Nigeria gets looted Benin-art back

German museums will return art treasures looted from the former Kingdom of Benin. This was recently agreed upon by representatives of the German and Nigerian governments in Berlin. The former Kingdom of Benin is now part of the West African country of Nigeria. British colonial troops had looted the capital’s palace 125 years ago and taken bronze sculptures and reliefs, among other things. The art treasures were subsequently auctioned off in London to finance the military action. There are about 1100 art objects from Benin in German museums. Stuttgart’s Linden Museum owns about 78 objects from the former kingdom. This… Read More


In the coming week, temperatures in Baden-Württemberg are expected to rise well above 30 degrees again. For this reason, in a press release dated July 13, the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Health warns of possible health risks. Symptoms of heat exhaustion such as dizziness, headaches, exhaustion, nausea, and vomiting should be taken seriously by people. Children or people with disabilities should never be left in any parked vehicle, even for a short time. Tips from the Ministry of Health are more general in nature: you should provide your body with sufficient suitable fluids, and avoid alcohol and coffee. It is best… Read More

Tips for saving electricity

Since October 2021, energy prices for electricity, gas, and heating oil have been increasing more and more. Therefore, many consumer organizations and advice centers advise consumers to conserve energy. For example, using modern LED bulbs and buying energy-saving appliances are useful tips for saving electricity. Also, setting the fridge to a temperature between 5 and 7 degrees and the freezer to minus 18 degrees could help to save energy. Turning on the dishwasher to the correct degree of water hardness and running it in the economy program might be a helpful idea. Moreover, you will reduce more energy by washing… Read More

Help against discrimination at school

“You won’t pass in the Secondary School Certificate (Abitur), anyway” this comment was told to a Syrian high school student by a teacher in the district of Tübingen. The student felt that she was subject to discrimination, yet she did not want to be discouraged. In another case, a mother of a fifth-grader in the district of Tübingen was shocked to know that her son was excluded from the class trip. According to the teacher, his lively behavior endangered other children. The mother did not accept this reason and tried to talk to the teacher, but the teacher overreact. Therefore,… Read More

Child bonus: 100 euros for every child starting from July 2022

The Federal Government has passed a second relief package for all people in Germany. From 1st July 2022, families will receive a one-off child bonus of 100 euros for every child with the payment of child benefit. The child bonus intended to alleviate the increased financial burden on families. It is paid out automatically by the competent Family Benefits Offices (The Familienkasse) with the child benefit and usually does not require an application. This allowance is not counted as income in social benefits but is in addition to the benefits. The one-off bonus is also counted towards the child allowance… Read More

The Federal Foreign Office warns German-Syrians against traveling to Syria

Some Syrians who have already naturalized in Germany are planning to visit their homeland. However, the German Federal Foreign Office; the Foreign Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany (AA), warns against traveling to Syria under the title: “Travel and Security Advice” on its homepage. Syrians with dual nationalities; Syrian and German, are treated in Syria exclusively as Syrians, according to Syrian laws. This means “Even longer-standing violations of the law in the home country (e.g. illegal departure) can be prosecuted by the Syrian authorities upon return. In this context, arrests occur again and again” announced the AA. For male… Read More

Flat-Rate Energy Allowance for Rising Energy Costs

Employees, the self-employed people, and traders will receive a one-off lump sum of up to 300 euros in 2022 to compensate for rising energy costs. The Bundesrat and Bundestag decided the so-called energy price flat rate (EPP) as part of the second financial relief package for people in Germany. Regular salaried workers receive the amount together with their pay slips via their employer. For the self-employed, the income tax payment will be reduced once. However, the payment of the lump sum will be taxed. Therefore, the amount may vary. Only those who earn less than the basic tax-free average of… Read More

Immediate supplement for young people below the poverty line

According to the Bundestag and the Bundesrat, children and young people who are affected by poverty will receive an immediate supplement of 20 euros per month from 1 July. The supplement will be paid to children, and young adults in families who receive at least one of the following benefits: Basic income support, social assistance, benefits under the Asylum Seekers’ Benefits Act, supplementary subsistence assistance, and child supplement. Adults who meet these requirements receive a one-off payment of 200 euros. There is no need to apply for subsidies since they are paid automatically. For further information please visit the link… Read More

Travel and save with the 9-Euro-Ticket

Consumers are moaning about the sharp rise in energy prices. That’s why the Bundestag and Bundesrat have now decided to ease the burden on people. One part of the relief package is the 9-euro ticket. It is valid in June, July and August for second-class travel on all local trains, regional trains and buses, and trains throughout Germany. Long-distance travel (i.e. ICE, IC and EC trains) and Flixbus and Flixtrain are excluded. The ticket can be purchased in advance from the Naldo or VVS transport associations, for example, either individually or for all three months at once. The ticket is… Read More

Every degree less saves energy costs

Energy prices have been rising rapidly since 2021. With the war in Ukraine, the cost of electricity, heating and gasoline shot up again and continues to reach new highs. What can families and individuals do to reduce energy consumption and thus costs? The consumer center has tips. These tips are in a brochure that is also available in English, Arabic and Dari. The booklet explains how to heat properly, i.e. economically, how to ventilate the home properly, how to save energy when doing laundry, cooking and baking, washing dishes, and when working and playing with computers and the like. These… Read More

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