Baden-Württemberg limits contacts in private meetings

The state government in Baden-Württemberg is tightening the Corona rules once again before Christmas. They will apply from Monday, December 20th. In the current alert level II, contacts will be further restricted: If a person who has not been vaccinated or has not recovered attends a private meeting, a household may now only meet with one person from another household. Children and youth under 18 are not counted. Contact restrictions also apply to vaccinated and recovered persons. A maximum of 50 people are allowed to meet indoors, and a maximum of 200 people are allowed to meet outdoors. Again, children… Read More

Fake debt collection: Don’t pay the scammers under any circumstances

Scammers are always coming up with new tricks. Currently, they are sending fake debt collection letters. In this case, debt collection means that companies commission other companies to collect money for unpaid bills. In the letters, the scammers demand several hundred euros for alleged gambling subscriptions, for example. The debt collection companies ask to sign a direct debit authorization. They threaten, among other things, legal proceedings, foreclosures or seizures. But these companies do not exist. They are fake debt collectors. The consumer centre therefore advises: “Anyone who receives a fake debt collection letter should not react to it under any… Read More

Speeding and illegal parking is getting more expensive – the new catalog of fines

A new catalog of fines for road traffic came into force on November 9, 2021. This provides, for example, for a fine of 115 euros for exceeding the speed limit by more than 20 km/h in built-up areas, and 100 euros outside built-up areas If the speed limit is exceeded by more than 40 km/h, the fine is 400 euros in built-up areas and 320 euros outside built-up areas. An additional driving ban threatens if the limit is exceeded by more than 30 km/h in built-up areas and more than 40 km/h outside built-up areas. In the case of illegal… Read More

Please buy your ticket!

By Mostafa Elyasian Unlike many other countries, where you show your ticket as you board the train or bus, things work differently in Germany. Here, travelers board public transportation without first showing the driver their ticket. Passengers without a monthly ticket must purchase their ticket before boarding, or directly on the vehicle at a ticket machine. While you don’t show your ticket as you board, there are still people checking for tickets. These people board the bus unannounced, show their ID, and check for tickets. If you cannot show a ticket during the check, you must present your ID and… Read More


The evening before All Hallows’ Day, Halloween, from October 31st to November 1st, was especially popular in Catholic Ireland in its beginnings. Irish immigrants in the United States of America followed this tradition to remember their origin and extended it. Since the 1990s, the Halloween customs, building on the American traditions, have become popular in Europe. Youngsters and children dress up as zombies or other scary characters on the evening before All Hallows’ day and go around in groups. They knock on each door and ask, “Trick or Treat”, which is a way of asking for candy. tun21102601 An Halloween… Read More

Inflation: Corona drives up prices

Shopping and refueling is getting more expensive. When prices rise and money loses value, customers can buy less for the same amount of money they bought the same thing with some time ago. This general price increase is called inflation. This is currently the case, for example, for oil and electricity, for building materials, chemical products and microchips, but also for food. Vegetables in particular have become more expensive. According to the Federal Statistical Office, inflation in September was 4.1 per cent – almost as much as it was last almost 30 years ago. What makes the cost of living… Read More

Immigrants wanted for integration council

There is an integration council in Tübingen. It advises the municipal council and the city administration on integration policy issues. The Integration Council is looking for five people to become residents with expertise in integration and migration issues. If one of the incumbent residents leaves the Integration Council, a person from the list of replacements will take his or her place. Interested persons can apply until 15 December 2021. This is announced by the city administration. The municipal council is expected to elect the five replacements in March 2022. The term of office of the current integration council runs until… Read More

Beware of fraudulent SMS

There is a new wave of fraud on smartphones right now. Criminals are trying to spread harmful apps via SMS. “Be careful if you receive a ‘New voicemail’ SMS with a link behind it!”, says the consumer advice centre. Sometimes the scammers also write “You have a missed call”. Under no circumstances should the links in these messages be tapped. A new app is supposed to be installed via the links. In this way, the scammers can steal data on the mobile phone, for example. This scam is called smishing – from SMS and phishing. The consumer advice centre provides… Read More

11 per cent of MPs in the new Bundestag have a migration background

83 MPs with a migration background will sit in the newly elected German Bundestag, the parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. That is 11.3 per cent of all 735 MPs, compared to only 8.2 per cent in the last election in 2017. This is the result of research by the “Mediendienst Integration”. Migration background means when a person himself or at least one parent does not have German citizenship by birth, that is how the statisticians define it. According to this definition, 26 per cent of the German population have a migration background. Of the parties, “Die Linke” has… Read More

Help for refugees in Tübingen at the new location

The Social Welfare Department of the City of Tübingen has moved. It is now located at Derendinger Straße 50. It is about a ten-minute walk from the main railway station. Lines 2, 5 and 16 take about four minutes from the station to the Hegelstraße bus stop. The building is barrier-free and has a lift. In the department for assistance for refugees, the staff advise on all questions of daily life—for example, language acquisition, education, work integration as well as housing, education and participation. Office hours are Mondays and Wednesdays from 8.30 to 11.30 a.m. and by appointment. Appointments must… Read More

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