via a payment card—and no longer as cash or by bank transfer as before. The federal and state governments agreed on this in November 2023. Each federal state can decide for itself which functions the new card will and will not have. The CDU/CSU and FDP parliamentary groups were particularly in favour of excluding so-called “remittances” to family and friends in the countries of origin. So far, there are only concrete plans for… Read More

Train drivers and Verdi strike again

Rail passengers must be prepared for new strikes. They are to begin at 2 a.m. on Thursday, March 7 and last for 35 hours. This was announced by Claus Weselsky, head of the train drivers’ union GDL. There could be further unannounced strikes after that. Deutsche Bahn and the union have been arguing for months about a new collective agreement. A key issue is the GDL’s demand to reduce the working week for shift workers from 38 to 35 hours without reducing pay. The trade union Verdi has also called for warning strikes at airports on Thursday and Friday. Lufthansa… Read More

Nouruz is twice in Ramadan

Nouruz marks the start of the new year in Iran and Afghanistan. It is always a big celebration. But this year and in 2025, things are different. The reason: New Year’s Day on March 20 falls during the fasting month of Ramadan, which this year lasts from the evening of March 10 to the evening of April 9. Ramadan shifts by ten to 12 days every year according to the Islamic lunar calendar with only 354 days from the perspective of the solar calendar. Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink anything between sunrise and sunset during Ramadan. All… Read More

Integration and ancient coins

In 2021, Tübingen-based coin researcher Stefan Krmnicek began publishing texts on ancient coins in tuenews INTERNATIONAL. Since then, nine articles have appeared in German, English, Arabic, Persian and some in Ukrainian. The translations and journalistic support were provided by the tuenews INTERNATIONAL editorial team. Four articles published in Arabic alone in 2021 attracted a strikingly high level of attention with around 74,000 views and the Persian versions with around 50,000 views. The article on a tetradrachm of Antiochus I from Seleucia on the Tigris emerged as the frontrunner. Perhaps its popularity is linked to a love story from antiquity depicted… Read More

How hijab and niqab affect the absorption of vitamin D

By Oula Mahfouz and Arne Schick1 Vitamin D is a crucial nutrient for the formation and maintenance of healthy bones as it regulates the absorption of calcium, the main component of bones. It also influences numerous functions in the body’s cells that, for example, inhibit inflammation, protect against cell damage or support the immune system, muscle function and brain cell activity. Natural sources of vitamin D are limited, but we can absorb it from fatty fish or through the conversion of chemical substances in the skin under direct sunlight. The amount of vitamin D produced depends on several factors, including… Read More

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