Support for sports activities

The association BewegtEuch e.V. promotes sports activities for children and young people under the age of 18. Those who would like to practice a sport but do not have the financial means for leisure activities can contact the association. Children and young people who have fled Ukraine also receive support. For example, membership fees at sports clubs, equipment for certain sports or participation in sports camps are paid. The association was founded, among others, by Dr. Lisa Federle, an emergency physician from Tübingen, during the Corona pandemic. Funding works through sponsorships and donations. Anyone who would like to receive a… Read More

When the “blue passport” is not accepted …

By Michael Seifert Refugees cannot use their identity documents to have money sent from abroad via Western Union. They can, however, transfer money abroad. This was the experience of Leyla (name changed by the editors), a Syrian woman, who reports: “My brother, who lives in Scandinavia, wanted to send me 250 euros via Western Union. I went to the post office in Tübingen and presented my blue refugee passport to identify myself. The woman at the counter told me I couldn’t get money with that passport.” Those were the new rules, she said. The fact that one is allowed to… Read More

Subsidy for heating costs doubled

Households receiving housing benefit, students with BAföG and quite a few trainees will receive a one-off subsidy for heating costs this year. The federal government has doubled the subsidy compared with the original plans because energy costs have risen so sharply. Recipients of housing allowance will receive 270 euros, and two-person households 350 euros. In addition, 70 euros is added for each additional person in the household. Students with BAföG and trainees with training allowance/training allowance who no longer live with their parents, as well as those receiving support for advancement with a maintenance allowance, receive 230 euros. The allowance… Read More

Private meetings possible indefinitely / Mask and 3G still apply

The Bundestag and Bundesrat have passed a new Infection Protection Act with relaxations. Baden-Württemberg will only partially adopt them. Here, some stricter rules continue to apply from Saturday, March 19th, up to and including Saturday, April 2nd. The most important changes: At private gatherings such as birthday or wedding parties, there is no longer a limit on the number of guests. For public events such as soccer matches or concerts, the audience restrictions will be dropped as well. The FFP2 mask requirement will continue to apply in enclosed spaces such as restaurants, gyms and public transport for people over the… Read More

Vacation program during the carnival vacations in Tübingen

During the carnival vacations from February 28 to March 4, the Pixelwerkstatt and the German-American Institute (d.a.i) offer a vacation program for children and teenagers. The d.a.i offers English courses from 5th grade up to Abitur preparation or exam preparation for Realschule level. For holders of the KreisBonusCard Junior, the courses cost 5 euros each. The Pixelwerkstatt offers courses on animated films, robots, textile plotting or photo editing. For holders of the KreisBonusCard Junior, the courses cost between 1 and 2 euros. For more information on the courses and to register, visit: tun22022401 Platanenallee in Tübingen. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL/Mostafa… Read More

Branches of the public library closed

A fire alarm system is being installed in the Derendingen branch of the Tübingen Public Library. Therefore, the library will be closed from February 26th to March 21nd. During this time, the library will also be unavailable by telephone. Loan periods that expire during this time will be automatically extended to March 22nd. If necessary, media can be borrowed and returned at the main branch of the public library. In addition, the Waldhäuser-Ost branch will be closed during the Carnival vacations from February 28 to March 4. Further information: tun22020104 Die Zweigstelle der Stadtbücherei Tübingen im Stadtteil Derendingen. Foto:… Read More

Apply for a spot in the day care center

Everyone who wishes to enroll their children in a day care center or nursery school in Tübingen must do so until the end of February 2021. The day care center years starts in September. The date until which parents have to accept the spot is provided in the acceptance letter. Detailed information about child day care in Tübingen ( and the application procedures (www.tü are available on the internet. There, it is also possible to apply for a public or private childcare spot online or to download the application forms as paper. The Zentrale Anmeldestelle Kinderbetreuung (Central Application Office for… Read More

Ban on plastic bags

From January 1st, 2022, plastic shopping bags will no longer be allowed to be offered in shops throughout Germany. More specifically the ban is on the light plastic carrier bags with a thickness between 15 and 50 micrometer. These are the standard bags that you used to get when you went shopping. Particularly sturdy reusable bags and the thin plastic bags found at fruit and vegetable stands are excluded from the ban. Why aren’t these bags banned as well? The federal government fears that manufacturers will then start packaging more products in plastic again. tun22010404 Ab dem 1. Januar… Read More

Those tested are allowed to shop again

The 3G rule is back in force in the retail sector. This means that apart from vaccinated and recovered people, anyone with a current negative Corona test can shop in retail shops such as clothing shops again as of Tuesday, 25 January. This was decided by the Administrative Court of Baden-Württemberg in Mannheim. The government announced that it would amend the Corona Ordinance accordingly this week. The detailed reasoning of the court can be found under the link,Lde/Startseite/Medien/_Einfrieren+der+Alarmstufe+II_+fuer+den+Einzelhandel+rechtswidrig/?LISTPAGE=1213200 tun22012501 In der Tübinger Fußgängerzone. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Mostafa Elyasian. Aktuelle Informationen zu Corona: Hier klicken

Country relaxes rules for quarantine

Even convalescents with at least one vaccination against the Corona virus no longer have to be quarantined as contacts. This regulation applies from Wednesday, 26 January. The Ministry of Health of Baden-Württemberg has adapted the regulations on quarantine in the Corona Ordinance to the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute. The following household members and contact persons no longer have to be quarantined: All those who have been vaccinated twice against the Corona virus and whose second vaccination was not less than 15 days and not more than 90 days ago, Those who have recovered and whose PCR evidence of… Read More

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