Federal Constitutional Court: Reduced social benefits in collective accommodation are unconstitutional

The Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG)) has objected to the 10 per cent lower “special needs level” of social benefits for single adult asylum seekers in collective accommodation. This new regulation in the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act, passed by the German Bundestag in 2019, violates the fundamental right to be guaranteed a minimum subsistence level in human dignity (Article 1 and Article 20 of the Basic Law), the Federal Constitutional Court announced in a press release dated 24 November 2022. The decision concerns single adults who live in so-called collective accommodation and have been legally residing in the Federal Republic… Read More

More child benefit from 2023

Food and especially energy have become significantly more expensive. This is a burden on families in particular. That is why child benefit will be increased from January 2023. It will increase to 250 euros per child as of 1 January. The Bundestag and the Bundesrat have agreed to this. See https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/suche/deutliche-kindergelderhoehung-2141952 tun22112901 www.tuenews.de Ein Spielplatz in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. 000693      

Long wait for housing benefit

“More housing benefit for more people.” This is what the Bundestag and the Bundesrat decided. From January 2023, around two million households—instead of 600,000 households so far—are to receive housing benefit. The housing allowance is to be increased by an average of 190 euros per month to 370 euros from next year. According to the federal government, about 380,000 people will no longer have to rely on social assistance or unemployment benefit II. However, long waiting times for the processing of applications must be expected because of a lack of staff at the housing allowance offices, among other reasons. Attention!… Read More

Tübingen goes dark at night

Towns and municipalities in the district of Tübingen want to save energy—also in street lighting. In Tübingen, for example, the public utility company is switching off the lanterns completely for several hours on four nights for the time being. This applies from Sunday to Thursday between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. in all streets, including the city centre, but not in tunnels and subways. From Thursday to Sunday, the lanterns are to be lit, but reduced by about 30 per cent depending on the location. The police and the municipal public order service are to have an “increased presence” on… Read More

Learning to swim during the Christmas holidays

During the Christmas vacations, the “Swimming for All Children” initiative in Tübingen and Rottenburg is once again offering new free courses for children aged 5 and up. The prerequisite is that the family has a KreisBonusCard for their child. More detailed information can be found on the homepage www.sfak.de and on the Facebook page of the initiative. You can register online there. The courses are open to all children—regardless of whether they are German or from other countries. The swimming instructors come from different nations. Between December 21 and January 7, there are almost two hours of swimming lessons every… Read More

Gewalt gegen Frauen: Verein bietet Hilfe

„Frauen helfen Frauen“ hilft Frauen, die körperliche, psychische, soziale, ökonomische und sexuelle Gewalt erfahren haben oder sich bedroht fühlen. Der Tübinger Verein bietet kostenlose und anonyme Beratung und Unterstützung. Der Verein unterhält auch ein autonomes Frauenhaus, das Frauen und ihren Kindern beispielsweise Schutz vor gewalttätigen Partnern bietet. Auf der Homepage gibt es Infos auch auf Ukrainisch: https://www.frauen-helfen-frauen-tuebingen.de/ukrayinskii Die Mitarbeiterinnen von „Frauen helfen Frauen“ beraten persönlich, telefonisch und online. Betroffene Frauen können beispielsweise einen Termin für ein Gespräch im Frauen*ProjekteZentrum in der Weberstraße 8 in Tübingen vereinbaren. Treffen sind aber auch an anderen Orten möglich. Die Mitarbeiterinnen sprechen Deutsch, Englisch und… Read More

Violence against women: Association offers help

“Women Help Women” helps women who have experienced physical, psychological, social, economic and sexual violence or feel threatened. The Tübingen-based association offers free and anonymous counseling and support. The association also runs an autonomous women’s shelter that offers women and their children protection from violent partners, for example. Information is also available in Ukrainian on the homepage: https://www.frauen-helfen-frauen-tuebingen.de/ukrayinskii The staff of “Women Help Women” provide advice in person, by phone and online. For example, affected women can make an appointment for a meeting at the Frauen*ProjekteZentrum at Weberstraße 8 in Tübingen. However, meetings are also possible at other locations. The… Read More

Sick leave by phone extended

Patients with colds can continue to take sick leave by phone. This possibility is valid until 31 March 2023 because of Corona and the flu season. This was decided by the joint committee of doctors, health insurance companies and clinics. However, doctors must personally convince themselves of the patient’s illness in a thorough interview. Sick leave on the phone for minor upper respiratory illnesses is possible for up to seven days. It can be extended once by seven days. This regulation is intended to reduce full waiting rooms and thus the risk of infection in doctors’ surgeries. See https://www.g-ba.de/presse/pressemitteilungen-meldungen/1083/ tun22111801… Read More

State pays the gas surcharge in December

Those who heat and cook with gas or use district heating will be relieved in December. The Bundestag and the Bundesrat have passed an emergency aid bill worth billions. In December, the state will take over the down payment for gas—but only one twelfth of the annual consumption forecast in September. If tenants have a contract directly with an energy supplier, the company either waives the instalment in December or pays it back later. For other tenants, the landlord saves first. The landlord is then supposed to pass on the savings to the tenants in the annual statement of operating… Read More

Warning apps for your pocket

Warnings of dangers such as floods, toxic smoke or a terrorist attack sometimes come from a jacket pocket or backpack in Germany: namely, when a cell phone owner has the warning app Nina or Katwarn installed on their device. These free apps allow authorities to issue targeted warnings to the population of affected areas so that people can get to safety. The cell phone apps are a response to the fact that many sirens have been dismantled in Germany over the past 30 years, which previously alerted people with wailing sounds. The best known is the warning app NINA (https://www.bbk.bund.de/DE/Warnung-Vorsorge/Warn-App-NINA/warn-app-nina_node.html).… Read More

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