Ramadan in Covid conditions

For the second consecutive year, Muslims around the world fasted during the month of Ramadan under extraordinary circumstances due to the corona pandemic. However, this year was more difficult and sadder than the previous year. The effects of the coronavirus were stronger this year. They strongly influenced social life. Ramadan is known as a month of collective prayer in which Muslims gather in great numbers to perform tarawih (nightly prayers). These are customs and rituals that Muslims had to do without this year as well. Ramadan is a month in which the families usually gather at iftar (breaking the fast)… Read More

Ramadan in Covid conditions

For the second consecutive year, Muslims around the world fasted during the month of Ramadan under extraordinary circumstances due to the corona pandemic. However, this year was more difficult and sadder than the previous year. The effects of the coronavirus were stronger this year. They strongly influenced social life. Ramadan is known as a month of collective prayer in which Muslims gather in great numbers to perform tarawih (nightly prayers). These are customs and rituals that Muslims had to do without this year as well. Ramadan is a month in which the families usually gather at iftar (breaking the fast)… Read More

Educational and participation services in Tübingen

Families with little money can offer their children opportunities in school and free time that they could not otherwise afford. To do this, you can apply for benefits from the education and participation package at the District Office. For example: the transport of pupils to school, learning support (tuition), school trip costs and many other offers. Education and participation benefits are only given to those who are already receiving unemployment benefits, asylum seekers benefit or social assistance. The District Office is responsible for this in the Tübingen district. More information at www.kreis-tuebingen.de Contact via email: bildungspaket@kreis-tuebingen.de tun21040303 Das Landratsamt liegt… Read More

Helpline Sexual Abuse

The Helpline Sexual Abuse by N.I.N.A e.V. is offering anonymous consultation as well as help for affected and concerned people. People who experienced sexual abuse during their childhood or youth or are currently experiencing by it, can receive support here. All questions concerning the topic of sexual abuse and child abuse can be asked here. The number is: 0800 44 55 530 You can also contact them by writing an email: beratung@hilfetelefon-missbrauch.de More information under https://nina-info.de tun21020905 Viele junge Menschen erleben sexualisierte Gewalt – für sie bietet N.I.N.A. e.V. ein Hilfetelefon. Foto: tünews INTERNATIONAL / Kerstin Markl. Latest information on… Read More

Caution against fraud via SMS

During corona, many people order goods over the internet. Fraudsters exploit this. They send links about the shipping of packages via the short messaging system (SMS). These links lead to fake websites. This way, the criminals want to spread malware or gain access to sensible data, such as passwords or credit card numbers. This is called smishing, a composition of SMS and phishing. Internet specialists from the police advice: under no circumstances click on unknown links or files and don’t install unfamiliar apps on the smartphone. Furthermore, the SMS should be deleted. If users click on the link, they should… Read More

Small purchases

A customer comes to Mohammad in the greengrocer’s and wants to buy a banana. What does one banana do? Do people in Germany live and eat for themselves? Mohammad suspects that many go shopping here because they want to have fun. In Afghanistan, where Mohammad came to Germany from five years ago, people would buy much larger quantities of food. Instead of one kilogram of potatoes, they usually buy three kilograms that would be enough for a medium-sized family for a week. Rice would be fetched by the sack for a whole month. In Afghanistan, shopping is really something different.… Read More

It’s worth applying for a tax return

As a rule, anyone who works in Germany has to pay taxes. The employer pays these taxes directly to the tax office. For many people it is worth filing a tax return every year. Then, for example, they can inform the tax office of their costs for training, for the home office or for transportation to work. They can even apply to claim a flat rate for tax relief. The tax office then calculates whether someone will get money back. Of the 25.5 million people who were not self-employed in Germany in 2016, 13.7 million filed a tax return for… Read More

Yellow sacks are available in Nonnenhaus

Tübingen residents living in the city center can no longer pick up yellow bags at the Citizens’ Office in the city center. The yellow bags are now available in the magazine department of the Scriptum company on the first floor of the Nonnenhaus. The store is open Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. and on Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Yellow bags are also available in the citizens’ offices in Derendingen and Lustnau as well as in the administrative offices of the city districts. What belongs in the yellow sacks can be found online at… Read More

Scammers steal with fake emails

You may receive e-mails promising shopping vouchers or prizes. Sometimes the emails ask recipients to take part in a survey to receive the prizes. Sometimes these mails appear to come from the online mail order company Amazon, from food companies such as Edeka, Rewe and Lidl, or even from the furniture store Ikea. Attention: These are fake e-mails. Internet scammers want to trick the recipients. Anyone who clicks on the link provided is led astray. The link leads to the website of data collectors who want to get hold of pins or passwords, for example. With this data, they can… Read More

Women strengthen women

“Female Fellows” is an organization in Stuttgart. It was established in 2018. “Our aim is a society in which diversity thrives and which everyone can help shape equally,” says Female Fellows on its website. Diversity also defines the organization’s team: The women are from different countries and have different focuses in their work. The project for refugee women has developed continuously and has expanded to multiple cities. Eva Maria Lehmann has established this project together with Nour Othman in Tübingen. One of the project’s activities is the “Tandem Project”. It connects migrants and citizens so that they can support each… Read More

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