All vaccines available / wait between appointments can be shortened

The Tübingen vaccination center is expanding its range of services. First vaccinations of Biontech, Moderna and Astrazeneca are available now. A vaccination with the Janssen vaccine (Johnson and Johnson) can also be booked, which only needs to be injected once. It is recommended for people aged 60 and over. Initial appointments for a vaccination can be booked at and the vaccine can be selected by the individual. The date for the second vaccination can be set directly at the vaccination center in the Paul-Horn-Arena on the Tübingen festival site. There are also new regulations for the second vaccination. Those… Read More

Spontaneously go to Tübingen for vaccinations

It is easy to get vaccinated in Tübingen. From Monday, July 19, there is no need to make an appointment. Every day between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m., those willing to be vaccinated can go to the vaccination center in the Paul-Horn-Arena at the fairground. It is sufficient to bring an ID card or passport and—if available—a vaccination certificate. The offer is valid for the first and second vaccination. The vaccine can be determined by yourself after the informative discussion. There are vaccines from Biontech, Moderna, Astrazeneca and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). At Janssen, only one vaccination is necessary. Appointments… Read More

Tübingen vaccination center open again

After the heavy thunderstorm at the end of June, the Tübingen vaccination center in the Paul-Horn-Arena closed. Starting Monday, July 12th, vaccinations will again be given in the gym at the festival place. This was announced by the vaccination center on its website. There are new recommendations on the intervals between the first and the second vaccination. They can be shortened. An earlier appointment for the second vaccination with the vaccines Biontech, Moderna and Astrazeneca can be booked over a link on their website. The link for the first vaccination can also be found there. Dr Martin Hollerried from the… Read More

More guests allowed at meetings and parties

There are further relaxations with the new corona decrees. The new rules apply from Monday, 28th June, onwards. This was announced by the Tübingen District Office. There is a new limit of 10 infected per 100.000 residents within a week (7-day-incidence). If the incidence is below this number within five consecutive days, more things will be possible again – especially in private. Up to 25 people from an unlimited number of households can now meet in private. Recovered and fully vaccinated don’t count. Private parties such as weddings or birthdays can now be celebrated with up to 300 guests without… Read More

New vaccination appointments against Covid as of now

Vaccine against Covid is currently available again in Tübingen. The vaccines of the companies Johnson & Johnson and Biontech are vaccinated in the Alte Archäologie, Wilhelmstraße 9 in Tübingen. Appointments are still available for Janssen vaccinations up to and including Friday, 2 July 2021. For Biontech, appointments can be offered between Thursday, 1 July and Sunday, 4 July 2021. With the Janssen vaccine (Johnson & Johnson), only one vaccination appointment is needed. With Biontech, a second vaccination appointment is necessary. It will take place exactly six weeks later, on the same day and at the same time, at the Tübingen… Read More

Overview graphics on Corona regulations available in many languages

The Ministry of State of Baden-Württemberg has produced information graphics showing the Covid regulations. The graphics are available in the languages English, Arabic, Farsi, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Polish, Romanian and Russian. They show which rules apply when the incidence of corona cases is less than 100, less than 50 and less than 35. They also indicate the conditions under which further opening steps are possible if the incidence is less than 100. Currently, the incidence in Tübingen is below 35. tünews INTERNATIONAL regularly informs about the current regulations. Click here for the overview graphics: tun21061501 Das Staatsministerium Baden-Württemberg… Read More

State pays a one-off 100 euros per child in August

The Corona pandemic has restricted the lives of children and adolescents. In order to alleviate the consequences somewhat, the Bundestag has passed a children’s recreation bonus. Families with very low incomes receive a one-time payment of 100 euros per child. The money is to be paid out in August. The 100 euros can be used for holiday, sports and leisure activities. This is what the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs writes in a statement. Families who receive, for example, child benefit, housing benefit, basic income support or support under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act in August 2021 are entitled to… Read More

Mask requirement at schools loosened, tests remain

A low number of new infections with the coronavirus in Baden-Württemberg brings further easings of restrictions. From Monday, 21 June, the obligation to wear masks at schools will be loosened. From that day on, pupils in districts with less than 50 newly infected persons per 100,000 inhabitants in a week will no longer have to wear a mask outdoors. The mask can also be dispensed within class if the number of new infections in the district per 100,000 inhabitants in a week is below 35 (as is currently the case in the district of Tübingen) and there is no case… Read More

Fewer Covid Test Stations in Tübingen

In more and more areas, Corona testing is no longer compulsory. That is why some test stations are closing in the city centre of Tübingen. The test stations will remain open on the market square, at Haagtor, in Friedrichstraße, in front of the public library, in front of the pharmacy in Neue Straße, in the E-Center in Eugenstraße and in the Lustnau centre. There is also a test station in front of the open-air swimming pool. The test stations at Neckarbrücke and Kelternplatz have already been terminated. The test stations at Europaplatz and at the Zinser fashion store are to… Read More

Vaccination card also digitally

People who are fully vaccinated soon won’t have to take the yellow vaccination card with them anymore. They can proof with their smartphone that their corona vaccination is complete. Baden-Württemberg begins using the digital vaccination card on Monday, June 14th. This was announced by the Ministry of Health. Starting on this day, vaccination centers hand out digital proof after the second vaccination. On it, there is a QR-code. The code can be read by the free CovPass-App or the Corona-Warn-App – both available in the app store – and uploaded onto the smartphone. The QR-code is also valid when printed… Read More

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